Dierch Ekarus
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Dierch Ekarus
Dierch Ekarus is a Durmand Priory member that can be found in the sunken ruins of Lake Lutgardis. He is attempting to learn about his ancestry.
- You're one of the outsiders. What brings a tourist to a place like this?
- I've been out exploring locations mentioned in this memoir. It was written by one of my ancestors, and I was interested in retracing their steps.
- Ah, no, thank you... It's sort of a personal journey. A reflection. I'm at a strange time in my life—a crossroads is you will. I'm hoping to learn from my ancestor's example. To help me choose.
- Well, his parents were from the Kurzick House Ulrikar and the Luxon Ekarus Clan. Star-crossed lovers, you see. He grew up in two vastly different worlds, and he thrived.
- I see. Resilient and adaptable.
What was unique about his story?
Do you need any help?
Oh, just exploring. You?
- Farewell.
- Greetings
- May Kormir enlighten you.
- We know so little.
- Too much has been forgotten.
- You search for knowledge?
- Knowledge is the greatest treasure.
Related achievements[edit]
The Echovald Wilds: Distant Ancestry — Speak with the curious Priory explorer. (1 )
- To earn this achievement, simply locate and speak with Dierch.