Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons content

Purist Document Fragment

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Purist Document Fragment

Book 6.jpg

Old Kaineng
(New Kaineng City)

Four Purist Document Fragments can be found scattered throughout the ruins of Old Kaineng.



Interactive map[edit]


Ripped Letter to Yeongi find out soon. Gold Serpent can't keep this hidden much longer if he has any hope of surviving. Of course, maybe he's trying to be sneaky and signal some of his old allies...

...unsure of what he does when he leaves the outpost. Says it has something to do with an "offering" to the Celestials...barely got a flicker of flame left, so maybe he's looking for a little more fuel...

...blood along the path. I wouldn't want to get stuck in Risen territory for long...

Old Bloodstained Note

...the brat thinks he can lord his position over us. That's not how it works, even if you're two hundred years old. I don't care if he's the Minister of Fire or the Minister of Kappa, I won't "respect my elders" if that means bending at the knee to some dried-up husk...

...he may have kissed Reiko's feet, but that doesn't mean he deserves my respect now...

...of Purity has nothing to do with rank or title, it's about genes. It's about one's ability to command. Not just their power, but their prowess. Over the people of Cantha...

Council Meeting Transcript

...amazing he's survived this long without being discovered. After the crackup, we'd assumed they'd all be rounded up...

...he's got some sort of special ability to stay above all, Zal. Yeongi has decided to lend him sanctuary in our temporary headquarters...

...moving off the main peninsula soon...

...scouting for new locations to set up camp. Currently in an old outpost near the city...too close for comfort. Moving further into the ruins for now. One of the search parties found a decent spot in the mountains in Shing Jea...

Signed by Minister Yeongi

...Zal wasn't doing well when we arrived, so it's no surprise he was one of the casualties. He was too weak, anyway. Lost a lot of blood...

...of Purity waits for no man, we must press on and fight back against this Canthan genocide...

...let this be a call to arms, to blood. No Canthan is safe from Haebaragi's self-righteous hand. No minister. We will see the loss of our nation if we don't act; so we march. Tonight...

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