Retrieve the catapult parts from the centaurs

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Retrieve the catapult parts from the centaurs

Interactive map

Interactive map

Retrieve the catapult parts from the centaurs is a level 27 dynamic event that occurs in Stonebore Vaults.



Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 1,154 Experience.png 140 Karma 33 Copper coin
Silver 981 Experience.png 119 Karma 28 Copper coin
Bronze 866 Experience.png 105 Karma 24 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 27 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.




When progress bar is full
Siege Master Marith: Everyone, hurry up. I'll take whatever parts you have, but I got a delivery to make.
On success
Siege Master Marith: Fantastic! I thought the parts would be long gone or broken.
Siege Master Marith: Let's get this stuff to Nebo Terrace. Gods know they need it.