Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure content

Gatekeeper Vialgos

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Gatekeeper Vialgos is a powerful Kryptis loyalist guarding the way to Eparch's citadel.


Horn of Maguuma

Event involvement[edit]

Red Boss.png [Group Event] Defeat Gatekeeper Vialgos (80)

Combat abilities[edit]

  • Area Attacks
  • Teleports

DefianceDefiance bar teal.png (at 75% and 25% health)

  • Jump - Jump towards a location and damage enemies upon impact.
  • Vialgos's Toxin Pool - Caustic projectiles erupt from Vialgos, covering the ground and forming a pool of rot. Pools of rot will cause stacking damage over time.
  • Volatile Burst - Channel a volatile burst around you, damaging all enemies caught within.
Stolen skills


Name Type Rarity Quantity
Officer's Remnant Cache.png Deluxe Gear Box Container Exotic 1
Tasty Kryptis Skin.png Tasty Kryptis Skin
(only drops if the Skyscale Growing Comforts collection is active)
Service Exotic 1