World Boss Portal Device

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World Boss Portal Device.png

World Boss Portal Device

Item type
Account Bound
Game link
World Boss Portal Device (portrait).png

Dialogue icon.

Double-click to bring up the Portal Device interface. Allows the monitoring of major threats across Tyria, toggling of alerts, and portal travel to join threat response forces.

— In-game description

The World Boss Portal Device will teleport characters of any level to the nearest waypoint for an active, imminent, or approaching threat. Threats include only scheduled Core Tyria World Bosses, Drakkar, Dragonstorm and Convergences.


Vendor Area Zone Cost
Gem Store Gem Store 400 Gem


Warning! Several major threats have been detected across Tyria. Your assistance is requested at one of the following locations. Selecting a threat will teleport you there.
[If notifications are off]
Talk more option tango.png Enable world boss notifications in chat.
Notifications have been enabled. (You will receive an alert in chat when a world boss becomes an Imminent Threat.)
Talk back option tango.png Return
Talk end option tango.png Put the device away.
[If notifications are on]
Talk back option tango.png Disable world boss notifications in chat.
Notifications have been disabled. (You will no longer receive world boss alerts in chat.)
Talk back option tango.png Return
Talk end option tango.png Put the device away.
Talk question mark option.png What does this item do?
This device tracks large threats that occur throughout Tyria, and it can teleport you to them.
Talk question mark option.png What kind of "threats" are we talking about here?
These are incredibly powerful creatures that typically require very large groups of adventurers to successfully take down.
Talk back option tango.png Return
Talk end option tango.png Put the device away.
Talk question mark option.png Can you explain the threat levels to me?
Active Threats are threats that have already begun.
Imminent Threats begin in less than 10 minutes.
Approaching Threats begin in less than 25 minutes.
Talk back option tango.png Return
Talk end option tango.png Put the device away.
Talk back option tango.png Return
Talk end option tango.png Put the device away.
Talk combat option tango.png Active threat: [Lists the boss name (Map location).]
Talk quest choice tango.png Imminent Threat: [Lists the boss name (Map location).]
Talk more option tango.png Approaching Threat: [Lists the boss name (Map location).]
You can't travel right now.
Talk back option tango.png Return
Talk end option tango.png Put the device away.


  • Can be used indefinitely.
  • Cannot be used in combat or when defeated.
  • If you are already in a zone with an upcoming threat, it will not teleport you to a closer waypoint within that zone.
  • Active threats are only available for five minutes.
  • Does not consume any coin, in contrast to using a waypoint to get to the same location.
  • It will teleport you to a waypoint near the World Boss even if you don't have the waypoint unlocked on that character.
  • Once chat notifications are enabled, they will still show in chat even if the item is no longer in inventory.
  • Notifications show up as:
    • 'Threat detected! <Boss name> attacks in 10 minutes.' for Central Tyrian boss
    • 'The earth trembles, and the wind goes cold. Dragonstorm will begin in 10 minutes.' for Dragonstorm
    • 'The whispers grow louder! Drakkar will emerge in 10 minutes.' for Drakkar
    • 'The Kryptis are planning something big. Convergences will begin in 10 minutes.' for Convergences
    • 'The Titans are planning something big. Titans will attack in 10 minutes.' for Of Mists and Monsters.
    • 'The titans are planning something big. Convergences will begin in 10 minutes.' for Convergence: Mount Balrior.
Notification of Convergence: Mount Balrior happens 1h later than it should.
  • This item cannot be used in introductory mission (tutorial starting area).
  • If you keep clicking the item in your inventory without interacting with the pop-up screen when the message "The Titans are planning something big" message has appeared and the event has not ended, it will repeat this message with every registered interaction, allowing the chatbox to be flooded with notifications of the Titans planning something big.

Gem Store history[edit]

See also[edit]