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Enchanted Armor Challenge: Bid aurillium for use of an enchanted armor

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Enchanted Armor Challenge: Bid aurillium for use of an enchanted armor

Event maps
Bid aurillium for an enchanted armor map.jpg

Enchanted Armor Challenge: Bid aurillium for use of an enchanted armor is an event to earn Enchanted Armors for the Battle in Tarir. The first player to bid will win an Enchanted Armor and Lumps of Aurillium will be removed from that player's wallet.


  • Bidding begins in: 2:00
  • Accepting Bid: 100-10 Lumps of Aurillium
  • Event bar.jpg
  • Bidding restarts in 0:15


The amount of Lumps of Aurillium that Auctioneer Tarocheeki accepts for an armor starts at 100 and reduces by 10 each cycle that no players offer a bid:

# Skill Activation time Recharge time Description
1 Bid Aurillium.png Bid 100 Aurillium 20.25¼ ...
1 Bid Aurillium.png Bid 90 Aurillium 20.25¼ ...
1 Bid Aurillium.png Bid 80 Aurillium 20.25¼ ...
1 Bid Aurillium.png Bid 70 Aurillium 20.25¼ ...
1 Bid Aurillium.png Bid 60 Aurillium 20.25¼ ...
1 Bid Aurillium.png Bid 50 Aurillium 20.25¼ ...
1 Bid Aurillium.png Bid 40 Aurillium 20.25¼ ...
1 Bid Aurillium.png Bid 30 Aurillium 20.25¼ ...
1 Bid Aurillium.png Bid 20 Aurillium 20.25¼ ...
1 Bid Aurillium.png Bid 10 Aurillium 20.25¼ ...





Event pre
Bastion Dion: Fellow protectors, the situation in the Forgotten City is dire!
Burnisher Kwadii: Mordrem have invaded Tarir and sealed it off with vines.
Bastion Yeduld: The other waypoints are readying to launch a coordinated counterattack.
Sage Volaar: Our fellow exalted[sic] inside can shield the central plaza, but not for long.
Sage Essher: Every Exalted, hero, skritt—even mushroom—will have to fight for Tarir to survive.
Skritt Pistoleer: Holy skritt scratch! So shiny!
Tarocheeki: I understand. If golden city is saved, then more shinies for all!
Burnisher Kwadii: When the attack begins, I will weaken the vines at Westgate.
Sage Jarus: The enchanted armors will then be able to rip them from the city gates!
Skritt Pistoleer: What do we do with them?
Tarocheeki: Most giver of golden shards takes shiny armor into battle.
Tarocheeki: Through portal is skritt's shop! Buy armors there.
Skritt Pistoleer: All of you! Go to the portal for a shiny armor!
Tarocheeki: Armors! Follow me. Time to make armors more shiny for battle!
Tarocheeki: Through portal is skritt's shop!
At Westwatch Patch
Bastion Dion: Egg bearer, you have much to prove here. Speak to me when you're ready to begin.
Inside the "shop", before Tarocheeki arrives
Auction Assistant: Shiny armor auction starts soon! Talk to meeee to learn bidding!
During event

Each round of bidding is started with a three line randomized "advertisement". (It seems dialogue may vary per player, even within the same map. Although not all combinations have been documented, it seems to be randomly generated.)

First line: (always)
Auctioneer Tarocheeki: The shiny armor auction begins!
Second line: (one at random)
Auctioneer Tarocheeki: Come, shiny armor. Come here.
Auctioneer Tarocheeki: Next! Here comes next armor!
Auctioneer Tarocheeki: No fear, shiny armor. Float forward!
Third line: (one at random)
Auctioneer Tarocheeki: Even dragons fear the shiny armor! Come get one!
Auctioneer Tarocheeki: Extra skritt polish makes this armor extra shiny!
Auctioneer Tarocheeki: Invest in shiny armor. It brings great battle fortune.
Auctioneer Tarocheeki: One armor lights the darkness. So shiny!
Auctioneer Tarocheeki: Ooh. Stinks of Mordrem muck. Battle tested!
Auctioneer Tarocheeki: Shiny armor versus big bad Mordrem. Shiny wins!
Auctioneer Tarocheeki: Tarnished armor becomes shiny armor with a little skritt polish.
Auctioneer Tarocheeki: Test one. Fits like a glove!
Auctioneer Tarocheeki: This armor can't wait for battle. It is ready!
Auctioneer Tarocheeki: This armor survived many Mordrem attacks. It is strong and dura...duril...won't break!
Auctioneer Tarocheeki: Wait, that's my shiny armor! Hee hee. Okay, it can be yours.
Auctioneer Tarocheeki: Yes, you too can be floaty shiny armor kicking tail.
Auctioneer Tarocheeki: You dream of being shiny armor? Dreams come true here!
Auctioneer Tarocheeki: You rich? Buy shiny armor!

If sold to a human character

Auctioneer Tarocheeki: Sold to the furless human!
<Human Character Name>: Furless and fearless, little one.
<Human Character Name>: Come closer, and I'll make you furless.

If sold to an asura character

Auctioneer Tarocheeki: Sold to the floppy-ear. You there, asura.
<Asura Character Name>: Do I sense some ear envy?
Auctioneer Tarocheeki: Sold to floppy-ear. You there, asura.
<Asura Character Name>: You only wish you had my ears.

If sold to a norn character

Auctioneer Tarocheeki: Sold to the norn mountain over there.
<Norn Character Name>: Guess that makes you a pebble.
<Norn Character Name>: You mean a mountain of hurt."

If sold to a charr character

Auctioneer Tarocheeki: Sold to scruffy - but prolly very nice - charr.
<Charr Character Name>: I'll show you scruffy!
<Charr Character Name>: Just wait 'til I grab you by the scruff!

If sold to a sylvari character

Auctioneer Tarocheeki: Oh, no. Sold to sylvari. It's not crazy, is it? No, no. It's okay.
<Sylvari Character Name>: Calm yourself. Mordremoth will never have me.
<Sylvari Character Name>: Ha! The Mordrem will fall before I do!
Event success
Tarocheeki: All shiny armors sold! Now, go fight Mordremoss!


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