Guild Chat - Episode 24

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Guild Chat - Episode 24

PvP Leagues
Rubi Bayer
Hugh Norfolk
Jessica Boettiger
December 4, 2015
Official video
The following is an unofficial, player-written transcript of the episode. The accuracy of this transcription has not been verified by ArenaNet.

The 24th episode of Guild Chat aired on December 4, 2015.

"Host Rubi Bayer is joined by Game Designer Hugh Norfolk and Competitive Test Manager Jessica Boettiger to talk about Pro League and PvP leagues."


Below is the raw unformatted transcript from Youtube.

all right welcome to guild chat you guys i'm your host ruby and today we are
going to be talking about pro leagues and pvp leagues in guild
wars 2. um with me today are two of my favorite
people hugh and jessica came to walk us through it i'll make
sure i give you that money afterwards thank you thank you i appreciate that um
you said that jessica pitched in on that yeah definitely definitely she will she
will yeah it's a nice nice thing said about
you foreign all right so why don't we start with pro
leagues and you guys can kind of walk us through that what is pro leagues
first so pro leagues is a league that we've
created external to the game through esl uh it's where the top teams of both
north america and europe can participate in a big essentially round robin
tournament where they're gonna play every single person every
week they get to have one match up and they're playing for a lump sum of
money the more wins they get the more money they get
and we had teams come in that were based off of our go4 cup so some teams
solidified their their spots in there through
wts their go four points and stuff like that so like absurd got in obviously
from north america nice orange logo tcg from from europe so
a lot of big name teams got in and then we had kind of these
qualifying tournaments for these teams to go ahead and
participate to get those last few spots so we got a lot of awesome teams from
you know it seems that we had some teams we never really heard of
so there were some upsets there was some upsets yeah some of these guys are
making their mark yeah some of these teams like we had
never really heard of or seen before but they did really well in the
tournaments and they got into pro leagues yeah so it's
it's pretty exciting to watch because there's a couple teams that we
just never heard of yeah and they came flying out of nowhere there has been
some there have been some pretty cool matches
oh yeah um how long is this going on for and when
can we watch this so every monday i think we have a slide kind of going
over this year yeah we've got a schedule that we can take a peek at real quick
yeah so every monday so you see that we had the qualifier the deciding matches
and then we've already gone through two days of this uh so we already had uh
the first match in the second match there
but december 7th you can go ahead and catch that on mondays
there's a north american one and a european one so there are different
times ones in the morning for uh european and north american is at five
right uh but yeah take a look catch some guys
it's super exciting because these guys are playing not only for you know
some money but also for their lives because the bottom the bottom of their
lives literally we're going to be killing them
off the bottom today oh my gosh what i'm going to need more money what i
meant by that is the bottom teens are actually going to
be put into a different tournament to see if they get to stay in pro
leagues or actually get kicked out so it's in their lives and their lives
take that into account bottom teams look you guys
we will not kill you and we will stop you from killing you oh my gosh
hey jessica please talk make them stop um that was amazing all right so
just always playing for money not your lives
and you mentioned some upsets i mean how's it going
tell me about the good matches i mean there's there's
there's been some good matches and there's been some expected matches
uh you know obviously the absurd and orange logo and uh civilized gentlemen
have been around and playing together for a very long time so
it's it's not easy to step in and try to go toe-to-toe with them but we've seen
people do really well i think my favorite match was between uh
the absurd and peasy and team peasy yep yes
so the we know that the titan can bleed now
because they lost a game they did lose one game they lost the game to pz
but unfortunately this is one of the things pz who actually took a game off
of gerd which is pretty much uncalled for like just
unheard of unheard of uncalled for how dare you
i can't help but notice you're very bloodthirsty i am
um but yeah they actually took a game of them but they lost and they lost their
first match to apex prime so actually they're 2-0
but they've had some of the two hardest match-ups in the league so far
and they took a game off of juror which again
uncalled for pc uncalled for i loved it good work yeah it was it was amazing it
was amazing amazing games and that's what we're seeing
the good thing is that it's only one match up and they get to play everybody
it's around robin so i'm drinking to play everybody pz
gets to play everybody orange low gets to play everybody and we all get to see
who the best team is in the in the entire uh
you know the region or whatever and that's that's huge yeah so
if you're i mean if you're into this and there's a match up that we haven't done
it's because we haven't done it yet yes so that's the cool thing to me
everybody's gonna get matched up with everybody yes at some point yeah
that's like the thing that makes it really exciting like usually in a
tournament environment some of the some of the teams may get wind up
winning or losing out and they don't actually get to play each other so you
don't get those hype moments those hype matches that you've always wanted to see
but in this system in pro leagues everybody plays everybody love it
so it's super cool yeah all right so even if
i mean even if you're not a pvp player and you know i'm
super super casual i've had a lot of fun watching these because even if
it's not even if you're not to the point in pvp where you're looking and you're
analyzing every build and every tiny match
and every tiny movement that they use it's still really a lot of fun to watch
yeah just to see who comes and some of the players are
such great personalities oh yeah the interviews are fascinating
they're legendary legendary i love the interviews afterwards
and it's great though because they usually pull off the team that either
usually won and you can listen to them they're
excited you can see them like talk about like their their
their comms and what they were saying and like some of the things and that's
actually a really huge insight you usually don't get to see in a tournament
environment but in pro leagues we're able to do that
kind of stuff and i think that's really cool too
but it also puts those faces to teams you didn't know
right and that's again i i think everything about it even if you're a
super casual guy watching there the commentators are
really good breaking down a lot of things in layman's terms for a lot of
people as well as being able to see that
getting the interviews and just meeting the teams
you can become invested really quickly just by watching these things yeah
and please note that when i say they're such great personalities i don't mean
they're such quiet and polite boys and girls
they are yes again they're so much fun they're special they're so much special
and you guys you guys know rum is the best you guys
know i mean that in the nicest of way i enjoy this so much i
love it yeah all right so that's kind of how pro
leagues work the teams are set for this particular season yes next
season what if somebody's watching and it's like hey this is pretty cool i went
in on this so we'll kind of go over to a little bit when we go
actually broke bring up to the the guild challenger league but yes a guild teams
that participate in the ranked arena post season during a season
post on the guild challenger league leaderboard
we're going to use that to find teams to go into the tournament the
challenger cup to have their shot to go into pro
leagues bottom pro league teams come down to this tournament
guild challenger league teams go up to this tournament whoever wins
you going to pro leagues yeah so next season
you could be you yeah this season is pretty set but
it's not over for all time enjoy this one watch it
and see what you can do next season that's right all right so that's pro
leagues that's how pro leagues work i want to talk about pvp leagues next
because this is a thing we just kicked off this week um if you're already
participating i know there are things that you guys
have questions about things that you're wondering about things you want us to
talk about and we're going to do that so we're
going to those of you who aren't already participating who aren't sure what it's
all about we're going to get you caught up
if you're already participating we're going to talk about things that you want
to talk about so you guys ready yeah i'm ready i'm
excited we have until the toast no wait oh no right no all right so
let's okay i think one of the big things we should do is probably just
what are pvp leagues how does this differ from pro leagues yes so pvp
leagues are something that anyone could participate in
all you have to do is be ranked 20 uh rank 20 in pvp
go in and go to ranked arena uh once we go again i'll kind of show off some of
these things as well but the big thing is is that anyone can
participate and it has divisions that you want to go
up tears in the divisions and then
obviously we have points people are calling them pips because that's we
always called them but then we call them points so we're going to either way you
want to call them points or pips and you get those for winning in matches
um and you just kind of go up and you play
and it's there's rewards tied to it there's a legendary journey we're kind
of getting to that as well but i think the best way to describe
this let's go in game all right yep let's take a look um while
we are getting hugh in the game and getting him set up
one of the things that we've noticed is that some people are finding it kind of
hard to understand so we're going to run through the system and make sure
it's clear for you guys ready go i'm ready
all right so one thing i said is you're going to go ahead and go to the cross
swords up here guys and then you just go up to compete
it's so orange it's it's right yeah uh i mean i may have played a lot of warrior
on my dev account or maybe only online i don't know what
you're talking about we won't condemn them for life
right now i mean yeah yeah i mean on all the other clients i play all the others
but seriously it's super orange that's pretty orange carry on um but you
can see here like this this tells you when the season ends so
it lets you know like how much time you have it's an eight week season
started on tuesday ends on january 26th up you just click the button that's it
you click the button and what does this participate or what do you actually get
from this that sounds hard i know it's pretty
pretty difficult pretty difficult but it opens up this guy right here and
it actually starts this ui explains to you what the pp leagues are
so i'll kind of go over this page for you and kind of explain this
so let me move it out of the way so my my beautiful head isn't blocking this
so you can see here there are six divisions here at the bottom what can i
go over each division okay division
so the division is this right here so this is the amber division
there's three tiers so you can see the numbers here those are equal to tiers
there's rewards at each tier and then there's a division reward for crossing
over each one of these little notches is
either we call them points or pips you get those from winning matches and
we'll kind of explain how sometimes you can get a little more
sometimes you get a little less sometimes you can get some winning or
losing yeah i think it's important to note that
there's a lot of partial progress built into the system so
if you are in a match um and you are heavily favored to win
uh or heavily favored to lose um if you do well in the match
depending on score thresholds you are still potentially going to
uh climb the ladder so i think that's uh it's important to know yeah definitely
uh because it's it's not entirely clear like how you would be
earning these yeah but it is based off of score score
thresholds and yeah team scores specifically yes team score um so the
one thing like uh just going off what jessica said is that
we were gonna put that stuff in the beginning of the match up so you can see
like hey if i get this score threshold if i get this
i'll be able to get some points or stay equal but what happened was we thought
was you didn't want people to be like oh i'm
i'm supposed to lose this match because it says that i need
to only get this many points to get something
so we decide you know what let's put at the back let's show we show at the end
and just play your heart out every single game play your heart out
and you never know but one thing it's not super it's not super clear
yeah so that's why we want to show if you're heavily favored to win
if you win you get one but if you get specific
thresholds lower you'll lose additional pips or with that
we haven't really seen a lot of these like huge swings
right but we have seen a couple where it's like you know you're slightly
favored to win or slightly favor to lose so if you
maybe get certain number of points you'll actually get you won't even if
you lose you won't lose any pips yep so and that's kind of the
way the system works it depends on the match
it looks the match and then says okay i think you're going to win this one
you got to win this one because if not i'm going to we're going to take a
little extra couple pips off you or if you're you're supposed to lose this
match hey if you can get pretty close to a win
we'll go ahead and take a pic either give you a pimp or not even remove one
from you so always always always always guys play
your heart out because you never know you may actually get two pips you may
get one pip you may not lose a pit that's the biggest thing but let's
explain how the divisions work so the divisions
have rules so we have the sweet little divisions rules here to let you know
so you can't lose points in the in the first one and you cannot lose tears
so here are the tiers here are the points so every time you win here you go
up if you lose you don't lose anything you stay the same and once you cross
over a tier you don't go back a tier both he's just letting you know and when
you cross the tier you get sweet you get these sweet rewards you get some
shards of glory you get unidentified dye 30 silver and some transmutation
charge so you can get essentially two of those guys and then when you cross over
the division you get some more shards uh you get 15 pp lead
tickets what we'll talk about when we go about the journey
uh the ascension journey and then five gold
five gold man i'm a boss uh transmutation charge
and you get the sweet little badge by your name so what here if you actually
what i'll show you see this little number there it's like two with green so
right now i'm in the amber division so if i hit this button right here
you can see i have this this nice little badge it's
the same color it has a little one on it telling me that i'm in the amber bed
the amber division that's also important uh if you're looking to party up with
people and you want to group with someone that's in here yeah
so it's easy to identify um who you should be inviting so let's go ahead
just quickly i'll go over let's just the other divisions now that we can't
understand how it all works okay so if i go over to the emerald division
it says i can lose points but i can't lose tears so every time you cross a
tier you're safe you can lose a couple games
and not worry about it but as you go up the
up the tier if you do lose games you will lose a couple points along the way
but every time you hit a tier you'll go up and you'll be safe
and then it kind of goes like that in the same division for sapphire and then
as you go over to ruby uh you can lose it starts getting a
little a little real uh yeah once you get into proofing
because that's the best one that's right i bet it's spelled wrong
what or it's spelled right right right um you can lose
points and tears in this one so you're never safe anywhere on this guy
it's all about it's you got to be the treacherous this is the treacherous one
this is the one where you know skill's really going to take into account here
you got to get a good win streaks and whatnot you have to have more wins than
losses um and then we have diamond which is the
same thing just a little bit bigger and then if you
ever get into legendary are super super awesome guys
you can lose pips you can lose tears we reduce the number here and you can
actually repeat this guy so you see there's a times 1 here you
can make this times 2 times 3 times four times five and this is the only place
that you can actually lose divisions so you can't lose divisions at
all anywhere once you go into one of these guys you're safe
but you can never go from legendary back to diamond but if you're
legendary say repeat two or prestige two or prestige three
you can go back to prestige two and prestige one
so there's a nice little leaderboard here which we see look at this boss
right here one million seven hundred thousand wow
this guy plays a lot he has been just mashing on that league
during the day i'm sure that dude is a big
cheater pants wow you this guy's a guy he's a god
he's on he didn't want to tell you this this is actually somebody
that can't participate in tournaments because he's too good he's too good
it's not me i wish uh but yeah so then there's that there's
there's a leaderboard here to let you know and you can actually track those
things to see how many times people repeated there so
you can see there's a prestige leaderboard there for those guys
nice um but yeah well as you as you mentioned
um not being able to lose divisions and and the different rules
i think it's important to note something we've been kind of observing
uh as we've kicked off uh leaks a couple days ago yeah
um players might find that it uh it is in their best you can say it
too okay go ahead to uh tank tank their mmrs so that they can
um get some easy matches and and progress through the uh
the divisions more quickly but as hugh mentioned um once you
start actually climbing um and you get into
some of those uh harder harder divisions like
um ruby it's it's definitely not going to
behoove you to uh purposefully lose um it sounds like it's seriously not worth
your time no i mean it's a huge time investment the biggest thing is you're
not really even guaranteed wins like yeah like if you lower your mmr
we're you're gonna be match made with people of that same mmr
so you have to be good enough that you can guarantee a win where you carry four
other teammates against another team yeah right and that's
that's why like you spend a bunch of time you do these things
and it doesn't really guarantee you when it's not really i don't it doesn't seem
worth your time we've seen we've looked at some of these things and
it just never seemed to be worthwhile so also it's against the code of the
service in terms of services you really want to draw the attention of
customer support for that reason is it worth it it sounds like it's super
not worth it it's it's really not and like
like jessica's saying it i mean once you get to higher divisions it makes matters
even less yeah so it's just going to be wasting
your time it seems like a big waste time but yeah you know keep keep that in mind
it is against the terms of service so if you are doing that think about that
you are nobody nobody wants to spend time playing
a shitty match right yeah like if i'm going to invest my time i want it to be
a challenge i want everyone to be trying and um yeah so and if
if none of that matters again waste of your time
yeah that's the biggest thing so this is i mean this is
coming from you guys i clearly do not know as well as
you do what i'm talking about but having talked to you guys and some other
members of the teams the past couple days it sounds like it's
you're not gaining enough from it to make it worth it and we're really
watching a lot of that stuff like we're constantly listening to community we are
always watching metrics and getting data and stuff like that and
from what we've seen it doesn't seem worth it yeah and it's not just
watching it's not like hey we're watching you to bring down the band
hammer or so you can kill you evidently but
we're watching too to see what the case is to find out
okay what's the reality of the situation here we've it's only been out three days
and we've been constantly pulling metrics every day
yeah constantly looking at all the data having meetings on the data going
through all that stuff because we want to make sure the system's right
yeah so speaking of that yes i think you're going to say the same thing about
mmr factoring in oh right well yes well we're going to talk about that now
surprise yeah um yeah we are we're definitely
looking at how mmr is factoring into matchmaking
um i think with the current league system
there are some adjustments that we would like to make so it's only been out for
three days uh and we're actively watching listening
and um brainstorming on on how we can make it
better make it better yeah um and then you're gonna say yeah make
it make it the best possible system because
um that's that's what it should be yeah definitely i mean we're
constantly monitoring and we're going to make adjustments yep and uh i
i think we should note there were a few bugs um that
i think we fixed today we fixed we fixed specifically
there was specifically a bug with the with guild teams
people were making uh multiple guild teams because the way guild teams were
they were making it so you could actually get some easier matchups that's
not the case anymore that was fixed today so if you make you
like obviously if you're on your your guild team play have fun and you
can be on multiple guild teams and this won't ever affect you
it was when you made a guild team to play
specifically to get easier matchups and then created another one and then played
it and they created the other one and played it that doesn't work anymore that
was fixed today so we don't need to worry about that
play on your guild team you could be like i said be multiple guild teams
that's totally fine but the constant making of new ones just
it doesn't work it doesn't do what they was doing before yep all
right so stop that because it doesn't work
um what about winning a match when your party member disconnects yeah that's
another bug we found out was right before if you won a match with a
group and one of your players dropped from you know their power went out or
some their cat ate their cord or i don't know
what happened i said she did it on accident
um it would count the entire group as a loss yeah if you were
that's a bug if you were in a party yeah and that's that's just a bug it's gonna
be fixed december uh early mid december we're gonna fix
that right away because that's just a bug that shouldn't happen if you win
if you ever win a match even if you're in a party you won
yeah the person who dc'd will probably get the loss depending on how long
they're out um if you lose when someone loses when
you leave you lost but yeah but if you ever win you win you get
your win you get your win you get what you earned
yeah exactly so that's sort of important yeah and again
we're gonna fix it as soon as possible okay awesome yeah some of this stuff is
a tiny bit more complicated yeah it's never just a few lines of code
yeah i cannot say that enough yeah yeah no i mean
like i said like team evan all of us have been looking at this stuff and
we're like man okay we can fix that it's just going to take a little bit of time
make sure we test it make sure it's right before we get it out as well we
don't want to just throw something out there
yeah it turns out we we would like to put that out yeah definitely fix it
properly yes all right so that's how the that's how
the leagues work we also want to talk about the guild
challenger league that you mentioned earlier yeah yeah let's go ahead let's
jump back in there real quick and i'll kind of
explain like some of the stuff about it and
where you can look for in in uh in the lobby and where like the leaderboard
is even that you can actually look for it um
in your guild team as well so i'm gonna run over here so you can see
it's so bright because i have the settings all high but you actually come
over here and look to see which of the first second and third
place guild team and we put their banners up here
and you can see their emblems obviously like i said i have post processing this
was super bright uh but you could go over to the actual
league and look to see who's on the top of the leaderboard what their team
writing is what their win loss ratio is as well as the rewards on here as well
and so the first place team will get this guy second place through 25th place
gets this guy 26 through 100's place gets this guy and
we kind of go all the way 101 to 250 and 251 to 1 000. so it's
it's it's good to make a guild team because even if you're
not the best of the best you'll still get some progress you'll still get
you'll still get some some guilty rewards yeah and this is for every
single member of that guild team gets this reward
you're nice so yeah it's really it's really good no
don't you dare do this to me oh no um but
but yeah that's that's it guys again you need a queue with three members
uh i'll kind of go over let's see if i have one yeah you should show the guild
team yeah so we go over to wait where am i oh
that was right
himself but you can actually look at the guild team uh the guild challenger
league here as well uh when you're looking at your guild
team you need to at least queue and rank to ring with three members and then
when you queue it'll ask if you want to represent your guild team you say yes
and then you will post immediately to the leaderboard as soon as the game is
done so if you win boom immediately post and
you may start taking overtaking teams like that
but yeah this is where you get it up you create the team you can set who you want
the captain to be so they can invite people
jessica beastmode jessica uh but yeah so we put ourselves
uh here you can invite people you can immediately click the button just to buy
them to party you can see we are four and oh what up
best team in the world best team on down um but yeah it even gives you like your
match history and when you played and whatnot so
it's got all that nice stuff but yeah that's the way it is pretty simple
you just cue as a guild team and get on there why do i want to why do i care
well so that you may ask the hard questions yeah no no that's good
i actually have some of the rewards here but um one of the big things is
obviously you get the reward uh which gives you a unique
trophy every season for your guild hall you only get one of it
you only get one obviously because your one team got it but you get this trophy
that you can display for every season so every time you get on there if you can
get within the first you know the 20 all the
way to 25 all the way i think it's all the way up
to 250. if you can get the top 250 uh make sure just to make sure i'm not
lying to you guys yeah if you can get the top 250 teams you'll get a unique
trophy from the guild challenger leader guild challenge league
that you can display forever right and it's for every season
uh and then obviously you get some potions uh potions of pvp
which are the reward track potions which are used in upgrading your guild arena
as well as the guild challenge decoration token which is where you'll
be able to get this as a unique token that can be spent at the guild
halls to make a to get a decoration only can be got from pvp uh guild teams
nice so it's like every season we're just going to keep adding these these
decorations so you would buy the decorations and again they're unique
to pvp so yeah so you've got the stuff in your guild hall
and the rest of your guildies can see hey we you know we did this we
are making the guild hall better it's a little bit of a side effect but this is
a cool thing that we accomplished as a guild yep and you get that all the
way up to 1 000. so like even all you have to do is get
top 1000 you can get that guaranteed decoration if you get to 250 you get
that guarantee decoration plus a trophy plus the trophy yep and so then
also you get a little bit of money you get some items uh that help restore
your guild arena so everything about this is essentially for
the guild you get the guild trophy you get the guild decoration you
get some potions of pvp that you can consume for yourself to progress your
award tracks or to progress your guild arena and then
we also give you some items specifically cater to progressing your
guild arena nice so all those things are just from
that and again each member gets that as well the only thing that's not per
member is the actual trophy the trophies per team so you get one per team
okay so one question that i was going to ask and you've kind of
you've mostly answered it but i mean i think we all know i am a casual
pvp player at best should i even bother i mean i think it
seems totally worth it so i know we have a lot of players who are like well i'm
not good at pvp or i flat don't like pvp i don't know if
you're a player who doesn't like pvp you don't like the idea
of it because you haven't tried it you and i have been
saying this for so long i played guild wars 1 for years i played guild
wars 2 for several years before even starting
pvp i just i wanted nothing to do with it
and i will just keep saying this just take your heel days give it a try
because really i ended up having so much fun
didn't i i enjoyed it a lot no and i think that's the big thing yeah
now that there's actual structure to it you can cue with the guild like you can
create your own little guild you know with a little little group
within your guild to go play some pvp have some fun right the big thing is
because you know the way it is you're not only just getting
the guild stuff but you have to get only to top 1000 to get rewards based on that
right which is top 1000 teams teams not 10 000 people yeah it's i mean
it's a lot of teams and then you're also getting reward
track progress you're also getting if you're progressing on because there's
also when you participate in this i should make sure i mention this
it also progresses the league so you are getting pips for wins because you're
playing in ranked arena so you're also progressing that right so
it's like all these things are happening all the same time
as long as you're playing with the team you know you can play you can progress
in stronghold you can progress in conquest conquest proposes the board
specifically so you need to play uh conquest to participate on the board
okay but if you want to just warm up and play
some stuff and just progress to the ladder specifically with your guild team
you can play uh stronghold yeah so if i only like stronghold
you can play that you won't progress the guild challenger league but you at least
get more comfortable until you're ready to
go to conquest yeah and i think that's one big thing to
think to note as well i i think it's also
uh worth mentioning that well reminding people that
being in the guild challenger league is an opportunity to
move on to the pro league so if you're not currently playing pvp or you're not
sure you're interested in it um i think it's a very compelling
that you could be a part of a bigger picture
knowing that you might someday get to compete for
if you fall in love with it and find out this is something okay i really like
this i didn't think i was going to i'm absolutely crazy about this game
mode and i want to do more than you are now in the running yeah i
mean it's it's kind of like the progression right you start unranked you
level up you get to rank 20 you go in there
you play not in a guild team maybe if you want progress the leagues get up to
diamond or sapphire ruby right then you're like oh i want to take it to the
next level i want to make a guild team so i can participate in the guild
challenger league and then from there i want to become the
best skill challenger league team so i can get a chance to get into pro leagues
you go to pro leagues go all the way up to a world championship right
the progression's there for you you can go as far as you want as fast as you
want whenever you want right that's the best part about it right if
you want to just play solo hey enjoy yourself you want to go to that
next level go to teams even if you're super casual
playing in teams worst comes to worse you progress your your league
right you may not get top thousand but you'll progressively you'll get a couple
tears you'll at least get out of amber
division you'll get some reward track progress
you know it's that's the thing the absolute worst case scenario
is that you get some rewards yeah that's the absolute worst thing is gonna
that happens is that you're gonna get some cool stuff yeah exactly which
i absolutely love yeah and that's why like i always just say
give it a try get your guild together have some fun make it a night
make it a night where you guys all get together and play and you might wind up
saying hey that was really fun cause we should do it again tonight
you won't even know until you try yeah all right so we're getting kind of late
here and there's one more thing that i really
want you to show off show us the backpack yep all right so in
all of its glory so let's start this out i kind of left some things uh
not finished because i want to show you guys so uh i'll kind of go over this
really quick so the way you get your backpack
uh there's a little journey you have to go on it but
you need to progress over divisions to get these
pvp league tickets so you see crossing this division gives you 15.
so 15 league tickets so this guy actually has the backpack
on already show off so look at this guy looking like a beast
so he's got these are the legendary wings that you're you're working towards
but you know you don't get to quite start out it's quite so legendary at
first so you start off with these beautiful
little chibi wings i love these little guys oh my god they're so
cute they're so cute let me let me take off
my let me take off my uh okay my outfits i had them on like my
adorable little sarah that's where i've seen them so you see
like i'm this huge death machine ready to destroy the world
and i got these cute littles look at how cute they are they're just beautiful
i'm working towards a legendary i'm going to be a legend one day is what
this man is saying but you know he's gonna look menacing
until he gets in the meantime i'm cupid yeah and so so then after this
you buy this so after just completing the first division you'll be able to buy
these i love it so then after that you get to
the next set of wings so the wings get a little bigger they get a little bit more
you get a little bit more flare on that bad boy okay
you can still look take off your sword okay it's it's a wonderful sword what
he's blinking at me he's so excited well that's my problem with it get rid
of it it's upsetting i'll take it it's all so distracting
from the wings get rid of the hammer just
so there's that let's go back oh you're so beautiful they're so cute
all right so then so then we go to the third set of wings you get this guy
right here and starting to get starting to look
really nice starting to look like some some beautiful wings there
and then you go ahead and go to the last set you get a little bit of fire a
little effect on those bad boys and you can see they they start really
showing off from behind you okay see that looks kind of cool
yeah it's pretty sweet like these ones you can kind of see as they come up and
you can see these guys not super much you can see a little on
the side you got a little these guys are like where what are you wearing are you
wearing a backpack like yeah i am flying around baby um but yeah so
what i did here is i gave myself enough league tickets here
by crossing over all the divisions getting into legendary you'll have
enough to purchase all of the back back items but because there's multiple
seasons in this these span the ascension journey spans over the
entire year okay if you're got if you're a more competitive casual
player you only need to cross over a few divisions
every season to have enough league tickets to buy it so you won't be able
to do it in a single season to get this this part of it but over
multiple seasons you'll have enough to get there
all right so so in the seasons when the season's going on
i can earn more let them build up yep and i'm just not going to have them as
fast and that's okay because i'm not playing as much yep
and so you can see here you can't purchase you can't sell a bunch of
tickets and just buy the elite wings you have to buy them in order
so i'm going to go ahead and buy this guy which is going to lock the next one
done unlock
i love this guy that looks valuable yeah yeah it looks pretty good
um so i have these guys right here so i'm gonna put these off to the side
because i'm gonna need these four guys to make a precursor the precursor oh
yeah so you can see on here it actually says combine all four wings of glory to
obtain the wings of ascension precursor to the ascension
so that's what we're going to do but before we do that i want to show off
something that i'm really proud of it's something that
i wanted wings i'm also proud of those but one of
the things you need to do to get the back piece is there is
achievements that came out with the journey oh yeah so you go through
you go to competitive and you go there's four new
meta achievements the year of the ascension part one that's always a year
of the essential because it's a full year to do these things
so by completing the meta achievement you get an object which i have in my
inventory which is you need four of all four items
from the meta achievement to make the gift of the competitor that's one of
the pieces required to make the legendary
okay these things involve like you know winning matches
getting top stats getting kills getting all those things
all of which you can accomplish while you're just participating in
the season yep everything is done through the ranked arena and
participating in the season uh so none of these things no no i won't
say none of these because there's a couple things you can buy if you have
some some uh shards of glory uh that you can
do outside of the season but most of these things can only
prod uh progressed during a season okay so one thing
of your objectives yeah these are the objectives essentially you can come down
here look at the checklist and be like okay what do i want to accomplish today
what do i want to do but the one that's a little confusing
and i want to make sure i clear up is some people look here and they see
league warrior they see league uh mesmer league elementalists and they
think they have to do all of them which isn't quite true you need to do
league professional so let me find out where that guy is uh
let's see i think it's right there right there i'm
piloting over it of course the one i didn't see
it was blocking you you only need to do two of those
so if you see i do like uh league warrior here it says completeness
achievement events is the league professional recruit achievement
so when i complete this and get three uh five wins on a warrior
i increment that by one okay so if i do elementalists i
do five wins i'll come in by two it's complete i don't need to dress rest as
if i want to okay so if i mesmer is not my favorite
i'm sorry stefan yeah mesmer's not my favorite so i don't have
to go in there and do it no you could just bad you keep so bad at it you only
need to do two and then as you go further on the other
year uh the other metas you will have to do three but three is the maximum you
only have to ever do three different classes of the nine
examples okay and they don't it can be the exact same
you could do warrior elementalists and then the next one it requires you to do
three you can do war elementalists and whatever necro right if you want to you
can do them all that's totally fine yeah but you don't have to you don't
have to you only have to do minimum two the first time minimum three
for the other three it only goes into a maximum of three classes now the wins
increase you have to get more wins with the classes but it only requires
three different classes all right you guys got that you don't have to do this
on every single yeah that was one of the biggest
confusing parts and i really want to make sure i clear that up everything
else is pretty self-explanatory but that was the one that was a little
a little bit rich um so yeah so let's go ahead and say i did it magically
and i got my four meta achievements complete so i have all these guys so i
just so good at it i'm so good i'm so good so let's talk
about the last little things uh which is to complete the i want to
talk about this because my favorite thing in the world i'm so glad i got
this in the game so oh right yes so you you get these
things for shards of glory so if i go to this guy
i interact with him and i'm like hey buddy let me let me get this let me get
some of this so he essence of determination that's
the challenge essence of discipline essence of success
all cause shards of glory you can farm those on reward tracks you get them from
progressing in the leagues you get them through the daily
achievements stuff like that you get them all over the place or you can just
buy them in the trading post you buy these guys up and you have to
combine some stuff with them so like it requires let's say
some vicious claws some you know some large claws some globs of dark matter
and you make that and it makes the mystic essence of success so what i did
here is i did all that already but i wanted to make sure i showed you
guys where you get them and what it takes
to do those guys but here we go let us look what happens let's look what
happens when i combine these i'm going to do some magic here
oh magical mystic forge appeared i didn't know we could do that
magic so i'm going to go ahead and see what happens when i combine
all four of the mystics i like how confused you sounded i
don't know what's gonna happen um so you combined all of these guys
together and you get an ascended trinket called a vial of salt it's pretty great
what is the favorite text on that flavor it took a bit of
it took a lot of tears to create this much salt yep
i need to know whose idea was this
i don't have a mic you can drop i would drop the coffee
but yes no it was something i really wanted to get in so we got that
and you can choose the stats on it and get it to have whatever stats you want
on this guy uh see above gear all these guys here
now somebody's already in this chat like phew but it doesn't give you the right
colors to kind of stats you are correct that is a bug and we are going to fix
that i want you to be a little more salty when you got it
mission accomplished no no it is a buck i do apologize about that as 100 my
fault um so yeah it doesn't give you the
correct stats now but it will be fixed middle december 100 percent fixed so let
me ask why you didn't like call this pj's vial of salt i wanted to call that
feature pjs vial of salt but maybe in the future
the text may change randomly i don't know
i may get fired but you know who does uh but yes
so make sure you guys make me get killed yeah i mean i
may get killed who knows but yeah it's it's awesome guys it
the thing i also want to get across this is only for this year after this year
you cannot get pj's vile assault serious
yeah this is a one year thing every year we're gonna create one of these things
so next year who knows what you'll get maybe an ascended ring
the kappa ring i don't know we'll see um but yeah so
that's a thing that's a please i beg of you to make the kappa ring
so uh so let's talk about the other gifts we know this gift so let me just
go actually let me mystic forge this guy
because we already talked about this guy uh
i like how chat sounds in your head by the way that was a great voice they're
already i know exactly actually i think their
spamming salt is what mark was telling me
yeah yeah so we're going to go ahead and get this so this is for all four of the
metas combine this together we get the gift to the competitor boom
so we've got one piece that's done uh now mind you
this ascended this is my assault is not really for anything it's just for you to
have fun uh so that was just something so let's
combine the wings lincoln lincoln chat have fun with that so let's
combine our wings let's go ahead and make that
so we get the wings of ascension so let's go ahead and look at that guy
so you see much bigger lots of fire really sweet i mean you can see i don't
even fit on the preview window looking pretty good this is his head
yeah it's supposed to be like when you get this you walk through people can see
you so if you don't want to do the legendary journey
right you can just make this and just be done they're going to touch on
everything anyway and this is ascended that you can
again also have choosy stats this does have the
correct stats i that i could say uh but you can see here
you can actually choose this as one time but you can choose this right here
uh and so that is that so we got this done and this done
so let's go ahead i made the gift of fortune because gift of fortune exists
already that's just one of the pieces so we have
three pieces the last one is this guy right here
so what you need is you need five tickets of participation
or i'm sorry certificate of support these just cost uh
league tickets you need five of these guys you buy five of these guys and it
tells you what you need five league tickets
two vision crystals 250 shards of glory and a perfect missed core
so you ask where you get the perfect miscourt because we know where we get
vision crystals we now know where this and everybody has shards of glory
where do i get these so i have four miscor fragments so where do i get that
if you open up your reward track that is definitely the wrong button
there i was just showing you the wrong button to push
this is how not to open up your reward track if you go over to the glorious
reward track you can see here if the last thing here
it says you can get miscore fragments dragon or armor skins other things if
you get this you get guaranteed one and you can
choose to get another one or the armor because the armor still and
the glorious armor is still in there but if you want you
can repeat this guy twice get both fragments and you're good
and then you don't need to if you want you can get one at a time and choose
armor from there for the unique armor of pvp
but that's where you get those guys all right so if you've already got all your
glorious armor it's just two rods there's more stuff to get it again
yep so we're gonna get these guys double click it it's gonna make myself the
perfect miss core it is perfect it is so perfect all right
one last time forge boy oh i'm gonna spell i'm gonna spell it
correctly this time you can just press up
oh no it's too easy that's too easy okay oh no i missed no you might want to try
it yeah all right good job guys i can i can
spell by hitting up uh uh that's why we're
gonna say that uh so we combine all these guys together we're going to forge
this guy up and we're going to go ahead and make the
gift of skirmishing and now with the precursor the
gift of the competitor the gift of fortune
and the gift of skirmishing we combine it together
and it says congratulations and creating your uh your ascension back piece you
also unlock the glider skin attached to it as well
so not only do you get your legendary back piece but it also doubles up as a
glider skin all right so i think i know the answer
there's not like matching glider skins for all the little ones right
no because think about how great it would be
with the chibi wings yeah that would be i want to glide through central terrier
with tv wings and so we got our legendary back piece and so the cool
thing about this i'm going to put a weapon back on
is ah i love your mini pet i know he's so cute i love him
i have that one uh so you can see uh my wings i kind of run with them but the
big thing is is that when you go into combat they kind of flare up and
they have a different look when you're in combat than when you're out of combat
so when i put it away they'll kind of drop down when i pull them out
they kind of flare up and so they have an animation both in combat out of
combat as well and so not only their glider skin but
they also have different animations for in combat out of combat
and they're legendaries if you come back out of combat for a second sure
and then go back into combat you can see the
you can see the fire effect yeah they flash up yeah i mind you we're still
working on to make it even better but yeah you can see this guy right now
when you see this guy running at you you know he's got the legendary and when he
goes out they kind of stick back into him so he can kind of go
but yeah they come out to the side grin is killing me
he's so happy look at him he's like oh look at this little guy next to me oh
yeah he's so cute um but yeah so there's that's the
legendary again it has the double states both in combat out of combat very cool
very nice all right so even the casual pvp players
or the ones dipping their toes in the water the first time yep can you get a
little something out of this a little bit of time
obviously the better you are the faster you get it but even if you're not the
greatest player doesn't say that you can't get it it
just may take a little more time you left out one of the most important
things on the league vendor oh oh what so if you do have
extra or if you're not interested in the yeah or if you're legendary if you're
not interested in legendary you just want to make the precursor if you just
want to get are you really into or you're just really into it there's
this tab right here is specifically everything required to make the
legendary these things are part of the meta achievement obviously the wings and
the certificates but there's kind of another little tab
here where you can turn your tickets you turn your tickets into some shards of
glory if you want to make some money off of it because you can just sell these
right away or you can buy some what for some tickets
now i didn't know that i i will say if
you're looking to make the legendary i would save it and do
just legendary stuff until you have extra for the llama but if you just want
that llama you don't care about no stinking
legendary and i just want my llama then you just go ahead and spend all your
tickets and get your llamas and get that lavish lamb as quick as possible oh my
gosh but yes this is again it does not
progress your legendary stuff it's specifically for if you have extra
tickets we wanted to have a couple different things here for you
for you to spend those tickets on yeah um
but yeah that is that is fantastic it's pretty the big thing is i tried to
make every everything had what you needed on the item you didn't
have to go to wiki you didn't do those things
it's pretty simple just go down the meta achievements if you get all the med
achievements done you're pretty much almost there because
it does require the meta achievements to buy all the back pieces
to like get the mystic stuff like everything so yeah it's
it should be fairly self-explanatory as far as legendary journeys go
um but everything is specifically in pvp there's not anything that really
requires you to have any crafting or anything like that
is the um the vision crystal yeah that's the only thing everything
else you just do a pvp shards of glory you get
you know league tickets and play play pvp
yeah play pvp you progress all of that simultaneously yep
all right it's awesome so it's gotten super late we were having way too much
fun but really quickly what are you guys going to be doing
what's next we talked a little bit about you're listening to the community keep
talking to us i mean one thing we're definitely going
to do is we're going to keep listening to the community obviously see the
feedback it's been three days but we are every day yeah it's going to be three
days every day going to meetings talking about it talking about perception seeing
everything like that we're gonna we're looking at you know
ways that we can improve the matchmaking system
make it even better and you know any changes we want to make for we're going
to do you know as soon as we can so but that's
big thing is guys keep playing we're seeing a lot of
people are a lot of a lot of people playing a lot of people having fun
keep giving us feedback keep doing those things because we do listen it may seem
like we go dark for sometimes but we we're not guys we're really listening
we're reading all those things it's because you're working it's true we
have been working quite hard but yes keep all that stuff coming guys it means
a lot to us and we take like we'll print off some stuff a lot of times and just
go through feedback from from reddit from the forums be like hey
this is what people are saying what are they what's the problem what can we do
to address those things it's really important you guys give us
that feedback awesome all right thank you guys very much we are thank
you both for coming in hanging out today thanks for having us
we are going to go to on point next so stick
around jeb rose hanging out and waiting to talk
to you guys about more pvp we will see you next week bye guys