Take the bridge before Greyhoof Camp is attacked

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Take the bridge before Greyhoof Camp is attacked

Interactive map

Interactive map

Take the bridge before Greyhoof Camp is attacked is a level 22 event that takes place at Halacon Cataracts.


  • Bridge defender morale: %xx
  • Time limit: 6:00


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 890 Experience.png 117 Karma 27 Copper coin
Silver 756 Experience.png 100 Karma 23 Copper coin
Bronze 668 Experience.png 88 Karma 20 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 22 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.






During the event
Seraph Soldier: Remove their paltry defenses and we can destroy that bridge.
Seraph Soldier Adaleen: Drive the centaurs back! We've got to take the bridge.
Seraph Soldier Adaleen: Secure the bridge now! If it doesn't go down, this was all for nothing.
Event success
Seraph Soldier Adaleen: The centaurs are running! Fall back, and I'll bomb the bridge.
Seraph Soldier: Now that's a pretty sight. Gotta love some good, mindless destruction.
Seraph Soldier Adaleen: Not mindless, tactical. Cut off the enemy from reinforcements. That's how you win a war.