Rescue the skritt from the bandit kidnappers

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Rescue the skritt from the bandit kidnappers

Interactive map

Interactive map

Rescue the skritt from the bandit kidnappers is a level 22 dynamic event that occurs in Brilitine Swath.


  • Bandit kidnappers killed: x/6
  • Skritt captured: x/6
  • Save captured skritt.
  • Bandit kidnappers killed: x/6


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 890 Experience.png 117 Karma 27 Copper coin
Silver 756 Experience.png 100 Karma 23 Copper coin
Bronze 668 Experience.png 88 Karma 20 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 22 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





Event start
Veteran Bandit Skirmisher: Hey there, little freak. You and your friends are going to come with us.
Skritt Outrunner: No. No, no! Skritt won't be toys for you. Run! Go fast!
Veteran Bandit Skirmisher: I don't think you understand, rat. You come with us, or we chop you into pieces here and now.
Skritt Outrunner: No hurt skritt! We follow. Put away sharp things, yes?
If all 6 skritt are captured
Skritt Outrunner: Don't understand, no, no! Why take skritt? Skritt mean you no harm. No, never!
Bandit Skirmisher: Let's move, you lot. We're on a timetable, and we don't want to give those pipsqueaks a reason to back out of our deal.
Skritt Outrunner: No, wait. No! Skritt won't leave us behind. Skritt, yes. They will come. You watch. Friends? Where are they?
While bandits are escorting skritt
Skritt Outrunner: Ow. Ow. Ow. Feet. Hands. Can't feel them. Less tightness in the ropes. Please!
Skritt Outrunner: Yes! Loosen mine, too. Yes, yes! Please! Promise, no running away!
Bandit Skirmisher: Quiet, you rats! Just keep moving and no one gets hurt.
Event success before escort
Skritt Outrunner: Yeah! How do you like that, bad man? Not scary, just dead!
Skritt Outrunner: Uh...not sure about you, but I'm leaving. Now, yes. Very quickly.
Event success during escort
Skritt Outrunner: Ah, you. Friend of skritt. Many thanks. All skritt will know you are good. You helped, yes.
Skritt Outrunner: Oh, my head hurts. So much pain. Safe? Is it? Free? Are we?
Skritt Outrunner: Shh, rest. Freedom is here. You, me, we go home. Your head will feel better there, yes. Come. Home this way.
Event failure
Bandit Skirmisher: All right, here you go. Fresh from the wild. Now, where's our money?
Veteran Inquest Operative: Hrmp. These do look livelier than the last batch. Very well. Go and see Vaxx for your payment.