User:TerrorBite/Character table

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This template can be used on your userpage to display a list of your characters. It displays the following character information:

  • Character name and level
  • Race, gender and profession icons
  • Biography icons
  • Crafting disciplines

Nearly all of the hard work is done by the sub-template at User:TerrorBite/Character table row.

Please leave criticism, comments and suggestions on User talk:TerrorBite/Character table.


The following example shows how a few example characters might be displayed using this template:

| name: Bob the Mighty;  level: 80;  profession: guardian;  gender: male;  race: norn;  order: vigil;  personality: dignity;  bio: Fanatic's Pauldrons, Guard the Mists, Revenge, Wolf Spirit;  crafting: 123 jeweler, 400 weaponsmith
| name: Sally the Dazzling;  profession: mesmer;  race: sylvari;  level: 23;  personality: charm;  bio: Harlequin's Smile, Green Huntsman, Right to Grow, Day;  gender: female;  crafting: 17 chef
| name: Sam the Mysterious;  race: human;  gender: male  <!-- Example where minimal information is entered -->

This will produce the following table:

Level, Profession Name Biography Crafting
80Event star (map icon).png Norn tango icon 20px.png Male Guardian icon small.png Bob the Mighty Profession: Fanatic's Pauldrons Story: Guard the MistsStory: RevengeAffiliation: Wolf Spirit Personality: Dignified Vigil (order icon).png 123Jeweler tango icon 20px.png 400Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png
23Blank.png Sylvari tango icon 20px.png Female Mesmer icon small.png Sally the Dazzling Profession: Harlequin's Smile Story: Green HuntsmanStory: Right to GrowAffiliation: Day Personality: Charming Has not joined an Order yet 17Chef tango icon 20px.png -
??Blank.png Human tango icon 20px.png Male Common Sam the Mysterious Profession: Unknown Story: UnknownStory: UnknownAffiliation: Unknkown Personality: Unknown Has not joined an Order yet - -


This template is designed to be as easy as possible to use. It accepts up to 20 parameters, with each parameter containing information about one of your characters.

Each parameter takes a list of options in key: value; format (like CSS). Keys can be in any order, or even omitted completely.

The following are valid keys:

  • name - The name of your character.
  • race - Your character's race: one of asura, charr, human, norn or sylvari.
  • gender - Your character's gender: either male or female.
  • profession - Your character's profession, e.g. warrior.
  • level - Your character's level, as a number. If your character is level 80, the number will appear in bold.
  • bio - Your character's biography. This is the most complex option; see the section below.
  • personality - Your character's initial personality; either ferocity, charm or dignity.
  • order - The Order of Tyria that your character has joined (whispers, vigil or priory). Omit this option if your character has not yet chosen an order.
  • crafting - Your character's crafting disciplines, comma-separated e.g. 100 weaponsmith, 100 armorsmith. Can be omitted completely if your character has not learnt any crafting discipline. Only the first two disciplines will be displayed.

Character Biography[edit]

The bio option accepts a comma-separated list of four names that define your character's biography. To review your character's biography options, go to Story Journal in your Hero panel, and select "I'm [character name]" under "My Story". The top four icons shown are what you need. To find the correct name to enter, visit Biography, find the matching icon, and examine the icon's filename. Enter the icon name without "Biography" at the start and without an extension ("Biography Night.png" would just be "Night"). Note that the names need to be entered with matching case.

In the Story Journal of a Revenant character, the profession-specific answer may be missing from the biography page.

For display purposes, it's recommended (but not essential) that you enter these names in a specific order (which may or may not match the order shown in your Story Journal):

  • The first item should be the profession-specific answer (see Biography#Profession question).
  • The fourth item should be your character's "affiliation": this is a charr's legion, norn's spirit, asura's college, human's deity, or sylvari's time of awakening.
  • The remaining two biography items will be second and third, in no particular order.