Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons content

St. Viktor: A Legacy Encased in Jade

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St. Viktor: A Legacy Encased in Jade

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This Library Book can be found in the Kestrel Archives during the story Emotional Release

Story involvement[edit]

End of Dragons story[edit]


St. Viktor: A Legacy Encased in Jade

We found ourselves at the Harvest Temple, perched on the edge of history.

As Vizu's strike lands, time itself seems to pause, as if rendered a mere spectator of fate. It is here that Shiro stands, frozen. Unarmed. Vulnerable.

From opposing sides of the room, St. Viktor and Archemorus lock gazes. Together, they stride, side by side, two bodies choreographed by destiny. St. Viktor grabs the first of the blades. He palms the handle, still hot with Shiro's fury. Archemorus grasps the second. Each angles a blade toward shiro's sides.

Shiro inhales. Closes his eyes. Waits. The pierce of the blades is instantaneous. Cold, yet white hot. Concentrated agony.

And it begins. Reality imploding into pure energy. Sight and sound blure into something indistinguishable: the sheer force of life collapsing upon itself. Existence is a vast wind. A deafening hum. A hue of jade green.

Then, nothing.

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