Damaged Protector Golem

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Damaged Protector Golem is a small golem used by Stumm as a body guard for his messenger golem. However, it was damaged and players must take over its role as an escort during Escort the messenger golem to Murmur Isle.


Ruins of Orr

Event involvement[edit]

Event shield (tango icon).png Escort the messenger golem to Murmur Isle (78)


During Escort the messenger golem to Murmur Isle
Functional—parameters—inefficient. Cannot—perform—bodyguard—duties. Messenger—golem—needs—assistance—traveling—to—Murmur—Isle. Comply?
Tick green.png I'll assist the messenger golem. Where do I go?
Coordinates—have—been—added—to—your—map. Bodyguard—task—reassigned—to—<Character name>. Thank—you—for—your—compliance.
Talk end option tango.png You're welcome.
Talk more option tango.png What happened?
Messenger—golem—holds—codes—to—disrupt—Omicron—golem—factory. Assigned—as—bodyguard. Encountered—undead—of—unusual—size. Damage—sustained.
Tick green.png I'll get the golem to Murmur Isle.
Coordinates—have—been—added—to—your—map. Bodyguard—task—reassigned—to—<Character name>. Thank—you—for—your—compliance.
Talk end option tango.png You're welcome.
Talk end option tango.png That's unfortunate. Good-bye.
Talk end option tango.png Comply? I don't think so.
During Help Iduna destroy the Omicron golem factory
Omicron—factory—is—still—producing—Inquest—golems. Order—of—Whispers—agents—are—in—transit—with—kill—codes—for—Omicron—power—supply. Assistance—requested.
Tick green.png Assistance is here! Just show me where to go.
Coordinates—added—to—your—map. Agents—require—assistance—reaching—facility—and—taking—down—Omicron—energy—tower. Thank—you.
Talk end option tango.png I'm on my way.
Talk end option tango.png Just passing through.
After Help Iduna destroy the Omicron golem factory
Mission—to—destroy—Omicron—Test—Facility—power—supply—was—a—success. Inquest—golem—production—status: halted.
Talk more option tango.png It's always a pleasure to hinder the Inquest.
Scanning... <Character name>—detected. Activating—message: This—is—Agent—Iduna. Your—participation—in—the—Omicron—mission—helped—us—greatly. Keep—up—the—good—work. End—message.
Talk end option tango.png I will, thank you.
Talk end option tango.png That's great news. Good-bye.