Shaman Shoba

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Shaman Shoba


Interactive map path

Shaman Shoba is the spiritual leader of the grawl living at God's Hand.



Event involvement[edit]

Event swords (tango icon).png Drive off the harpies who have infatuated the grawl shaman (63)


During Drive off the harpies who have infatuated the grawl shaman event graceful. Beautiful. If grawl had wings, we could be friends. Harpies and grawl are drawn to the Hand of God!
Talk more option tango.png You know, you could help fight the Flame Legion.
Yes, cat-lady wants help from Shoba, but my harpy hates the cat-lady. How can I help her when my lovely harpy wants to kill her?
Talk end option tango.png I'll have to think about that.
After the event
My harpy and her sisters have gone, left God's Hand behind, left Shoba behind. It is better this way. They would have killed Shoba. Killed me dead.
Talk more option tango.png Maybe now you can help Killian.
I will hear cat-lady's words. No promises.
Talk end option tango.png That's all I ask.
Talk end option tango.png I'm sorry.