Prevent the Flame Legion from completing a ritual to pollute Blackblade Lake

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Prevent the Flame Legion from completing a ritual to pollute Blackblade Lake

Interactive map

Interactive map

Prevent the Flame Legion from completing a ritual to pollute Blackblade Lake is a level 20 event that occurs in Blackblade Lake.


  • Flame Legion Ritual
  • Event bar.jpg
  • Flame Legion determination: x%


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 802 Experience.png 108 Karma 25 Copper coin
Silver 681 Experience.png 92 Karma 21 Copper coin
Bronze 601 Experience.png 81 Karma 19 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 20 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.






Veteran Flame Legion Ritualist (1): Shadows, rise! Consume this water with darkness! Smother and congeal!
Veteran Flame Legion Ritualist (1): Thicken the water with darkness and boiling bubbles! Suffocate everything in its grasp!
Veteran Flame Legion Ritualist (2): Deliver this water to the abyss! Impure souls will fall in its void!
Veteran Flame Legion Ritualist (2): Tyria's black blood rises from the depths! Shadows engulf this lake! Be water, no longer!