Free captured skritt from the Inquest

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Free captured skritt from the Inquest

Interactive map

Interactive map

Free captured skritt from the Inquest is a level 22 dynamic event that occurs in Brilitine Swath.


  • Containment Cell Power Node
  • Event bar.jpg Event swords (tango icon).png
  • Skritt sacrified in: 7:00


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 890 Experience.png 117 Karma 27 Copper coin
Silver 756 Experience.png 100 Karma 23 Copper coin
Bronze 668 Experience.png 88 Karma 20 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 22 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





After the skritt enter the pen
Skritt Outrunner: No! Grey-ears do bad things! Must find a way out!
Skritt Outrunner: Hurt skritt! No hope! Pain! Only that.
Skritt Outrunner: No! Our friends come to save us, yes. Wind brings safe. Wind brings freedom.
At three minutes left
Veteran Inquest Operative: Now, I wonder what will happen if I activate this circuit...
Skritt Outrunner: Ahh! Agh! Please. Stop hurting. Must stop. Begging. Stop!
Veteran Inquest Operative: Interesting. These test subjects don't conduct electricity as well as the quaggan specimens.
Skritt Outrunner: Help! Come free me! Please! Free me!
Upon success
Skritt Outrunner: Free! Yes, go home, See[sic] my love. Heart, filled with joy. So many thanks! Must go, yes. Now!
Skritt Outrunner: Yes, free from friend. Friend of skritt. A good smell, a good story. Will tell all of it..
Upon failure
Skritt Outrunner: My love, my sweet. (cough) I am sad. I must go without you to the Bright Hollow.
Veteran Inquest Operative: Oh, is that it already? I expected these little scavengers to be more resilient.
Veteran Inquest Operative: I'll have to try it again on another subject. I'll just dump this failure and prepare for the next one.


  • Success of this event resets the event chain.