Dry Top/event table

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This page lists the events that occur at each given time during the Crash Site and Sandstorm! meta events in Dry Top.


Start time Events Shorthand Copypaste
Crash Site
XX:00 Clear the jungle tendril and its roots
Race against the Inquest to collect crystal shards for the Zephyrites
Defeat Three-Toed Tootsie
Protect crash victims from encroaching vines
Protect the Maguuma Shaman as she casts a spell to cleanse the oasis
Clear the jungle tendril and its roots
Prevent skritt from stealing supplies
Escort Rustbucket to the repair station
Tendril A
Crash Victims
Tendril B
Skritt Supplies
Escort Rustbucket
XX:00 | : Tendril A. : Race, Moa. : Crash Victims, Shaman, Tendril B. : Skritt Supplies, Escort Rustbucket.
XX:05 Challenge and spar with Nochtli
Slay the colocal queen
Protect Serene as she recovers crystals lost in the crash
Rescue the captive Zephyrites
Shut down the Inquest experimentation into Aspect crystals
Defeat the light-infused Inquest golem blocking passage to the ley line hub
Drive the Mordrem away from the vine bridge planting area
Gather insect parts from nearby beetles
South Mine
Inquest Leader
Light Golem
Vine Bridge
Collect Beetles
XX:05 | : Frog, Queen, Serene, South Mine. : Inquest Leader, Light Golem. : Vine Bridge, Collect Beetles.
XX:10 Defend the kite basket of supplies from the Inquest
Clear Prosperity of jungle tendrils and Mordrem
Rescue injured Zephyrites from the Inquest inside the mine and escort them outside
Clear out the Mordrem infesting the ley line hub
Defeat the Inquest's experimental Aspect suit
North Mine
Ley Line Hub
Inquest Suit
XX:10 | : Basket. : Town, North Mine. : Ley Line Hub. : Inquest Suit.
XX:15 Clear the jungle tendril and its roots
Race against the Inquest to collect crystal shards for the Zephyrites
Defeat Three-Toed Tootsie
Protect crash victims from encroaching vines
Protect the Maguuma Shaman as she casts a spell to cleanse the oasis
Clear the jungle tendril and its roots
Prevent skritt from stealing supplies
Escort Rustbucket to the repair station
Tendril A
Crash Victims
Tendril B
Skritt Supplies
Escort Rustbucket
XX:15 | : Tendril A. : Race, Moa. : Crash Victims, Shaman, Tendril B. : Skritt Supplies, Escort Rustbucket.
XX:20 Challenge and spar with Nochtli
Slay the colocal queen
Protect Serene as she recovers crystals lost in the crash
Rescue the captive Zephyrites
Shut down the Inquest experimentation into Aspect crystals
Defeat the light-infused Inquest golem blocking passage to the ley line hub
Drive the Mordrem away from the vine bridge planting area
Gather insect parts from nearby beetles
South Mine
Inquest Leader
Light Golem
Vine Bridge
Collect Beetles
XX:20 | : Frog, Queen, Serene, South Mine. : Inquest Leader, Light Golem. : Vine Bridge, Collect Beetles.
XX:25 Defend the kite basket of supplies from the Inquest
Clear Prosperity of jungle tendrils and Mordrem
Rescue injured Zephyrites from the Inquest inside the mine and escort them outside
Clear out the Mordrem infesting the ley line hub
Defeat the Inquest's experimental Aspect suit
North Mine
Ley Line Hub
Inquest Suit
XX:25 | : Basket. : Town, North Mine. : Ley Line Hub. : Inquest Suit.
XX:30 Clear the jungle tendril and its roots
Race against the Inquest to collect crystal shards for the Zephyrites
Defeat Three-Toed Tootsie
Protect crash victims from encroaching vines
Protect the Maguuma Shaman as she casts a spell to cleanse the oasis
Clear the jungle tendril and its roots
Prevent skritt from stealing supplies
Escort Rustbucket to the repair station
Tendril A
Crash Victims
Tendril B
Skritt Supplies
Escort Rustbucket
XX:30 | : Tendril A. : Race, Moa. : Crash Victims, Shaman, Tendril B. : Skritt Supplies, Escort Rustbucket.
XX:35 Challenge and spar with Nochtli
Slay the colocal queen
Protect Serene as she recovers crystals lost in the crash
Rescue the captive Zephyrites
Shut down the Inquest experimentation into Aspect crystals
Defeat the light-infused Inquest golem blocking passage to the ley line hub
Drive the Mordrem away from the vine bridge planting area
Gather insect parts from nearby beetles
South Mine
Inquest Leader
Light Golem
Vine Bridge
Collect Beetles
XX:35 | : Frog, Queen, Serene, South Mine. : Inquest Leader, Light Golem. : Vine Bridge, Collect Beetles.
XX:40 Cull the encroaching dust mites threatening the Zephyrites
Escort Haze to safety
Carry and detonate explosives to demolish the cave-in debris while avoiding tunneling devourers
Stop the skritt from stealing Zephyrite crystals and returning them to their queen
Protect Researcher Eway while he examines inert dust mites
Defeat the legendary giant before the sandstorm dissipates
Stop the skritt from stealing Zephyrite crystals and returning them to their queen
Mite farm
North Mine block
Stop Skritt (1)
Protect Eway
Stop Skritt (2)
XX:40 | : Mite farm, Haze, North Mine block. : Stop Skritt (1). : Protect Eway. : Giant, Stop Skritt (2).
XX:45 Defeat the champion devourer queen (Tier 2)
Slay the rare creature (Grit / Dune Soarer / Sol Eater / Sand Savage / Bloodscale)
Devourer Queen
Rare creature
XX:45 | : Devourer Queen, Rare creature.
XX:50 Cull the encroaching dust mites threatening the Zephyrites
Escort Haze to safety
Carry and detonate explosives to demolish the cave-in debris while avoiding tunneling devourers
Defeat the dust mite twister! (Tier 3)
Stop the skritt from stealing Zephyrite crystals and returning them to their queen
Protect Researcher Eway while he examines inert dust mites
Defeat Queen Chrii'kkt IV and her royal subjects (Tier 4)
Save the chickens trapped in the dust mite twister (Tier 3)
Defeat the legendary giant before the sandstorm dissipates
Stop the skritt from stealing Zephyrite crystals and returning them to their queen
Mite farm
North Mine block
Small Dust
Stop Skritt (1)
Protect Eway
Skritt Queen
Stop Skritt (2)
XX:50 | : Mite farm, Haze, North Mine block, Small Dust. : Stop Skritt (1). : Protect Eway. : Skritt Queen, Chickenado, Giant, Stop Skritt (2).
XX:55 Defeat the dust monster! (Tier 4) Big Dust
XX:55 | : Big Dust.
XX:57 Defeat the giant beetle (Tier 5) Giant Beetle
XX:57 | : Giant Beetle.


  • Some events only occur if a certain tier is reached.
  • Clicking on the box to the right of the events will select code that can be copied and then pasted into chat ingame. This text contains the nearest waypoints for each event, and uses a shorthand naming scheme for the events.

External links and other resources[edit]