Deafening Footsteps

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Deafening Footsteps


Interactive map path

Deafening Footsteps is a kodan found in Blue Ice Shining tasked with defending the Blue Ice Shining Claw of Koda that can teach characters the about way of the kodan.



It is my sworn duty to serve and defend the Claw. Koda chose him, and we shall follow.
(if character wasn't taught yet, resets after logging off)
Talk more option tango.png Teach me about balance.
How does Koda say we must maintain balance in the world?
Talk more option tango.png By allying with the kodan?
Correct. Your understanding is still primitive, but you're capable of learning the basics. Don't give up.
Talk end option tango.png Good to know.
Talk more option tango.png Through violent opposition?
Incorrect. It seems your kind cannot fathom the depth of Koda's teachings.
Talk end option tango.png Good-bye.
Talk more option tango.png Through peaceful protest?
Incorrect. It seems your kind cannot fathom the depth of Koda's teachings.
Talk end option tango.png Good-bye.
Talk end option tango.png I have no idea.
Talk end option tango.png Good luck.