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Notes from the August 2, 2024 Janthir Wilds Homestead Preview stream[edit]


My notes:

  • Players shown in the live stream have a 600 mastery points cap with 14 unspent. So it is possible total available Mps in the new expansion is 71 with 57 needed to fill out the JW mastery tracks. (That we know of so far.)
  • Conjured Doorways will have anti grieving features.
  • Conjured Doorways will be named after the player's character.
  • Interacting with someone's Conjured Doorway will have options to join or hide it.
  • Conjured Doorways will remember your last world position and return you to it.
  • Homesteads will have a max party limit (five players).
  • Can not place decorations around the homestead waypoint.
  • A max limit of 30 alt characters can be parked (10 per weight class) in your homestead.
  • The game will randomly choose which alt character shows up if you reached the max limit of parked characters (per wight class).
  • Gathering nodes are grouped logical.
  • Gathering nodes share the daily limit with personal story home instances. No double-dipping.
  • Each node area will have a farm storebox with options to collect resources and mange glyph.
  • Farm storebox collecting will be available at JW launch, as long as you complete the final tier of the homesteader mastery track.
  • Only the account owner can interact with the storebox.
  • Crafting materials for decorating your homestead is called Refined Homestead <type> with a weekly purchase limit of 150 per account, but amount can be increased through trade upgrades.
  • Players will have the option of purchasing refined homestead materials through the black market. Price per bundle goes up with a weekly cap limit of 300. Price resets weekly.
  • Players can purchase Homestead upgrades.
  • New crafting discipline is called Handiwork, which is account-wide and is leveled up through mastery.
  • Crafting discipline is capped at 500 (Grandmaster Handiworker).
  • Homesteading Mastery line will unlock resting experience bonus and increases per tier.
  • Homestead resting bonus will also apply to WvW and PvP.
  • Recipes will be mostly unlocked through the mastery line, though some will also be acquired through other means, such as content updates, Raids, festivals – much like how guild hall decorations are acquired.
  • Recipe materials will be cheaper than those required for crafting guild hall decorations.
  • Homestead will feature a stable for unlocked player mounts, which you can pet and ride.
  • Homestead will feature a dock for player skiffs and some fishing nodes (providing you have unlocked the PoF expansion on your account).
  • All the cats you have unlocked in your personal home instance will appear in your homestead.
  • Players will have the ability to pet their cats.
  • M.O.X (if unlocked) will show up in your homestead.
  • Homesteads will come with pre-placed decorations that you can adjust, move or delete.
  • Decorating your homestead will feature an X-ray mode for viewing decorations.
  • Decorations can be rotated, lipped, shrunk, or enlarged.
  • Decorations can be embedded in other objects or underground.
  • Decorative chairs can be sit in.
  • Max 27 decorative light sources can be created in view.
  • Decorating skills will ported to the guild hall.
  • Flying Bee mode for decorating.
  • No anchor points for decorating.
  • Decorating mode will have a "use last scale and rotation".
  • Players can interact with parked alts and get them to follow you around. Alts will return their original places once the homestead owner leaves.
  • Parked alts will not have their back items, but will display the gear/outfits/dye colors you left them with.
  • Homestead can be set to nighttime or daytime.
  • Skybox will feature northern lights (aurora borealis) during nighttime.
  • Homestead will have options to enable fall damage, disable mounts and disable gliding.
  • Homestead will have teleporters (one leading to the Wizard's Tower and the other to Lion's arch).
  • Party members will be kicked once the homestead owner leaves the instance.
  • Party group option will include a join homestead option and will show an icon next to player's nameplate if they are in their homestead.

Janthir Wilds Mastery tracks:

  • Warclaw Mount
  • Lowland Kodan
  • Homesteading
  • {"Spear" ?????}

Homesteading Mastery track breakdown:

  • Novice Handiworker Crafting and Homestead expansion (1 MP)
  • Initiate Handiworker Crafting and Homestead Expansion (2 MP)
  • Apprentice Handiworker Crafting and Homestead Expansion (3 MP)
  • Journeyman Handiworker Crafting and Homestead Expansion (4 MP)
  • {"Future update" }

Homestead Decorate mode options:

  • Clear All Decorations
  • Restore homestead
  • Enable Party Decoration

Decoration mode features three options:

  • Place New Decorations
  • Modify Existing Decorations
  • Erase Decorations

Wayfinder's Versatile Table options:

  • Board Games
  • War Planning
  • Navigation
  • Plain

Homestead Instructions (NPC):

  • I like to know more about homestead decorations.
  • I'd like to know about unlocking homestead rooms and space.
  • I like to set time of day.
  • I like to change movement options
  • I don't want wildlife in my homestead
  • like to see your wares

--Dbaggins (talk) 04:58, 4 August 2024 (UTC)

Homestead and Hearth's Glow[edit]

Considering that both refer to the same instanced map, should Homestead and Hearth's Glow be merged (with Hearth's Glow redirecting to Homestead and Homestead inheriting all information from Hearth's Glow)? ~Nodius 14:43, 27 August 2024 (UTC)

Definitely not, Hearth's Glow is about the instance and Homestead is about the mechanics and general information. ~Sime 15:45, 27 August 2024 (UTC)
Understood, just making sure. ~Nodius 10:27, 28 August 2024 (UTC)
Agreed with Sime, keeping them separate is the correct choice here. Objects, NPCs, map objectives and other things like that can go on the Hearth's Glow page, the homestead mechanics should stay here. Sunlion (talk) 10:35, 28 August 2024 (UTC)
Yes, I do think it would help keep things simpler. The Overview is rather confusing. Wikidoodle (talk) 04:37, 28 August 2024 (UTC)

Overview Section[edit]

I have migrated all the relevant information to their respective subsections of the page, all that's left in the overview subsection is regarding the overhauled decoration system itself, which is shared by guild halls.
Is there any need to migrate that information to Decoration or is the overview subsection disposable now? ~Nodius 10:26, 28 August 2024 (UTC)

I have gone ahead and moved it. ~Nodius 12:47, 28 August 2024 (UTC)

Observations So Far (Missing mentions on the main page)[edit]

(*Outdated before post*)Characters left in the homestead may (have a tendency to) congregate according to armor type or may be near the front of the house or MOUNTED ON THE RAPTOR. This varies depending on how many characters are in the instance at the time and possibly where each (or maybe only the last, most recently logged out) character was standing when logged out. I've never seen an NPC character inside the house but swear I remember one standing near the entrance to the mine. Also not sure if I've seen anything other than a Leather Armor class mounted on the raptor. (Outdated after a little testing but leaving as my original thoughts on the matter.)

Upon further observation, the last Medium Armor class that logged out in the Homestead is mounted on the Raptor instead of the Kodan NPC. A possible place for a Light Armor class is at the base of the stone steps up to the "Mage Cave" and all Heavy armor class characters are near the front of the house and the garden plots.

Mounts in the stable are showing the currently selected skins and colors (dyes) of the character's mounts. The corresponding mount disappears (after a brief animation) from the stable when the character mounts up in the instance.

Cooks (maybe only lvl 500) have a 'Cooking Station' near the Handiwork Workbench between Mr. Quiggles and the steaming boiler-like apparatus behind Seimur Oxbone. (who does not always appear, not sure why)

Not seeing a mention of the three portals on the south side of the instance yet. Unlike most portals in the game they are insta-port when touched and kind of a pain being so close to each other.

Raven, Hawk, Eagle, Prairie Dog and Rabbit are commonly seen in the Homestead. There is also a raccoon-like animal named Tanuki slowly roaming about north-north-west of the house outside of the rock wall, it does not use the same skin as the Rock-Fur Raccoon mini. Eleven Freshwater Fish, a single Lowland Freshwater Fish and a Freshwater Janthir Fish pools are available.

I found something that could be considered a spoiler so...

-Skekzyz (talk) 08:44, 30 August 2024 (UTC)

Further Testing reveals: Seimur Oxbone is the cooking supply merchant and spawns in conjunction with the 'Cooking Station' only for cooks, cooking level limit unknown.
If a Medium armor character is mounted on the Stabled Raptor the character's name shows instead of "Stabled Raptor." If the raptor is mounted by the player with an NPC character on the Stabled one said NPC character dismounts and stands there, and visa versa. The 'disappear' animation appears to be the simple dismount animation for each mount or something very close to it.
Mr. Quiggles does not appear immediately but spawns about two minutes after entering the instance.
And there is more than one Tanuki, so maybe something I haven't come across yet, still very raccoon-like but a weird tail. -Skekzyz (talk) 09:46, 30 August 2024 (UTC)
I have already completed Gourmet Training so it's natural for me to see Seimur and the Bloodstone Stove, so I'm not sure what the natural state is, considering that there's an extra cooking station at the back of the workshop next to the Enchanted Treasure Chest, which means the Homestead has 2 cooking stations for some reason unlike other home instances, instead of upgrading the primitive cooking station into a Bloodstone stove. As for the rest, some of these are not mentioned on this page because they're not part of the Homestead feature, but instead part of the Hearth's Glow instance. ~Nodius 15:42, 30 August 2024 (UTC)

"Further Testing reveals: Seimur Oxbone is the cooking supply merchant and spawns in conjunction with the 'Cooking Station' only for cooks, cooking level limit unknown." - Correct, must have a Chef L500 to get the cooking station and merchant.~Foozlesnorf 14:02, 27 September 2024 (UTC)

The cooking station can spawn early though, my char has cooking at level 430-450 (I can't recall exactly) and the station is there, Seimur is also there but not as vendor though. --Txonä Atan - (talk) 00:36, 28 September 2024 (UTC)

Water decoration ?[edit]

Is there any way we can get underwater foliage or sea life to place around homestead.? 02:41, 8 October 2024 (UTC)

Homestead marine life[edit]

Why isn't there any sealife or water plants to add? Or underwater items. Be super cool to create another world beneath the water 💧 20:17, 11 October 2024 (UTC)

Access to Wizard's Tower[edit]

I skipped SOTO. I own it but have not played it on any character. I am doing Janthir first. I was able to use the portal to the wizard's tower without any SOTO completion.