Protect local mosshearts from fire imps

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Protect local mosshearts from fire imps

Interactive map

Interactive map

Protect local mosshearts from fire imps is a level 12 dynamic event that occurs in Willowalk Groves.


  • Mosshearts alive: 4
  • Time remaining: 6:00


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 525 Experience.png 72 Karma 17 Copper coin
Silver 446 Experience.png 62 Karma 14 Copper coin
Bronze 394 Experience.png 54 Karma 13 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 12 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.


  • The imps will attack and set the Mosshearts on fire. This burning is applied as an invisible effect rather than a condition, which won't respond to normal condition removal.
  • Gourds may be picked up from the ground and used by activating their skill while facing a target at melee range. Imps will sustain damage from the water. Fires (and Mosshearts) will be extinguished. Additionally, Mosshearts will be healed by the water as well, making the gourds essential for keeping them alive.





On start
Warden Magh: Fire imps? Why would they come here?
Keeper Eadon: They're here for the mosshearts. The fire imps can burn them for fuel.
Keeper Eadon: We need help. Head to the waystation and get Keeper Soira.
During event
Keeper Eadon: Kill the imps! We must protect the mosshearts.
At the waystation
Warden Magh: Where is Keeper Soira? The mosshearts are in trouble!
Lionguard: She's gone helping some other beasts. She may be back soon, but I wouldn't hold my breath.
When mossheart is on fire
Keeper Eadon: One of the mosshearts is engulfed in imp fire. Use a gourd to extinguish it.
On failure
At the nearby waystation
Keeper Soira: Calm yourself. What's the problem, young one?
Warden Magh: Fire imps are attacking mosshearts to the south.
Keeper Soira: Lead the way. I'll help as best I can.
Back at the event site
Warden Magh: We were too late... All the mosshearts...
Keeper Soira: So long as the imps remain, there is still work to do.
Keeper Soira: Go back to the waystation and search for more help.
On success
Keeper Soira: I've healed the mosshearts and evacuated them to the road.
Keeper Soira: Once it's safe, I'll bring them back.
Keeper Eadon: Thank you, Soira


It's possible that no fire imps will appear during the event, making it impossible to participate in the event at all. As a result, the event will always fail and trigger the failure event.