Draw out and defeat the giant Branded griffon

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Draw out and defeat the giant Branded griffon

Interactive map

Interactive map

Draw out and defeat the giant Branded griffon is a level 37 Group event that occurs in Tenaebron Lake. The Sentinels will use a bonfire to lure a Champion Branded Griffon out of the sky. Every 25% of its health, the griffon will fly back into the storm and another bonfire will need to be lit.


  • Bonfire wood collected:
  • Event bar empty2.jpg
  • The griffon is hiding in the Brandstorm. Build a bonfire to smoke it out.


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 1,948 Experience.png 185 Karma 43 Copper coin
Silver 1,656 Experience.png 157 Karma 36 Copper coin
Bronze 1,461 Experience.png 139 Karma 32 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 37 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.






Event Start
Sentinel Glasscutter: We've been tracking a flying creature that came out of the Brandstorm.
Sentinel Glassedge: Last we saw, it was flying south over Sentinel's Perch. Have you caught a glimpse of it down here?
Vanguard Lockwood: No, not here. Have you tried smoking it out?
Sentinel Glassedge: What?
Vanguard Lockwood: You know, drawing it out of the sky with smoke.
Sentinel Glasscutter: You. You're coming with us.
Sentinel Glasscutter: Hold on a minute. I'll send a message to Sentinel's Perch.
Sentinel Glasscutter: There. They'll meet us with supplies.
Reaching the Sentinel Wood Carrier
Sentinel Glassedge: Here's where we saw it. What do we do?
Sentinel Glasscutter: Okay. Pile some lumber here and set it ablaze.
When first pile is set
Sentinel Glassedge: Hurry! Light the pyre!
Vanguard Lockwood: That thing is huge!
When Griffon is at 75%
Vanguard Lockwood: It's time to light another pyre!
Sentinel Glasscutter: We need more tinder over here!
When second pile is set
Sentinel Glasscutter: Woo-hoo! Look at it burn!
Sentinel Glasscutter: Get your weapons ready! It's coming in for a landing!
When Griffon is at 50%
Vanguard Lockwood: It's time to light another pyre!
Sentinel Glassedge: It's in the clouds—right over this spot. I can still see it!
When third pile is set
Sentinel Glassedge: Hurry! Light the pyre!
When Griffon is at 25%
Vanguard Lockwood: It's time to light another pyre!
Sentinel Glasscutter: We need more tinder over here!
When final pile is set
Sentinel Glasscutter: We've got you surrounded now, you jeweled chicken!
When Griffon is killed
Sentinel Glassedge: Hooo-hah! We did it?
Sentinel Glasscutter: How did you like fighting with the Sentinels, human?
Vanguard Lockwood: That was incredible. How can something that large, made of crystal, fly?
Sentinel Glassedge: Heh. You should see the ones they get up in Blazeridge.
After returning to camp (quoted)
Vanguard Lockwood: Thank you very much.
Sentinel Glasscutter: That one won't come back.


  • The griffon becomes invulnerable every 25% increment of its health and disappears. If it doesn't, or if dealt damage too quickly, then the event may bug and freeze.|
  • This event starts approximately 8 minutes after Defend Doomspy's Watch and defeat the Branded was successful.