Living World Season 4 content

Skyscale 12

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The correct title of this article is Skyscale #12. The substitution or omission of the # is because of technical restrictions.

Skyscale 12.png

Skyscale #12

Item type
War Eternal.png Skyscale Fever
Account Bound
Game link
Skyscale 12.jpg

Click to enlarge.

Skyscale 12 map.jpg

Click to enlarge.

You fed the skyscale Gorrik's medicine.

Hint: Find the ailing skyscale in Crystal Wing.

— In-game description


  • Underneath the top-most part of the wing. Near where you collected the blood from Kralkatorrik for the story.
    • To reach the node, start from the Griffon Roost southwest of the "Crystal Wing" text on the map - there is also an Oakheart's Essence object here which you should grab too.
    • Fly/jump across to the slope east of the start point. Head north and slightly up the slope (use a springer if required) until you are able to circle back clockwise inside the Crystal Wing cavern.
    • The Sick Skyscale will be straight opposite and below you as you enter the cavern.