Defend Quarryside from the centaur invaders

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Defend Quarryside from the centaur invaders

Interactive map

Interactive map

Defend Quarryside from the centaur invaders is a level 18 event that takes place in Triskellion Vale. The Tamini begin to assault the quarryside in waves and must be stopped before they gain control over the area.


  • Quarryside Mine
  • Event bar empty2.jpg Event flag red (map icon).png
  • Centaur waves defeated: x/8


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 719 Experience.png 99 Karma 23 Copper coin
Silver 611 Experience.png 85 Karma 20 Copper coin
Bronze 539 Experience.png 75 Karma 17 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 18 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.




Event start
Seraph Soldier: Do you hear the sound of hooves in the distance?
Seraph Soldier: No, but I see a horde of centaurs bearing down on us. Sound the alarm!
Tamini Archer: Take the mine. Kill the two-legs. Trample them all into the dust.
Foreman Wiolder: The centaurs are attacking! Evacuate the mine!
Foreman Wiolder: Hurry! Everyone out of the mine.
Foreman Wiolder: The mine's under attack! Someone please help us!
Seraph Soldier: Quarryside is under attack! Quickly, set up the arrow cart!