Hunter's Journal: Entry 17
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Hunter's Journal: Entry 17
“Hint: Consult your Hunter's Journal for instructions.
— In-game description
- Entry 17
- Incredible! A traveling priestess at Secluded Glen told me she saw the tiger pass through and — with no hesitation — proceed into the Dragonbrand.
- Read on.
- Previous entry...
- The Brand is terrifying for a well-trained warrior — I can't imagine the courage that tiger must possess.
- Read on.
- Go back.
- I'll resume my search around Sentinel's Patch. If she somehow survived The Brand, that's her likely destination.
- Read on.
- Go back.
- Search for tiger tracks.
- Show me.
- Go back.
- Close the journal.
Close the journal.
Close the journal.
Close the journal.
- Obscured Tiger Tracks
- The trail is lost among the human footprints. Perhaps someone in the nearby town knows more.
- Leave.
- Captain Carbins
- Welcome to Rosko's Campsite. Things are here are a little strained even since the harpies kidnapped our vilagers.
- Kidnapped?
- First harpies, now tigers. Sometimes we just can't catch a break. Yeah, I've seen the beast.
- There was a commotion last night, and a villager went missing. I sent a scout out to find her, and she came back with nothing but a nasty limp.
- That's how she tells it. To the northeast are a bunch of natural stone pillars - that's where she fought the monster.
- Thank you. Leave this to me.
She was attacked by the tiger?
What happened?
I'm tracking a tiger.
- Not interested. Good-bye.
- Tiger tracks will be visible just south of Thunderbreak Waypoint. They will take you southeast to Obscured Tiger Tracks just south of Rosko's Campsite Waypoint and north of Gillscale Pond. From the Obscured Tiger Tracks head northeast to Halkor Meadows and find Captain Carbins. Talking to the captain will give you the next journal entry.