Cerberus Scalecatcher

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Cerberus Scalecatcher


Interactive map

Cerberus Scalecatcher is a devourer trainer found in the Village of Scalecatch.


Event involvement[edit]

Event star (tango icon).png Pick up a training kit and use the whip to train devourers how to destroy targets (55)


Huh, you're not from around here. You ain't Flame Legion, so I'm guessing you're an adventurer. What bring[sic] you out to the training farm?
Talk more option tango.png What is this place? What are you training out here?
Heh, you must be new. This is a devourer training installation, and I'm the mother, father, and head instructor to every devourer we train for this area.
Talk more option tango.png What do you train them for?
For battle. They might not look it, but trained war devourers can fight just as hard and as long as any charr in the field. And I train them to be ready for deployment.
Talk more option tango.png Why is this your best assignment?
I'm putting trained warriors on the battlefield, aiding my brothers and sisters in the legion. They're winning battles out there. They're protecting our soldiers. Ain't nothing that makes me prouder.
Talk end option tango.png I think I understand. Take care.
Talk end option tango.png Thanks. Take care.
Talk end option tango.png You know what? Never mind.
Talk end option tango.png Just passing through.
During Gather devourer eggs for Scalecatch Village
We aren't going to have fresh war devourers if we don't get those eggs. Something's holding up delivery. Can you check on it?
Tick green.png Where would I go to find out?
Good. Head south to the devourer fields. The devourer queens lay eggs all year round, so there's plenty of clutches to raid. Just watch yourself. The queens don't like visitors taking their eggs.
Talk end option tango.png Okay.
Talk end option tango.png Not right now.
Running to get the eggs
We can talk later. Right now I have to get to the bottom of my missing egg shipment.
Talk end option tango.png Okay, then[sic]
Coming back with the eggs
As soon as I get these eggs back to village, we can prep the training regimen. This is a delicate operation, and I could use a volunteer. Interested?
Talk end option tango.png Okay.
During Pick up a training kit and use the whip to train devourers how to destroy targets
Hey, devourer training is in session. We're down a teacher. Grab a training kit and whip these devourers into shape.
Talk more option tango.png Tell me how to train a devourer.
Get a training kit and use it to motivate the devourer to attack the target. Every devourer we train is one we can use against the enemy.
Talk more option tango.png How do I know when the devourer is trained?
In order to be cleared for active duty, a war devourer has to COMPLETELY destroy a practice dummy while not turning on its trainer. Discipline, precision, destruction!
Talk more option tango.png And if the devourer doesn't finish destroying the target?
Then that devourer needs more discipline, it doesn't last forever. Try whipping continuously until the dummy is destroyed.
Talk more option tango.png What if I accidentally kill it?
Burn my fur! Save the brutality for the Flame Legion. If you hurt the devourers, use a treat from the kit to heal them.
Talk back option tango.png Can I ask a different question?
Talk end option tango.png Understood.
Talk back option tango.png Can I ask a different question?
Talk end option tango.png Okay.
Talk back option tango.png I have another question about training.
Talk end option tango.png I got it.
Talk more option tango.png What if the devourer attacks me?
Use the whip to make them attack a dummy instead. Alternate your targets! If you get overwhelmed, drop the whip or leave the fenced area. No point in either of you getting killed.
Talk back option tango.png Can I ask a different question?
Talk end option tango.png Right.
Talk more option tango.png Where do I get a training kit and how do I use it?
There's a few boxes of training kits around here. It contains a whip and some devourer treats.
Talk more option tango.png What's the whip for?
For whipping! The devourer is born for combat, but you have to teach it what to fight. That's where the whip comes in.
Talk more option tango.png How do I know when the devourer is trained? (Same as above)
Talk more option tango.png So where does the treat come in? (Same as "What are the treats for?" below)
Talk back option tango.png Can I ask a different question?
Talk end option tango.png Okay.
Talk more option tango.png What are the treats for?
You can't just keep disciplining a devourer forever. If it looks tired or hurt, try giving it a treat to perk up.
Talk more option tango.png How do I know when the devourer is trained? (Same as above)
Talk more option tango.png Okay, what is the whip for? (Same as "What's the whip for?" above)
Talk back option tango.png Can I ask a different question?
Talk end option tango.png Okay.
Talk back option tango.png Tell me about training again.
Talk end option tango.png Okay.
Talk end option tango.png This isn't for me.
Talk end option tango.png Maybe later.
During Escort Sentinel Scalebrusher and his devourers to the pen
If you're here to train devourers, you're too late. We just sent off the new graduates to a sentinel encampment on the brand.
Talk more option tango.png Which way is that?
Maybe you can catch up to them. Follow the road out of this village leading north and take the eastern fork.
Talk end option tango.png Maybe I will.
Talk end option tango.png Aw, I can't believe I missed them!