Explorer Ellice
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Explorer Ellice
Explorer Ellice is a Durmand Priory member found near the crashed helicopter in Xenarius Bayt. She is the pilot of the Pact helicopter.
Event involvement[edit]
- Before Defend Agent Kurzz while he repairs the downed helicopter
- Kurzz blames me for this mess, but it's his fault! Still, we need him on his feet to repair the chopper.
- Some piece of his machine exploded on our way over Orr and I was barely able to pull off a dead-stick landing.
- It was! Kurzz blames pilot error, but blame isn't important now. He's the only one that can fix the chopper.
- Sorry for your trouble. Good luck!
Sounds pretty bad.
- Sounds like you're lucky to be alive. Hope your luck holds out.
His fault?
- Will do.
- During event
- Don't worry about me. Protect Kurzz! He's the only one that can fix that hunk of junk.
- Will do.