Blinding Befuddlement/history
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June 23, 2015
- Blinding Befuddlement: This trait has been merged into Ineptitude.
April 30, 2013
- Blinding Befuddlement: Increased duration of applied confusion from 1 second to 4 seconds.
- Can now trigger only once every 5 seconds on any target that is blinded by the mesmer.
Blinding Befuddlement
- Specialization
- Tier
- Master
- Type
- Major
“— In-game description
Original version
Blinding Befuddlement
- Specialization
- Tier
- Master
- Type
- Major
“Blinding BefuddlementCause confusion when you blind a foe.
- Confusion (1s): 11 Damage, 49 Damage on Skill Use
— In-game description