Take Bridgewatch Camp from the centaurs

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Take Bridgewatch Camp from the centaurs

Interactive map

Interactive map

Take Bridgewatch Camp from the centaurs is a level 40 event in Harathi Hinterlands. Captain Ganes believes that defeating the four centaur leaders (Modniir Overseers) will weaken the centaurs in this camp. After defeating them, they will have to capture the camp's hilltop.


Phase 1
  • Modniir overseers killed: x/4
  • Captain Ganes
  • Event bar.jpg Event shield (tango icon).png
  • Lieutenant Lin
  • Event bar.jpg Event shield (tango icon).png
Phase 2
  • Bridgewatch Hilltop Progress
  • Event bar empty2.jpg Event flag green (map icon).png
  • Captain Ganes
  • Event bar.jpg Event shield (tango icon).png
  • Lieutenant Lin
  • Event bar.jpg Event shield (tango icon).png


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 2,279 Experience.png 198 Karma 46 Copper coin
Silver 1,937 Experience.png 169 Karma 39 Copper coin
Bronze 1,709 Experience.png 149 Karma 35 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 40 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





Start of the event
Captain Ganes: We need to control that bridge to the east. It's a direct line to the Modniir command.
Lieutenant Lin: A really long and wavy line, protected by a camp full of heavily armed centaurs.
Captain Ganes: That's not a problem. It's a solution. Take out the camp, and the bridge is ours.
Upon reaching the camp
Captain Ganes: Kill the Modniir in the camp, and it'll cause confusion amongst their ranks.
Captain Ganes: Then, we'll take and hold the hilltop. That ought to break their resolve.
Upon defeating the Modniir Overseers
Captain Ganes: The Modniir overlords are dead! Take and hold the hill, and this camp will be ours!