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Defeat Knaebelag the Terror

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Defeat Knaebelag the Terror

Interactive map

Interactive map

Defeat Knaebelag the Terror is the final level 80 group event during the meta event The Fangs That Gnash. It requires players to defeat the boss Knaebelag the Terror at Coliseum of the Midnight King.


  • Knaebelag the Terror
  • Event bar.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png
  • Time limit: 13:00
Upon reaching 75% and 50%
  • Rituals disrupted: 0/2
  • Ritual completes in: 5:00
  • Amphitheater Control
  • Event bar white.jpg Event flag red (map icon).png
After interrupting the ritual
  • Rift Stability
  • Event bar.jpg Event swords (tango icon).png
  • Amphitheater Control
  • Event bar white.jpg Event flag red (map icon).png
Upon reaching 25%
  • Eye of Nourys
  • Event bar.jpg Event swords (tango icon).png
  • Amphitheater Control
  • Event bar white.jpg Event flag red (map icon).png







Event start
Frode: We can't let this thing live. Take it down!
When Knaelbelag goes airborne
Major Emund: It's going airborne!
Tharon: Rifts. They send reinforcements.
Frode: Stop those loyalists—that ritual is giving it strength!
Frode: Some of you split off. Take care of those ritualists on the platforms!
Tharon: We are causing it harm. This is good.
When Knaelbelag is landing again
Frode: It's landing. Watch out!
When it goes airborne again
Tharon: The wyvern spreads its wings.
Frode: Stop those loyalists—that ritual is giving it strength!
Frode: Some of you split off. Take care of those ritualists on the platforms!
When Nourys appears
Major Emund: You again. You should've died in Amnytas, you bastard!
Upon reaching 4 minutes left on the event timer
Major Emund: Quickly! Reinforcements can't be far off...
Event success
Frode: Tharon, Reya. I'm sorry we couldn't get here sooner. But at least this creature won't serve Eparch any longer.
Tharon: The blame is not yours. You are friends to my people. Even the most ardent loyalist should see that after today.
Reya: Eparch has countless crimes for which he must answer.
Major Emund: We will make that happen, Reya.
Reya: Yes. And he will answer in that most painful manner we can devise.
Event failure
Major Emund: Frode, can you portal us out of here?
Frode: Hang on!

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