Living World Season 1 content

Protect the lighthouse workers as they flee the city

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Protect the lighthouse workers as they flee the city

Protect the lighthouse workers as they flee the city is an event to escort lighthouse workers from Lion's Gate out of Lion's Arch (Under Attack!).


  • Lighthouse workers alive: 3





Event start
Ellyna Graidy: Dad. Forget the lighthouse! We need to get out of the city.
Priest Graidy: Not yet, honey. Approaching vessels need to be warned off.
Ellyna Graidy: Dad...
Priest Graidy: Just go. I'll be right behind you. Until then, may Dwayna keep you in her arms.
Priest Graidy: I love you, bunny.
Ellyna Graidy: I love you, bear.
Ellyna Graidy: All right. Get me out of the city, and then come back for my father.
Event failure
Ellyna Graidy: We're not going to make it, are we? We're going to die here!
Event success
Ellyna Graidy: Dwayna bless you. See me at the relief camp later, after you find my father.