Account Swim-Speed Boost +30

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Experienced Infusion.png

Account Swim-Speed Boost +30

Item type
Account Bound
Game link

Takes effect immediately upon receipt.
Raises the swim-speed bonus of account swim-speed infusions to 30%.

— In-game description

Account Swim-Speed Boost +30 is an account upgrade specific to swim-speed infusions. It makes any Account Swim-Speed Infusion increase swim speed by 30% when equipped, instead of 15%.


Vendor Area Zone Cost Notes
Dive Master Astora Sanctum Harbor Lion's Arch Swim-Speed Infusion +30 + ? Glob of Ectoplasm Requires the item Account Swim-Speed Boost +25.


  • For this upgrade you need to have bought
    • Experienced Infusion.pngAccount Swim-Speed Boost +20 for a Swim-Speed Infusion.pngSwim-Speed Infusion +20 (1,024 Swim-Speed Infusion.pngSwim-Speed Infusion +10 plus gold)
    • Experienced Infusion.pngAccount Swim-Speed Boost +25 for a Swim-Speed Infusion.pngSwim-Speed Infusion +25 (32,768 Swim-Speed Infusion.pngSwim-Speed Infusion +10 plus gold)
    • and for the Swim-Speed Infusion.pngSwim-Speed Infusion +30 to buy the final upgrade, you need another 1,048,576 Swim-Speed Infusion.pngSwim-Speed Infusion +10 (plus gold).
      • This results in a grand total of 1,082,368 Swim-Speed Infusion.pngSwim-Speed Infusion +10, which would cost a total of at the current buy order price.