User:1Maven/Open House

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Home Instance Host Screen
Home Instance Visitor Screen

Players may have an Open House, hosting others to visit their Home instance. Visitors may take advantage of all of the host's Resource nodes once per day. You may do this as follows:

  • Create a party that includes the Host and up to 4 visitors.
  • All members of the party must be in the same city, but not necessarily the same instance within that city.
  • The host enters the home instance first. All other members are prompted to enter with the host (see images).
  • When prompted to enter the Host's home instance, each Visitor has about 15 seconds to click "Yes". If any party member misses that window then all party members may exit the home instance before they can try again.
  • If the Host leaves party then all visitors are automatically kicked out of the Home instance.
  • This process may be repeated with a different host or different visitors an unlimited number of times the same day.

If a character visits a home instance in a city other than their home city (for example, a charr visiting Salma District), they will see a basic version of the district without any story-related changes. However, all resource nodes will be found in all home instances, regardless of the city.