User:Z. Gong/Fractals

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So I hear you’d like to get into Fractals, first the basics.

Intro and Getting Ready[edit]

Fractals of the Mists are level 80 mini dungeons that are done by groups of 5 members (max). The difficulty scale ranges from 1-100 and is broken into 4 tiers (T1: 1-25, T2: 26-50, T3: 51-75, T4: 76-100)

Basic Game Mechanics[edit]

This is just a recap of what most people should know before entering fractals.

Dodging is very important in avoiding damage and death. Its best if you have it key bound and easily accessible.

Defiance/Break Bar and Crowd Control (CC)[edit]

More Info: Defiance bar & Control Effect

Some enemies will have a break bar. It will be located under their health bar. It has three appearances.

  • Grey = Bar is locked and CC will have no effect on it. Don't waste your precious CC on it.
  • Blue = Bar is can be CC’ed
  • Orange = Bar is broken and will regenerate. Don't waste CC on it until it is blue again.

Breaking the bar can result in stopping a powerful attack, stunning the target, increased damage.

Agony & Agony Resistance[edit]

Agony is an effect that deals damage and reduces healing by 70%. Fractal mechanics, bosses and sometimes being too close too close to other players will apply agony. Agony stacks with increased intensity and will down and kill you.

Agony Resistance (AR) is given by slotting Agony infusions into Ascended gear.

Anguished Tear of Alba can be used to give you +10 AR or +15AR with the Fractal Attunement Mastery. Sold by Dessa's Alchemist merchant.

The Mistlock Singularity gives the buff Rigorous Certainty with the Mistlock Singularity mastery. Rigorous Certainty is a +5AR and heals you 25% of you HP on an attack that would down you. When it activates, you lose the buff. (Need Max Fractal Mastery)

Gearing Up[edit]

Fractals 1-20 can be done without Ascended gear and AR. You should aim for having at least Exotic gear. (Note: Dont craft expensive exotic gear like vipers and then work for ascended vipers. It's a waste of gold because the ascended takes the same exotic insignia and stats aren't much better.)

The easiest way to get your AR up is to get two ascended rings. Attune and infuse them to get two more slots per ring. Then you can slot +9 AR into the total of 6 slots (3 slots each ring). (SEE: Agony_Resistance#Cost_efficient_methods)

Warning: The Mystic Forge will destroy all infusions and upgrades applied to equipment. Infusions can be safely removed prior to infusing by using an Infusion Extraction Device, and then reapplied to the new item.

By doing that you should have your AR to 54 allowing you to do most of Tier 2 fractals.

Over time you should be able to get ascended gear through drops or crafting.

The maximum AR needed for scale 100 is 150AR. (Recommended AR can vary +-1 based off your character’s max HP) /wiki fl

Common Terms[edit]

SEE: /wiki Lingo

  • Adds - Enemies are spawned by a boss also known as enemy shit that gets in the way.
  • Aggro - Enemy aggression causes enemies to be draw to and attack players.
  • AR - Agony Resistance
  • DPS - Damage Per Second
  • Pot - Potions (Usually in this case: Mist Offensive Potion, Mist Defensive Potion, Mist Mobility Potion)
  • Food/Wrench check - Slap some food and utility consumables on
  • Rez - Revive (Hard rez is getting someone up from full dead)
  • Ooc - Out of Combat (You can tell if your out of combat by seeing skill change arrows on you skill utilities.
  • CD - skill cooldown

/gg is a faster way to kill yourself and reset the battle usually for when most of the team wipes or for checkpoint spawn or skill cool down reset (CD resets only if the entire team gg’s)