Captain Protmar

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Captain Protmar


Interactive map

Captain Protmar is a member of the Vigil and in charge of the watchtower located in the Stromkarl Heights. He is initially found in Gyre Rapids, but will eventually move to Stromkarl Heights with several Workers and Vigil soldiers. After his workers have constructed a watchtower, his main focus is its defense, protecting it both from ettins and his own crew. If the tower falls, he will return to Gyre Rapids


Event involvement[edit]

Event shield (tango icon).png Escort and defend alliance workers sent to build a watchtower (55)
Event fist (tango icon).png Stop Soma from destroying the alliance watchtower (56)
Event cog (tango icon).png Defend the alliance watchtower from enemy threats (56)
Event cog (tango icon).png Defend the alliance watchtower from enemy threats (56)
Event shield (tango icon).png Bring the caravan to the tower (56)


Keep sharp. We're building our tower in an unfriendly area.
Talk more option tango.png What are you worried about, up here?
Ettins are my main concern, but I wouldn't be surprised if other hostiles show up.
Talk end option tango.png I'm ready for anything.
Talk end option tango.png I'll watch out for trouble.
During the escort to Stromkarl Heights
I could use your help protecting our workers. They need to raise a watchtower, and the way ahead is treacherous.
Talk end option tango.png I will!
During the Stop Soma from destroying the alliance watchtower event
Help me calm Soma before she tears this tower down—and us with it!
Talk end option tango.png I'll try.
During the defend of the watchtower
Keep them from ruining the tower we worked so hard to put up!
Talk end option tango.png To battle!


Fight with valor.
Eternal vigilance.
United in victory.
Some must fight, so that all may be free.