Accused White Mantle Member

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Accused White Mantle Member


Interactive map

Accused White Mantle Member are villagers found in Lakeside Bazaar that for some reason are accused of being part of the White Mantle.



Heart involvement[edit]

Complete heart (map icon).png Help Cin Fursarai around the Lakeside Bazaar (80)


Thank you for your help. I didn't know what to do. I just prayed someone would intervene me...and then you came along.
Talk more option tango.png Is there any truth to these accusations?
Well—I mean, sure, I think the queen's a right dolt, but that don't make me a traitor!
Talk end option tango.png Fair enough. Be safe.
Talk end option tango.png Glad I could help.
Could you believe that? Accusing me of treason—the nerve of these people!
Talk more option tango.png Was there any truth to these allegations?
On my honor, I promise you: I'm loyal to the queen.
Talk end option tango.png Fair enough. Carry on.
Talk end option tango.png Everyone's on edge. Be safe.
Oh, bless you, stranger. I saw my life flashing before my eyes.
Talk more option tango.png Is there any truth to these accusations?
Absolutely not.
Talk end option tango.png Understood.
Talk end option tango.png Take care.
I've known these people for years...and they turned on me without a moment's hesitation. I'd be in a bad spot if you hadn't come along.
Talk more option tango.png Is there any truth to these accusations?
Of course not! I've lived here my whole life—why would I turn against my countrymen now?
Talk end option tango.png Fair point. Be well
Talk end option tango.png Glad I could help.
Thank you. That was too close for comfort.
Talk more option tango.png No problem. Now is there any truth to these accusations?
What? Me, a White Mantle? I'm appalled you would even ask that!
Talk end option tango.png I meant no offense.
Talk end option tango.png Be well.


Upon saving them
Thank you, stranger. I owe you my life.
Oh, thank the Six—
Could've sworn that was the end of me. Thanks!
I hate those White Mantle as much as anybody!
I'm getting out of here before more lunatics show up!
I'm getting out of here!
Oh, thank the Six for you, stranger!
I'm getting out of here—thanks again!
No way I'm sticking around here—thanks again!
