Hunter Maz

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Hunter Maz


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Hunter Maz is a member of the hunting party of Hunter Bolla and Hunter Glynis found in the Oros Spurs.



These lands were once filled with such amazing beasts to hunt. Or so the stories go. I get here, and all I see are grawl. Clearly the gods have no sense of humor that I can understand.
Charisma Perhaps they're giving you a chance to help people.
I suppose it's possible. Getting rid of the grawl would be a large help to the norn, and any other hunters like myself. I'll help.
Talk end option tango.png Thank you.
Talk more option tango.png The grawl are the real problem.
That's true. While I'm here, I should make the best of it. I'll help you take out the grawl.
Talk end option tango.png Thank you.
Talk end option tango.png You might not get the punchline.
While hunting
Killing grawl reminds me of a game from my childhood: they bounce up and down, and you have to try and hit them.
Talk end option tango.png Glad you're having fun.