Junior Brand Manager

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Junior Brand Manager


Interactive map

Junior Brand Managers are lower ranking management in the Consortium.




Greetings! What can I do for you,,[sic] <ma'am/sir>?
Talk more option tango.png What can you tell me about your employers?
Looking to join our team? Good for you! If you leave your name with my personal assistant, I'm sure it will get to our human resources people.
Talk more option tango.png I'm really just curious about the Consortium in general.
I see. As I'm sure you've heard, we're a relatively new but rising mercantile concern, with a wide array of properties, products, and services on offer.
Talk more option tango.png Sure, but can you tell me something about the Consortium's history?
For more in-depth corporate information like that, you'll need to speak with someone from our media relations department.
Talk more option tango.png What is it that you do for the Consortium?
I'm a junior brand manager here in our Lion's Arch headquarters.
Talk more option tango.png What can you tell me about your employers? (Same as above)
Talk more option tango.png What does that mean, exactly?
It's fascinating work. I manage public perception of the Consortium brand. You know: consumer experience, emotional impact, that sort of thing.
Talk more option tango.png What can you tell me about your employers? (Same as above)
Talk end option tango.png I see. Thanks for your time.
Talk end option tango.png I see. Thanks for your time.
Talk end option tango.png I see. Thank you.
Talk more option tango.png What is it that you do for the Consortium? (Same as above)
Talk end option tango.png I see. Thanks for the information.
Talk end option tango.png I appreciate it, but no thank you.
Talk more option tango.png What is it that you do for the Consortium? (Same as above)
Talk end option tango.png Nothing, thank you.