Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure content

Skyscale Tender Marus

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Skyscale Tender Marus


Interactive map

Skyscale Tender Marus is a member of the Rift Hunters taking care of recovering Skyscales in Devastated Garenhoff.


Horn of Maguuma

Event involvement[edit]

Event star (tango icon).png Help the Astral Ward calm the agitated skyscales (80)

Combat abilities[edit]

  • Hunter of Mystic Threats


Careful around these skyscales; they've had a rough time and aren't in a great mood.
Talk more option tango.png Can I borrow one of them?
I literally just said... No, not right now. They're banged up and need to rest before they go out anywhere.
Talk end option tango.png Fair enough.
Talk more option tango.png What happened to them?
They were all out in the field when things got really bad. Some got wounded in the process, and the others are just plain exhausted.
Talk end option tango.png I'll leave them to their recovery, then.
Talk end option tango.png Okay, I'll be on my way.