Jager Haunteyes

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Jager Haunteyes


Interactive map

Jager Haunteyes is a member of the Ash Legion. Unlike his partner, Korin Hauntfoe, he is in love with his assignment.




I love this place! Best guard duty I've had. Ever.
Talk more option tango.png What's so great about it?
It doesn't happen too often but we've seen cows flying through the air. My partner was even hit by one! It was hilarious.
Talk more option tango.png Are you serious?
I'm dead serious. I think the cattle are an exotic type of bovine—yet to be documented—with flight capability.
Talk more option tango.png I think you may have been dreaming.
(growl) I know what I saw! That's the only explanation. I challenge you to prove me wrong.
Talk end option tango.png Fine. I'll get to the bottom of these flying cows.
Talk end option tango.png That's crazy. I'm leaving now.
Talk end option tango.png Flying cows? I'm out of here.
Talk end option tango.png Keep that enthusiasm up!