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Escort Zuri to the clanmarshal's pergola

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Escort Zuri to the clanmarshal's pergola

Interactive map

Interactive map

Escort Zuri to the clanmarshal's pergola is a level 80 dynamic event that occurs in the Bonestrand. You need to escort Zuri Odili and any of the villagers that survived the previous event to the Clanmarshal's Pergola.


  • Zuri Odili
  • Event bar.jpg Event shield (tango icon).png


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.





Event start
Zuri Odili: All right, let's go!
Encountering groups of Awakened
Zuri Odili: Prepare to fight!
Zuri Odili: It's an ambush!
Zuri Odili: Here they come!
At the gate
Speaker Bakari: I'll open the gate for you. Be careful. The clanmarshal and vizier know you're coming.
Speaker Bakari: Maybe there's still a chance to resolve this without further violence.
Zuri Odili: It's too late for that. Letting us in makes you complicit, so don't forget which side you're on.
Speaker Bakari: You're right. Good luck.

Related achievements[edit]

  • The Desolation.png The Desolation: Full Rebel AssaultSave all four captive villagers from execution at Bonestrand Garrison, and ensure they survive to face their enemy. (5Achievement points)
    • All four villagers must have survived the previous event for this event to grant the achievement.
