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Paxx is an asura working at Club Canach. Paxx and her brother Daxx were hired by Canach in Rata Sum.
- Watch your step! I'm lugging barrels bigger than me over here! What can I do for ya?
- Tigg? I think he's got a cousin who's famous for writing books or somethin'. Anyways, he's our barker. Real good at it too. Don't know how he keeps his energy up.
- Indeed.
Can you tell me anything about Tigg?
- Canach hired me and my brother Daxx back in Rata Sum. We were working in kitchens and getting in trouble. We've moved up since then—and now when we get in trouble, we've got an airship for getaways!
- Sounds like a good deal.
How did you start working here?
- Storing the bodies of unruly patrons... I kid. Canach's most special vintages. Picked 'em up from all over the world.
- Mmm. Delightful.
What're the barrels for?
- Nothing.