Prevent the centaurs from recapturing Wallwatcher camp

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Prevent the centaurs from recapturing Wallwatcher camp

Interactive map

Interactive map

Prevent the centaurs from recapturing Wallwatcher camp is a level 24 event that occurs at Wallwatcher Camp in Thunder Ridge. Players must protect Lieutenant Gregoire and Seraph soldiers from 8 waves of centaurs.



Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 985 Experience.png 126 Karma 29 Copper coin
Silver 838 Experience.png 108 Karma 25 Copper coin
Bronze 739 Experience.png 95 Karma 22 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 24 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





Before Event Start

Lieutenant Gregoire: Soldiers! The enemy approaches! As long as the heart still beats in a single Seraph chest, this camp is ours!
Lieutenant Gregoire: Hold the gates. Make me proud.