Guild Chat - Episode 110

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Guild Chat - Episode 110

Elite Specialization Beta 2 Preview
Rubi Bayer
Indigo Linde
Cal Cohen
September 17, 2021
Official video
The following is an unofficial, player-written transcript of the episode. The accuracy of this transcription has not been verified by ArenaNet.

The 110th episode of Guild Chat aired on September 17, 2021.


Voice Over: Look around us. Your children would be trapped in. The past if not for me. Their worlds are carved from the. Jade that I gave purpose. I promised them a future. A century of progress cannot end this way. I'll find a way to save us all.

Rubi Bayer: Hi Teria, welcome to Guild Chat and happy Friday. Thank you all for joining us. I'm your host Ruby and we have been having so much fun this week seeing all of your reactions and how you're enjoying seeing the new elite specializations that we revealed. We are looking forward to you trying them in the beta. Event next week, we're going to give you a little head start today with an overview of all three of them, the Revenant, the Elementalist, and the Warrior Elite specialization. We're going to go over the skills, the gameplay and the general how each one works, and then cows can go back and get a little bit deeper into the traits and gameplay theory for those of you who really deep dive into how this is played and want to make sure you are super efficient. So. Let's go ahead and get started with our two developer guests. First indigo. Thank you for joining. Us today, yeah.

Indigo Linde: Hi I'm. I'm indigo. I'm and writer narrative designer on Guild Wars under Dragons and live. I'm primarily working with the open open World Team. I'm a content owner for one of the narrative maps which we'll talk about at a later time, and the Golden path and the elite specializations, which is.

Rubi: Why I'm here today? Yeah, and Cal. Thank you.

Cal Cohen: Hi. Happy to be here again. I'm Cal game designer on killers two. Or do a lot of work on competitive game modes. The world of the world. A little bit of balance for those game modes. For Ender Dragons, we did a lot of work on Elite specializations, so once again I am here to kind of demo those and show those off to all of the players who are looking forward to seeing what's. Actually going to be in the beta next week? Awesome. All right, well, let's do this. Let's.

Rubi: Get started with the Vindicator.

Voice Over: The Kazaks and Luxans were bitter enemies, but their greatest champions, St. Victor and Arkham Morris United to help slay Shiro, the betrayer at the cost of their own lives. Vindicators call upon the strength of their legendary alliance, channeling both heroes skills to devastate their enemies and protect their elements. They use great swords to deliver massive attacks and crush foes by leaping straight into battle instead of dodging.

Rubi: All right, I am excited to hear about this one, especially the conflict between who you're channeling. So let's start with Indigo and tell me about.

Indigo: This. Yeah, absolutely so. The the Vindicator is really near and dear to my heart, which I'll probably say for a lot of the specs because they're. All so much. Fun to work on, but that was the element.

Rubi: Or mentalist.

Indigo: The elementalist is near and dear.

Cal: I think I heard that line.

Indigo: To my heart, the the betrayal.

Cal: In beta, one stream as well.

Indigo: The I'm a mesmer, man, so that was near. And dear to my heart. That was fine. And then the kicker was a lot of fun to write specifically because for the the first time, the Revenant not only channels one spirit, but two and our Guild Wars one players are probably familiar with Archie Morris in Saint victors, who helped her as heroes from Canton's past. That defeated the villain Shiro Taguchi, which is another name that you might be familiar with. Because he is also another Revenant legend. St. Victor and Arkema Oris were from opposing factions, the Luxons McKenzie, and we won't get too far into what's going on in modern Canada today. And I mean, we all know that the cursors are the best, right? You know, that's that's fine. There's no argument there. We're all a little biased in.

Rubi: Absolutely no question.

Indigo: This room but.

Rubi: It's just that.

Indigo: What's really fun about this class is that. The themes of those two. Who opposing cultures really comes into play in the gameplay itself? In these specs, 2 St. Victor, who is from the Kurzick's is his gameplay is a lot more defensive and cleansing, while Arkham Morris is a lot more offensive and brutal in his game play and with the help of your new great sword or the ability to use a great sword. Other the there's a really fun balancing act and dance between jumping between these skills and really like learning kind of this interweaving of how they work together. And I think players are going to be really excited to hear from Cal how this functions.

Rubi: I do have I have a super important question. First, it's yeah. But it's also incredibly important. Yes, shiro. What's your?

Indigo: Shiro. Yeah. So Shiro Taguchi for? For those that don't know, is a big bad villain from Guild Wars. One factions. I won't go too much into that because you know what's going on. But basically the TL. Car, is he he? Built this play. This little plague called the affliction and decant that he stirred up a little bit of trouble. He was a little gross, but now he's he's stuck in the mess. He's dead. He's long. And he there we might actually get to hear some spirit bickering because, I mean, now he's kind of stuck in this room of. The undead with two. The two guys that helped kill him a while ago, so I will say that that players will also be really excited to hear that you're going to be able to hear some new. Commentary on the the state of Kantha now and I'm I'm that was probably one of the best things to write for this expansion that I. So get ready. For some my my spiritual house husbands.

Rubi: Yes, I love that.

Cal: Where we live, right?

Rubi: Now we're live. I I love that my question was Shiro and I didn't have to. Like you were. There with me. Thank you. Alright, SoCal, let's go over these skills of the Vindicator.

Cal: Alright, let's get into the skills. So as Indigo said, we have the legendary alliance stance, which is the name of the the name of the Revenant. Legend here seemed like dwarf and demon in the past. This is the alliance Archimo Oris and so. Victor also quick shout to everyone in the chat who voted for Curtis being the best because it's not even. Close. I can't even imagine. Can't even imagine the alternative. But basically, the idea of the spec is that you have kind of this dual sided alliance stance and I mean basically the entirety of brainstorming meeting is you know it's better than one Legend 2 legends and all right, thought about it. Did some math calls and some professional mathematicians and they did confirm that two is in fact greater than one. And so we decided to go with the double legend. Alliance stance. So basically how this works is we're going to see right now I'm kind of in the. Archer Morris looks inside of things. And once I fire up, we'll get in these skills in a second. But notice how I use the heal skill in Arkham Morris. Now it flips over to the cursor side of that, goes on, cool down. And so this is going to create kind of like an interesting dynamic in game play and how you decide to, you know, go on the aggressive or go on the offensive or kind of mitigate damage and support your teammates because we're going to see a lot of offense. On Ardmore's law, defense and support on St. Victor. So let's just get into the skills after real quick. Let me turn off cooldowns, because that makes this demo a lot. More exciting, but we're going to see some. Common themes between the. Two skills, some mechanical themes between the two skills that share the same slot and turns out for the heal skill. They both heal. You makes sense. That's not super surprising. Starting off with selfish spirit, which is the archimage side here, this is going to be it's going to be like just a self heal and also going to hit nearby enemies. So another common thing we're going to see both here on Arkham Morris and this well in the Great Sword kit is. That the Vindicator really wants to be in these larger fights. What we see in the past, stuff like Shiro and Sword Main hand are more about isolating a single target and maximizing kind of that assassinate gameplay and just focusing down a single key target, whereas we're gonna see with armors, we'll see the great sword, just more natural large AOE cleaving attacks. And so there with the Archon's heel, we saw that hitting multiple enemies gives me might stacks per per enemy struck multiplies vulnerability gives me a little bit extra healing. So again, get into range with all those targets, hit as many as you can and get the maximum value of that skill. Moving over to the other side of that is going to be selfless spirit. So a little fun naming conventions there and so selfless spirit, nothing too crazy going on. It's just going to be that AOE heal going to heal yourself. If I do die here. And I forgot to note that myself, but that's fine. We'll just fix that real quick. And flip back over here, but. So we're going to heal myself, heal my allies, and that's going to mean nothing. Too crazy here, a support skill. Moving into the next slot, we're going to see Nomads advance, so the common theme of this slot is are going to be mobility. Archie Morris Nomad Advance is going to go in pretty good damage on the scale, get some might per target struck again, hit as many targets you can get maximum value to that skill and that's going to flip over to battle dance. We're just going to be kind of the more disengage evasion half of this which is also going to give resistance and regeneration. To yourself and nearby allies, so again, more supportive and just that backwards mobility as opposed to the engaged mobility of nomad advance. Next up, we're going to see Scavenger burst, so this is going to be the common theme here is we're going to have some endurance game metal play in really well with the professional mechanic, which I'll talk about right after we get through the alliance skills. Some of you may notice there's no divider pit here on the endurance bar. That is we kind of. We talked about that a little bit in the preview video and some of the text that we've kind of shown to the world already where the Vindicator does only have access to a single dodge and that's going to. Consume all of your endurance and no recharge is going to give you some energy back, but that's not going to happen for real players, so giving some extra endurance and game throughout the kit here we're going to see some of that in the traits as well. That's really going to enable kind of that singular dodge to not fall off too hard in areas where you want. Multiple dodges. So Scavenger burst also going to give you quickness. For target struck. In addition, just being a damaging ability, so hit a bunch of targets, get a lot of quickness, get some damage and get some endurance back, and that's going to flip over onto the locks inside with tree song or curse. I'd rather tree song. I just. I'm going to walk. Out now, OK. Finger anymore.

Rubi: OK. But do this first.

Cal: We'll get through this real quick SO3 songs again. Where that supporting that's ready to build similar kind of radius is going to give you endurance per ally affected by this and also per condition. This is a 5 condi. Ones per ally number of number of allies affected in the number of conditions cleansed is going to give you more and more endurance, so we just hop out here, not cheat endurance. Lose some endurance here. I'm going to be cleansing 5 conditions from all of these guys. It's going to be. A pretty good amount of endurance back also going to heal per condition condition. Removed there as well. Finally, moving into the stun break spot, we're going to start with Reavers Rage, so again, there's going to be a skill that you really want to hit. The maximum number of targets you're going to get some extra extra value from the skill, so it's going to be PBE damage. Give you some stability initially, give you some fury initially, but then per target struck, that's going to scale up. So we see we just got 6-7 stability stacks as well as a pretty solid. Their duration could be R hitting the maximum. Number of targets here. And that's going to flip over into awakening. And so the cool, I guess, I guess the more unique stun break aspect of awakening is that it actually breaks stun for your allies. And additionally, you see it gives a little bit of stability and a solid production duration to all those allies and range. But it's also the kind of shared stun break that we've seen on a few skills across the game. This felt like a really good. Spot to give that that shared stump break mechanic, so that's going to be what you. Get from awakening here. Then moving into the elite slot, we're going to have, I guess these are a bit more divided in terms of mechanics. These are more of the iconic iconic artifacts that you might be familiar with of these characters, the sphere of Arkham Morris here, the skill is not all that complicated. It's just a very, very powerful super long range 2000 range, long distance. Very high damage multiplier. A little bit of torment in there, just super focused on maximizing the damage armors does a lot of the heavy lifting himself with the cast. Iron Revenant only has a little bit of a cast time and then Archers will stand there. Charge it up, throw at the target and do a lot of damage to that to that enemy. That's going to flip over into the urn of St. Victor. Which this is again going to be the more that's supporting supporting, you know, Ally supporting, I keep saying supportive. That's not a good thing. But let's come over here to some of these golems here that are a little bit lower on health. So what's going to happen with the urn of St. Victor let's.

Rubi: It's a real. Thing. Deal with it, yeah.

Cal: Just hover the tooltip for a second here. See all the things that are going on. So the first thing that's going to happen is while you're channeling your urn, which is upkeep scale, -10 upkeep, this is going to start. Dealing damage yourself, but you also see that allies nearby are being healed. So while you're in kind of this upkeep, it's not really a stance but upkeep mode. The Revenant will not be able to take incoming healing either, so you're creating this really kind of dangerous high risk, high reward type of game play where. As long as you channel this, you're going to be kind of more susceptible to damage. You get a little. Bit of damage reduction in there. On for both the power and condition damage, so you'll be a little bit more tanky, but not to be able to sustain yourself at all and. Then this is. Going to continuously post heal toward toward allies, and then as you see here on the final flip over skill. You can recast this ability to then have a more final burst of healing and some wounds that's going to scale based off how low your health is, so this is something that you can kind of if you're already low, you can just pop it when you're low health and then fire it off immediately to get the full value of the skill. Otherwise, you're gonna have to sit there, take that kind of incoming damage, incoming pressure to really get your health. As low as I possibly can to get the maximum healing and the maximum boons there, we saw region resistance and protection. A lot of good power coming out from that. That's a elite skill. And so that's kind of the high level view of the alliance stance. So when it comes to more like realistic gameplay scenarios, you see like if I use the self selfish spirit on the looks and side of things, not kind of in this position where all right, my skills are starting to flip into kind of the alternate modes and maybe I'm more interested in only dealing damage. Because damage is great, I just want to kill the boss as fast as possible. I don't want to waste energy. I don't want to waste time casting these more defensive supporting skills because I'm going to play like alliance plus sheer or plus jealous and go for that really aggressive build. And so we're going to see here on the F2 skill alliance tactics. This is going to be an opportunity for you to kind of pick and choose when you flip over those abilities outside of just casting them. So if you do just want to maximize damage, maybe you fire off all of the armor skills and then without having to deal with the. St. Victor side of these things, we're going to just fire up a wince tactics and that's going to flip your whole bar back. So anything that's in. Our camera side is going to flip to St. Victor and vice versa, so if you're like already going to hybrid state of the bar, you're going to. Have a hybrid state in the other direction. Visibility also gives you endurance and it does cost energy, so this is an opportunity to convert energy into endurance and that's going to be 1. Of the things you really need to be. Kind of min maxing while you're playing this character because again, the Dodge mechanic is going to kind of enable some of your damage or support depending on which one you choose. We'll get into the traits a little bit later in the. So, but we're going to see different flavors of the Vindicator dodge, similar to what Daredevil does, where you kind of pick and choose based off your Grand Master trait. If you want to go super, super high, damage more supportive or something a little bit in the middle with some wounds and a little bit of damage. So you have the opportunity to, depending on how much energy you spend on your skills, maybe you want to get charged miss over an invocation to really maximize how much energy you have while you're swapping between legends. That's going to allow you to take alliance tactics and kind of get that endurance back while also min maxing the the game play style you want to get out of alliance stance. Because you also have potentially the option to run a more supportive style, maybe Centari plus alliance and then really focus on these victor side skills and just make sure you're casting those don't care as much about Arkham Morris in that case. And then you're going to really want to take advantage of the lines tactics to flip over those skills whenever you feel the need to. So I'll just touch on the Dodge again real quick. We'll get into the kind of key details once we get back into the trades. But as you can see, this is a pretty long. This is the Super aggressive offensive dodge that I have slotted right now. So you see it's going to give me a buff to outgoing damage and outside of that, this is a much slower, more telegraphed, much longer evade frame. But also a pretty significant amount of damage here at the end, and we've definitely seen like how a single dodge plays with Mirage since we've made that change in PvP and World world for a while. Now so we're. Building the Vindicator, we want to make sure that. All of these dodges feel rewarding enough to justify kind of that increased danger of not being able to dodge multiple. Times in a row. Obviously we're seeing some defensive cooldowns on the alliance stands. She has access to that. Jio is going to get some damage mitigation. So revenue does have a lot of tools that can kind of mitigate damage outside of their dodge. And we felt that it was a really interesting place to kind of try this single dodge mechanic again and see if revenue to something that can also make that make that work. Next, we're going to move into the great sword skills and kind of touched on it a little bit earlier where this is very much more that ale cleaving power, DPS weapon that's going to complement sword, sword pretty well if you're just looking for like a PV damage rotation, but also just for those larger fights, maybe world view world environment, PPT flights, open world, looking at as many targets as you can then the great sword is going to be really. A valuable choice. So, nothing too crazy here on the auto tag, pretty standard rates. Or auto tag. The final hit applies chill, so a little bit of staying power a little bit chase down, which is what male characters. Moving into mist, Mist unleashed, this is kind of the main damage payoff of the kit skill, too. Pretty standard damage of vulnerability. And scale three Phantom's onslaught, there's going to be a another gap closer, and we saw some in the alliance stand side of things, but we also have here here on the greatsword dash in, probably need a target. So you actually want to hit some. You can't just fire that skill off without a target and dash somewhere to rush. Cleaned up the this is actually using a slightly different animation from Rush, so it doesn't. It's a little bit less likely to fly out in random directions, which I'm sure all the warrior players in chat can kind of, you know, rumble and complain about, because anyone who's played with great urban rush and has ended up on the wrong side of the map because they're moving in a weird. Option that's going to be a little bit less of an issue. Here with. Phantoms on slot that's going to be a little bit more chill in this kit. Next up, we have Imperial guards. This is a defense defensive. Cool down here is going to be a channel block and the kind of unique aspect of this is that you see it flips over into what's called true. Strike here. There's just another damaging ability, so you can just kind of double tap this to get a little bit of extra damage in there. That's not going to be ideal because the mechanic of Imperial Guard is that as long as you were blocking attacks. That is going to charge up the damage of true strike, so we see what worth the damage here about 3K there. But if this goal I'm actually using say rapid fire on me and I block a lot of incoming blocks, a lot of incoming attacks that's going to charge a crew strike and we're going to see well, I I forgot to crit, so use misplay, but the damage does increase by a pretty significant amount there. And then finally, we're going to get Eternities Requiem. This is. Kind of the. Big I guess it's another big damaging skill. This one's a little bit more high variance. It's another thing where you're going to want to be surrounded by a large cluster of enemies because this is going to be kind. Of similar to skills in the past we've seen with like meteor Shower, Crossbow 4, there's a little bit this lightning. There's just this large cluster of spawning spells in the area around you, and so it has a similar mechanic of like damage reduction per hit because we don't want to just. You know, get really unlucky and you got hit by somehow we got hit by all 24 impacts which I would be impressed. Send me the odd. I'll. I'll give you a high five or something if you get hit by all.

Rubi: You have managed.

Cal: 24 hits. Of the skill. But again, just gonna kind of have that same meteor shower mechanic, and importantly, that you're going to see that. When the goal and uses this skill here, this is going to be a little bit more telegraphed because it's a little bit hard to see all those impacts, right. But here for all of the enemies they're going to be able to see that. OK, here's all these damaged radii that I need to avoid. So that's the just the grace. OK, you know, a little bit of mobility, a little bit of defense, a lot of cleaving away damage. And that's really all there is to the Vindicator, but it's a very flexible character because of the kind of dual nature of the alliance stance. You're going to be able to potentially run a few different builds with this character, whether it's pure offense or pure support or the kind of the in between. Hybrid it's there's a lot of possibilities, so it's going to be really interesting to see like what all you guys do. In the beta and when you get your hands on this. And so that's the Vindicator. We'll come back to the traces later in the show. Like we mentioned, we got through all the Super cool, exciting stuff with the skills and fresh mechanics and the lore, and then we'll come back for the kind of a little more of the theory behind all the traits later in the show. So next we're going to move into. The blade sworn, I believe.

Voice Over: Advances in Canton technology have yielded a fusion of firearm and long sword, the gun saying only a dedicated highly trained warrior can handle such a volatile weapon, gun saver attacks enhanced. Upgrades. Horns flow. Allowing them to use their meditative dragon. Trigger in this state of calm and concentration. They can load their. Gun Saber with magically imbued cartridges that. Power up their attacks. With their gun Saber sheep, they wield offhand. Pistols to maintain their flow.

Rubi: All right, we're going to get into the blade sworn, but I do want to call out first. That indigo just got a text.

Indigo: Yeah, my mom just texted me pictures of water bottles, so I think this is widespread.

Rubi: She's watching and she just texted indigo, a picture of she's got water bottles lined up in front of her monitor. So we're all we're all getting into it. I.

Indigo: Am now we're prepared. I'm good.

Rubi: I brought my own. All right, so. Hang on. Cal's getting. A drink. But then we will. Talk about the blades more. Yeah, time to.

Cal: It's time to hydrate. Can we get some?

Rubi: Hydrate. Time to hydrate.

Indigo: Take it to break.

Cal: I don't think we actually have a mode for. Hydration. Chat but.

Rubi:We should we?

Cal: Should somebody Twitch chat probably knows. There's probably what I'm.

Rubi: Get 2.

Cal: Thinking of so.

Rubi: No. Let's get art on this. They have time. They have time. They don't. Alright, Cal.

Cal: I don't think so.

Rubi: Maybe go first. I'm sorry I got excited about your text and I was just. Like no, I went.

Indigo: We're awake on this Friday, so the blades horn is a really, really fun class and our warrior fans will be happy to know that it's just as vicious as you would expect the blade sworn. Now, with the aid of their new off hand pistol, has the ability to use a really unique advanced form of technology.

Rubi: Oh my gosh.

Indigo: Called the gun Saber and the gun Saber. Is this really fascinating fusion of almost like. A firearm and a great sword and what it uses are these specially crafted amber bullets and the amber amber is mined in the heart of equal old forest, which we'll learn about a little bit more later too, and it's a proud kurzick tradition because the curves are the best. So of course they would make something really cool. It's just. Why not? But Amber is also a really delicate resource to handle and really dangerous to handle too. So the blade sworn is often balancing between managing its ammo and managing its use of the gun itself, and jumping back and forth, which can we'll get into a little bit more. Here in a moment. But that kind of interplay in the heart of the the the class itself is really rich with Lauren. Those thematics of the forest. So I'm excited to hear more.

Cal: All right, let's do it. This is the blades worn. So currently got the gun Saber kind of gun Saber activated. We have a pistol. Couple skills. Not very exciting. There's another pistol. We got this super cool gun save. We'll definitely talk about the pistol in a little bit. But when I start out, start with the gun saver. We'll talk about the profession. Mechanic changes a little bit as well. So First things first, the gun Saber is kind of a little bit different from a lot of the more transformation based kind of extra bits that we've seen in the past, stuff like celestial avatar, any sort of death shroud or like photon forge for example. These are all kind of gated behind some sort of resource. The gun Saber is not it is just effectively a separate weapon, and so one of the trade-offs for this character is that while you're in combat, your weapon swap is actually going to be disabled because the understanding is that your secondary weapon is always the gun safer. You'll still be able to equip 2 weapons, obviously, and then kind of pick and choose before you engage with something. So you might want to have a rifle for some fights. You might want to have, say, great. For some other fights, make sure that you're swapped into that before you actually engage compact. That's gonna get locked down. You're only going to be able to swap between your active. Weapon and the gun Saber. We'll talk about the skills in a minute here. I'm going to talk a little bit more about how adrenaline is different for this character then we're going. To talk about the skill for this character, that's a super exciting part of this. We're starting off. We're going to see that. So one thing is here. We've renamed Adrenaline to Flow and that's partially just because it's a little bit different in terms of how it's built. As you can see, I'm hitting this goal and I'm not getting any flow. So that's one kind of separation. It's enough of a mechanical difference that we wanted to change the name to kind of avoid confusion and kind of just more thematic to this character, which is a little bit more calculated, a little bit more. Almost meditative compared to something like even core warrior or just Berserker, which is kind of that super aggressive, all in bursty character. There's a lot more. Kind of deliberate in his in his decisions. So once you actually enter combat, I'm currently cheating and not able to get into combat. Once you get into combat, you'll see. All right, I'm starting to build flow because it just says positive flow. And we'll see some other ways to get access to this stuff in higher, higher stacks. Obviously, there's still some warrior skills just give you flat adrenaline, some trace to give you. Some of these things have been modified to fit into the flow system where some of them will actually give you increased flow rate instead of a flat adrenaline boost as they have in the past for poor warrior or other warrior specializations. But some of them will continue to give those flat values. We kind of went through the list and decided, OK, this one makes sense as kind of that more. Built overtime mechanic and then some of these still need to be more bursty just to fit with the theme. Either the straight line or the scale or whatever. So here you see positive flow is building up. Eventually I'm going to 100. This will go a little bit faster as you use some of the utility skills with the trace that give you access to more flow. But once you get to, oh, another thing to note here, this goes up to 100 because it's kind of similar with the Revenant thing, hundreds, a lot cooler than 30, it's about 7070 higher. We did some impressive math on this one as well. Confirmed that 100 is just a much more powerful number to have access to than 30. So key key balance decisions being made.

Rubi: We hired an accountant for that.

Cal: So once you have access to I mean any amount of flow here we actually need like 10 you know. Similar to burst limits on Core Warrior, once you have enough flow, you can enter what we're calling. Drag and trigger. So once we get a drag and trigger here you kind of get into this prepared stance and you're ready to draw and unleash the power of the gun Saber. And so. You see, it took. About 5 seconds to fully charge these charges, it's going to drain every half second. It will drain 10 to and build up to that maximum of over 55 seconds and maximum damn. And this is really going to allow you, there's going to be 3 different flavors of and we'll start with the most powerful one.

Rubi: She said flavors.

Cal: I did say. Flavors. Cool. Cool. Yeah, that's.

Indigo: I like that.

Cal: That's a word, so I'm going to cheat real quick and get myself guaranteed critical hit so we can really show off how much damage the skill is going to do because we love large numbers. Alright, chat, what do you think? What do you think we're charging? Is ability for like 10 seconds, right? Or five seconds? Sorry, but we built up a lot of adrenaline. Alright, I got my vision. Sigil from out of nowhere. Impressive. Wow, but let's see how much damage this skill is actually going to do when I guarantee crit. Remember, this is a heavy Gollum, so about 2600 armor. It's not not an ambient creature. We're not going to do any nonsensical things there. But all right, we're going to unleash Dragon or dragon slash force. So that's about OK, that actually did 25,000 damage. That's actually way too low. And I actually am on the wrong equipment set where I don't actually have any gear equipped and also. No trades so. Real quick, let's get a real number in here. Swap over to little berserker. That's not Berserker, but we'll. Go with it. One second. Let's get some better gear here real quick. This guy will come back reequip this guy.

Rubi: The deception of the outfit.

Cal: Put on some traits. Yeah. Let's activate this. Get out of combat. I don't know if I'd recommend this build. This is just some damage multipliers in here. And if we really wanted to go crazy, you'd probably equip warriors cutting, but no one takes that trade. That's not realistic. It's only gonna be higher. Higher targets. Anyway, I see the five. It's most important, most important. Piece of the Warrior build here. So let's just build some adrenaline real quick. Hop in here, get into combat. I'm also going to cheat again real fast and give myself some offensive buffs that some players might be familiar with. Because we're just going to get some quality damage numbers coming out here. All right, so we got some buffs. This guy is 25 Volt and has cripple in there cuz. I have leg specialist. Why not? What's up in here? Maximum maximum charge dragon slash got all these bugs we got like frost spirit in here. Assassin's presence. Peak performance. That's the. Blades sworn Grand Master. Damage trade. We got some banners. They're around here somewhere, I'm sure. But let's see. All right, now let's see how much damage this is going. To do. Does anyone have any? I can't even see the chat, so I'm so, you know, talking with chat.

Rubi: I was watching and one person got pretty close. All so.

Cal: Right. Let's see. Let's see what we get here. We're firing this off. We're going to see 350,000 damage. OK, that's actually a bit lower. There's some some variants in weapons. I've seen about 454 to 75,000 damage is kind of the top end. But we want to make sure this is, you know, rewarding enough. Twitch chat going a little?

Rubi: Yeah, they flipped.

Cal: 350,000 is that number high I. Mean it's not that. Heavy Armor Target 0372. There we go. Better weapon roll. Yeah. So that's a pretty impressive damage number. Competitive players. Don't worry. The number is going to be a lot lower. We somehow figured out that dealing 370,000 damage. Against players who have about 20,000 health, probably not the best idea.

Rubi: Depends on which one of those. People you are? Yeah.

Cal: It does depend, so that's going to be a.

Rubi: I hate it.

Cal: Little bit different. But kind of the other important, I'll just go back to kind of go back to normal here and get rid of all this extraneous buffs. But the key thing to note here is that this scales exponentially with the number of charges. So I fire this up very quickly after we're going to see, OK, that only did like 2000 damage because it was only a single charge. And it's going. To build up slowly and then once you get the kind of the latter few charge of the scale, you're going to see a much larger exponential ramp and this. Is actually governed by a really nonsensical 3rd order polynomial equation that has some interesting coefficients, and there's some words about math. So based on your chart as well, does some calculations says OK, here's how much we're supposed to do, and the end result is a large number at higher charges. Makes sense. OK. So outside of like, you know, memes damaged high numbers, that's dragon slash force. So that's the first kind of this is the purest damage version of Dragon Slash. This is the most damage, but then we also have kind of the next two. We have Dragons boost and we have Dragon slash reach and so boost is going to have kind of this dash attached to it. We saw this in the in the preview video that's going to do a bit less. Only 119,000 damage. Obviously I don't have like the Super. Collection of PV buffs anymore. But similarly. Dam is going to fall off. The dam is going to fall off even more for REACH, which is going to be the. Ranged version and this. Is going to fire off a piercing projectile that can hit up. Line it up, hit a bunch of targets, but the damage is significantly lower because there is, you know, less, less risk indeed than this. And we see a couple of other skills in here that are not dragon slashes and the idea is that you're kind of forced into this stationary this stationary game play, so you're very susceptible, very easy to run away from as well. So we have triggered right here just going to give ages. Mitigate an incoming attack pretty reasonable. And then secondly, we're gonna have Flickr step and so flicker step is a very, very short distance teleport. It's not going to be as exciting as mesmer blink or lightning flash or anything like that, but it gives you just a little bit of extra mobility while you're in drag and trigger. So you could chase it's kind of chase something down and then fire off right and slush. So next we're going to talk about the gun Saber skills. That's the that's all the professional stuff. Really cool stuff. I recommend having equipment equipped when you use damage abilities. Yeah, yeah, obviously you don't need it. Like we're still heading for what, 25K? Without any equipment. That's pretty solid. So moving into the gun Saber and one thing we'll see with the gun Saber is that because it is kind of this mandatory weapon, you always have to have this equipped. It's going to be a little bit flexible. It's not gonna be like a hard glass cannon weapon. It's not going to be anything too specific toward anything. It is very much a power focused weapon as well as going to see on the pistol. But it is going to be a little bit more flexible. We're gonna have some range we're going to see a little bit of defense, a little bit of mobile. Just starting off with the auto attack chain. We have kind of this pretty standard three hit combo. The only kind of extra at the end is. They're going to see this exploded. Explosion skill fact on a few other blades. Horn squeals as well. There's going to be traits that play off explosions for this character, so some of the damage gets moved from the actual strike into that secondary kind of explosion. Panic moving on into next blooming fire. This one is going to be again. More damage. Nothing too crazy. Melee range can move all recast this. Little bit of extra extra reach as opposed to some of the skills that with similar behavior where they kind of cast in place. Moving into artillery slash is going to be arranged. Nothing too crazy. Again, it's going to be. Purple I have, right. I select specialist equipped. You saw the immobilized there. But that's not baseline of the skills. Just to cripple. So a little bit of chase down or a little bit more kiting potential as you kind of cripple that enemy. And then we're going to get into a little more the utility side of this kit with four and five cyclone trigger. This is kind. Of a kind of a dual mode. Physical attack as well, where if you cast this from range, we're going to throw projectile with these guys. Oh, but if you're a little bit closer, you're going to get a more powerful melee attack, and that's not going to double hit. You saw this guy over here is a little bit out of range, so we just projectile attack everything else that's close. Is being attacked by the melee attack for just a little bit extra damage. And this is also a projectile block. So this is a good opportunity to play around and say rapid fire is incoming block the block. The rapid fire also throw projectile allowed fuel. Extra damage there. And then finally, we're going to have break step. And this is mobility. Of the kit, pretty similar mechanic to rocket boots on engineer where it's going to kind of. Do this blast in place at your starting location and then you're going to dash a little bit further away, so it's going to set up the rest of your kit. Can pop that off right before you get into drag and trigger and prepare your kind of maximum. Your skill, or obviously just sets up the rest of your melee skills in the kit. Notably, you see you guys are going to see ammunition on all these skills. We're gonna see a lot more of that once we get into utilities as well. And the common theme for a lot of the skills on this character. And so we're going to see some more exciting ammo interactions of the traits and also on the elite skill. Once we get there, I want to equip that one quite yet. I don't want to spoil it. It's pretty, pretty exciting, pretty powerful. Cool down. Very, very strong lead. Skill. So anyway, let's get in the pistol, which I don't even know. Equipped. That's a minor oversight. That's a pistol kit. So what? Your off hands? It's kind of already this pretty saturated design space where you have so many options. You have shield, you have acts, you have sword, you have war horn and it the list goes on and. On and on because Warrior has so many weapons available to them. So we're making a new warrior off and we want. To make sure that it has kind of a unique space. And so we see, we look at acts acts as like damage and damage. It's just the purest glass cannon version of the warrior offhand compared to something like shield, much more defensive defensive ancc stuff like warhorn moves in that more supportive role. Mace is kind of a mixture with CC and damage. So the pistol kit we're going to see a bit of damage and a little bit of mobility. So kind of finding that. Unique niche. In between everything else that we're already doing in the offense, lot starting here with Dragons roar, this is the big damage payoff. So we see here 6 ammo. I'm going to stop cheating. Hold on for a second here so we can see this actually has a recharge. The way this skill is going to work, it has 6 ammo, but the way the skill works is that it fires all of your ammunition every time you use it. You cast it with one you cast to six. It's going to give you a variable. Amount of damage you sell that we got six separate attacks. Because we had 6 ammo, so maximum DPS from skill is going to be maximum ammo. Makes sense, but you do have the opportunity to kind of press this button. And there's a trait that's going to give you a little bit extra value for spending ammunition. So there might be opportunities where we just want to keep pressing 5, keep pressing 5, keep pressing 5 every five seconds as that comes up, cool down. And that's going to synergize really well with gun Stinger. Here's the four skill. This is a little bit of mobility, pretty short dash, the 300 range here is a little bit misleading because that's more of the dash range than you have the melee attack at the end here, so it's going to space about maybe like closer to 450 units in terms of how far away you need to be from your enemy to make sure you hit them. And so this is also going to be a little bit of vulnerability, nice ages on top of that. So a little bit of setup on your dash and make sure you don't just get completely blown up and also set up the next damage skills from. The rest of. Your of your abilities. The important note here is that it restores ammunition to your Dragons roar. So if we fire off Dragons roar, dash back immediately, we're already back up to three ammo. Wait a little bit, get the 4th ammo and fire. Let's go off again. And that's going to be kind of like the burstiness version of the combo is spend 6 dash, pack end, spend 3. And that's a lot of potential damage from the pistol off hand. So moving into the utility skills next, this is the armament utility type and this was never before seen brand new amazing. What is an armament it's, you know, the armament. Every time we we think about utility skills we figure out, OK what what do we want to do for this character and do we have a skill type that already exists. And kind of fits that theme fits that type. Sometimes the answer is no. So we just make a new skill type here. We have our armaments. There you go. And So what we're going to see, obviously we see a lot of ammunition we're going to see some of these skills kind of combo with each other, where you're going to be able to spend kind of ammo back-to-back and use up all your charges to get. A little bonus. Effect there or you can just kind of. Space them out and really. Plan be a little bit more deliberate in your decision making. And spread out the value from those ammunition skills. So starting with comments, here's the Hill skill. Let's take some damage real quick. Get into combat for that matter. Scale works when see a smaller initial heel, and we're going to give those buttons called STEM state when this expires is going to heal me again. There's a big. Heal on the end so a little bit harder to use. You're going to want to kind of precast this a little bit earlier, make sure you have enough time to buy that 5 seconds for that to fire off. Alternatively, you can have the opportunity to recast because if anybody was reading the tool tip. I was hovering on this. You see that if you cast the scale while you're already in STEM state, it's going to give you boons instead. You have the option to kind of trade off healing for more damage pops this pop it immediately. Again I get quickness, I get bigger, I get fury very powerful. Offensive boons and bigger on top. Dodgers are always good. But that's going to kind of lose the secondary heel of the first cast of that skill. You'll still get it from the second one, but you give up the big heel of the first cast in exchange for Boones, so a little the decision point there if you want to maximize damage, you want to maximize. Just want to maximize sustain. You're probably going to fire this off, wait for it to go. Sit around here 5 seconds 5 seconds. 5 seconds. There we go, then pop.

Rubi: Yeah, that's time to take a drink.

Cal: It off again. We could probably take a drink. We could charge dragon Slash in that time. Pretty convenient. So that's going to maximize your healing from the from the school. Moving into the utility skills, we have bulletproof barrier, so this is kind of I mean similar we've seen like wall reflection in the past. This is a little bit different because only a projectile block and the little bonus on top is that it's also going to be an explosion with a little bit of damage tacked on. So there's going to be useful in those big level flights. You maybe you care about projectiles every once in a while. The explosion is going to be a little bit a little bit of value for kind of upkeeping those traits that care about that, and similarly just, you know, more damage if you feel the need, there's probably better warrior utilities to take if you just only care about damage, but here's the option if you really want it with both bulletproof barrier. Moving on to electric fence, so this is another one of these skills that's kind of kind of combo with itself where we'll throw it out here. This is going to be a kind of cripple wall. That's something we've seen with like Temporal curtain on Mesmer focus. And if you actually space this properly, it will hit stationary targets. More naturally, it's going to be when someone runs through this this wall, they're going to become crippled. But if the target is already crippled, you'll get immobilized so you can't fire this off back-to-back. Kind of get that cripple and then fire it immediately. Again, get that immobilized a little bit less optimal. Ideally you're going to want to get the cripple from some of your other sources made from throw acts made from Savage Leap because they're going to be able to. Kind of. Get immobilized into immobilize from these two charges here, instead of having to waste. One just to get crippled. But a pretty, pretty decent crowd control option there. Then Next up we have flow stabilizer. So this is the first skill that we're seeing that's going to increase your flow rate. We'll see a bit more in the trades once we get there. Basically this is just going to give you increased positive flow, which is a useful thing to have for this character because you do care about flow as you no longer get adrenaline from hitting enemies. This is your baseline. This is going to give me two stacks of the buff. It's also going to have a little stability, but if you already have stability, it's going to give you a bonus bonus stack. So again, this is an option to kind of fire these off back-to-back. Check already have stability, fire itself again and get 3 sacks for the next one. This actually stacks up to about 25. You're probably not going to cheat like me when you're on live servers. If you can, that's not a good thing, but again, ideally you're going to want to get stability from a different source, whether it's your teammate is used to have or maybe take balance, because that's going to allow you to use.

Rubi: Oh my God.

Cal: Both charges for the maximum value, but you do have the option to. Kind of chain these together. If you feel the need to. Finally, going into the stun break, this is the only utility skill that is not a an ammo scale. Just because we, I mean, we've seen kind of the danger of ammo stem breaks. We're already has one with. Shake it off as well. So we're a little bit worried about getting another ammo stump break. This will not going to be ammunition, but is still that, that armament, pretty standard, kind of backwards roll into plus evade frame, it's going to drop a line there that does a little bit of damage if one of these enemies was kind enough to run over it. Unfortunately, they're all stationary golems, so that's not quite an effective plan, but pretty reasonable sunbreak option here. And finally, we're going to get to the elite skill, which I kind of touched a little, foreshadowed a little bit earlier where this goes kind of crazy. But it's only a single line of text, so how crazy can it really be? There's only one one skill fact here. It's nothing like the Harbinger Elite that we saw about a month ago with, you know, everyone in the game, nothing like that. But this is a very potent line of text. And so it says reload ammo on all of your profession skills. And what does that even mean? So any warrior skill that uses the ammunition mechanic, which is most of these armaments utilities, we see a lot of skills in the gun safe. I say like even throw acts, shouts, Dragons roar. All of these skills use ammo, and So what tech will reload says is any of these skills that are not a full ammo are? Going to get plus. One ammo and so that is kind of absurd because, I mean, we just ran through our. So you could have rifle too, which has a bunch of ammo skills that. Is potentially a lot. Of buttons getting essentially a full charge back with a single skill on only 32nd cooldown. This is a bit higher in competitive because this is a pretty scary amount of effectively cooldown reduction to have on a single kind of single instance. But this is really going to enable we saw a bit of longer cooldowns here in the gun saver kit like here's 253540, even 40. But that is because tactical reload exists as kind of this option to chain all these skills together, use up all my ammunition. Fire attack will reload fire off all my skills again and just create this really potential. High burst, high burst opportunity. So I know like we're really excited to see how this skill plays. I'm personally a little bit scared to see, like how much this is going to be refunding players in terms of the number of skills get back. But it's also going to be a really fun skill to use, I think especially once we get. Some of the ammo the ammo traits. Which we'll talk about a little bit later because that's all we have to talk about on the profession side for the blade sworn and we're going to finally get into the catalyst next.

Voice Over: Catalysts have revitalized ancient techniques for channeling elemental forces. With a few modern improvements. They use J tech spheres to create concentrated wealth of immense power using their augmented abilities within range of the spheres enhances their effects with the weight of tyria's fundamental magics behind every blow from their hammers. These elementalists are steady presence in melee.

Rubi: All right, it is catalyst time. Indigo. Yeah, I hear it's near and dear. To your heart's near and dear. To my heart. So toast with catalyst.

Indigo: Absolutely. So for our ally means out there and I know we've got, we've got Ruby, we've got a cow. I'm not that surveying. I don't understand. How do you do it? I it's self punishment or.

Rubi: I'm a garbage messenger.

Indigo: But now it was my very first class that I played in Guild Wars 2, back when I started the game in college, so it is very near and. Dear to my heart, but. More importantly, catalyst kind of go back into that theme of having a little bit of an ancient sort of history to them. They were castors from an. Era by gone ancient. Cantha similar to the will vendor, they were protectors of the nation, but not necessarily the Throne directory. They were warriors soldiers, but the more importantly, the thing the biggest part of this class is that they utilize this really advanced technology called a sphere, and in modern days in Tampa that sphere has been a little bit. Upgraded into what we call a jade taxpayer or a jade sphere and now spheres are conduits to the elementalist. Immense power and they they kind of function similarly to a engineers gyro and that it you kind of summon it and it floats around a little bit and there's all sorts of fun aspects to do with that. But when I approached writing it, I I kind of went with this sort of theme of like a traditional wizard or so to say they they summon imagery from elements and environments from all over Syria, and they imbue that magic into this sphere and that. And as you channel each of the main elements, you'll see. Imagery of creatures that are known in cantha. That's somewhat of. An homage to the celestial. Beings and I'm excited for call to get into this one and this was also the first thing that I got to work on with Cal once joining the studio and calls a combat design rock star. So I'm excited. To get pick his main brain about this a little bit more to yay.

Cal: All right, we're hoping to the catalyst. Notably, these are definitely not the social creatures. We saw a lot of feedback on the Reddit. I mean, clearly we have, like, there's a cure in the salt spray, there's a turtle, there's Phoenix. These are. Yes, those are the creature shapes that are the same as celestial beings. But that wouldn't really make any sense to conjure those as like. Kind of elemental manifestations, so these are just more. I mean, elemental manifestations, but definitely homage kind of a nod to not recorded from.

Indigo: It's like it's an homage to, yeah.

Cal: One so hoping you do it for some reason we decided to give elements as a hammer 20 skills. We have a lot to get through here. We can try to speed up a little bit and talk really fast. Maybe not that fast, but we'll start with a fresh mechanic before we get to the hammer pressing buttons. This is giving me access to energy. You can see the energy bar kind of charging up here above the. F5 scale. Very similar to how Warrior Adrenaline Works, where hit enemies get energy and that's going to enable you to deploy. I'm just going to cheat at this point, deploy the jade sphere and this is going to do this. Is going to create. Essentially, what is a spell area on the ground that the primary goal here is that it's going to be see I'm building up. Might this is a fire field if I cast it on an enemy that's actually also going to do a little bit of damage in competitive modes, damage pulse is very, very low. It's actually using the .1 multiplier because the primary value of the skill is the boons. It is the combo field. But that was not quite up to what we really needed it to be in the PDE. So we put a damaged pulse on there and just put it really, really low to make sure they didn't create too much of a problem. Some of the cool thing of this is that it's going to swap with your element. I'm in fire attunement, I summon the fire, fire, jade sphere, swap the water. Now I have the water, jade sphere active. This one's giving me a resolution. This is the water field. Swap the Air Lightning field. This is giving me quickness. Very exciting. Finally, once we get into Earth, this is a poison. Field. There's notably no Earth element combo field type, so we talked a little bit internally about, OK, what thematically makes sense. There are a few options to kind of talk through Earth, talk through dark. Smoke fields. I mean, I brought it up and then we're like, no bad idea. Don't give away. We still that got shot. Down about 5. Seconds, but it was it was on the table for this small amount of time and it just. Got knocked knocked off. Sad with poison field poison field, notably is a valuable thing to have for the kind of bruiser place that we're going to see his characters blast finishing and that is. Going to be a weakness. So, honestly, not nothing too crazy going with the jades here. We're gonna have a lot of combos in the hammer kit itself that are going to play really well off of those combo fields. You. Don't actually need a field on the hammer kit at all. And just make sure we tell the tool tips for these deployed skills real quick. There's going to be a little bit of interplay with utilities once we get there, where using them, in particular jade sphere areas, is going to give you a little bit. Of bonus effect. All right, let's get through the hammer skills. Rapid fire. 20 souls get through. We previewed a little bit of the kind of melee gameplay of this character. It's also going to have kind of some mid range elements in fire and air. We're going to see a lot more melee in water and earth, and then more of a mid range DPS character in Fire air. And that's because when we're thinking about what is the hammer, what space does this exist for in the Elementalist, the very natural kind of understanding of what is a hammer is the slow moving deliberate. You know, lumbering melee bruiser character, but for the Elementalist dagger, dagger exists in a lot of that space already, so we just want to stomp over dagger, dagger and say, OK, here's hammer. Hammer is the new melee bruise. Weapon. So we kind of left a few of those elements there as kind of water and earth and then made a lot more of a the aggressive damage components of this is more of a melee or a mid range mid range character. And so starting off, I'm actually going to start off with skill 3 here because it's kind of a shared mechanic across all four, two minutes we're going to see this summons a projectile. Circling around the the catalyst and this is going to hit enemies that it passes through. Pretty exciting stuff, more of a melee skill here, but notably this does give you access to a little bit of a boost, and it's going to be variable. Per attunement, we're going to see higher gives you outgoing damage. Makes sense? So even if you are kind of standing at range or still get value at the skill because you get some damage bonus first my abilities get some bonus damage there, and then we're going to have a little bit too slow there. But you see, we have to flip over that, recast this circular projectile at my target. So we're really going to want to maximize the uptime of how long I get this damage buff before firing off the skill, but then the Super cool interaction is that when I go into water and some of the water projectile, it actually refreshes the duration of. All of the other projectiles, so you see now I've got 3 going. Hop into earth. I have all four of these projectiles. All these are giving me buffs. And you can refire, throw all four of those projectiles at your target, and that's going to be kind of a big damage payoff from this kit. And so we see here now going into the cool tool tip we start with. Each of these circle projectiles are going to be a little bit of damage, a little bit of condition, but the circling component is going to be a little bit lower and then once you refire it, get that that grand finale is what the skill is actually called. You get a higher damage, higher condition application there. So real quick the buffs here Earth gives you damage reduction. Air gives you critical chance, water gives you condi damage reduction, and as we touched on with fire, it gives you access to that increased outgoing damage. So it's going to create some really interesting gameplay if I just didn't want to. But that's. OK, create kind of this really interesting game play. Where you going to be wanting? To move through your. 2 minutes and fire out feasibilities that will come back to you real quick, making sure that you're casting your spells and getting these refreshes on these these damaged bonuses before they expire and then culminating in these big kind of finale at the end. So this gives a little bit. One of the goals here is also to give a little bit more incentive to even go into water and earth for especially in PvP modes where just. A little bit. You care a little bit less about those you want to maximize damage, but now you'll want to duck in for even just a second. Cast the circular projectile, extend the rest of your damage buffs, and maximize the damage of that skill. So let's hop back into the fire kit and justice hammer. Through these skills, a lot of a lot of damage, a lot of burning on these skills, nothing too out of place for the hammer or for the fire attunement on. Elementals, that is. Recommend having a target for any projectile skills singing strike. There's just a burning plus damage. Nothing too crazy moving into surging flames. It's a different flavor of that steel of of of, of projectile scale. This is not going to use the same shotgun style mechanic that we see on stuff like Phantom Fire, but the idea here is because we're looking to target this more mid range. And play with fire. Attunement. This is. Only going to hit each target once and you see a little bit of a cooldown protection there. When I cheat and having to recharge, that's going to make sure this doesn't doesn't multi hit because then we can guarantee, OK, this is always going to do a good amount of damage. When I'm playing this character from kind of this mid range style and I don't need to dive into melee range because it's a little bit more dangerous. We do have some better defensive options and traits and some of utilities because I mean we mean about. How elements will always go elementalists always going to downstate and die and all that all that fun stuff we do want to make sure there's a few more better defensive. Options for this character.

Rubi: Thank you.

Cal: And so we'll get to those in a little bit and again, keeping keeping range as the main damaging components there moving into triple C we already talked about flame wheel here. So Triple Seer is up next. This is kind of a different style of an AOE damage scale. You see someone is actually three different bell areas and each of these each of these has its own. Unique target cap and they all have a much lower damage than you'd expect because the idea is you want to line them up perfectly. Come out of this golem over here who still has vulnerability from a long time ago. But if you line it up perfectly, all three of these hits, that's going to maximize the damage maximum. So this is going to play really well with crowd control skills. Or just enemies that don't move like these golems or bosses in PvP. Finally, we're going to have molten end. So we saw a lot of burning on literally all their four skills in this kit, apply burning and so molten end here. The final skill is going to reward you for striking a burning enemy is going to give you access to might and fury per target strips like I gave you one. Over here, it's going to give me a little bit more longer figuration, more might stacks and again this is a blast finisher. So playing well with Jade Sphere only fire 2 minutes going to be accessed to my stacks. Materially there it has this kind of delayed cast time. So there's the opportunity to start casting this ability switch into water. And then if you move into that field in time, that's going to give you the area blast mixture and water field here, the healing, which is a little bit more valuable. I'm going to go over to the Arrow tournament next because we're going to go through damage and the damage, and we'll come back to the kind of melee bruiser style gameplay from water and air. Sure. So enrichment, wind slam, nothing crazy. Projectile deal with damage we already touched on Crescent Wind here as well. So Next up is hurricane of pane. This is the. Channeled kind of AOE kind of that hundred blade style rapid fire channel, big damage skill on the two slot so the. The ideas here is that the Ellie spins their hammer so quickly, so quickly, and then, you know, redirects their elemental energy and shoots it off into this targeted hurricane. Over here by all these. Goals. This is kind of the big damage. Payoff. You really want to set this up with CC. Moving into wind storm, this is something we saw in the video where people worried about. Going off cliffs well. You know, just pay attention to surroundings. It's probably not that big a deal, but the idea here is here is the kind of the disengage. Knock down on there as well. But this is a little bit of if someone's diving, you knock them down, back up, free space, get into that. Mid range style again and really maximize your damage. So being able to be pressured. And finally, here we have shock blast, so this is another kind of. This is a much slower moving projectile. You see we throw it out going to Pierce through enemies while it's moving. Once it lands on the ground, we have this kind of the wave explosion that's going to be another stunt. So some nice crowd control here. And the Air 2 kit. And again, this is kind of a delayed finisher blast, delayed blast finisher. So you can throw this out. Switch 2 minutes. Get the field you want and get that blast finisher. Next up, we're going to move into water, so there's already getting into that. Getting back to that melee style we see here with the auto attack combo, nothing too crazy. Chill on the third hit. Again, kind of this this thing that male characters want to see. Seconds go. We have rain of blows. More chill. This is 3 second chill and a six second cool down is pretty notable. But the caveat here is you have to hit all four of these hits against the same target, so rewarding you for either crowd patrolling or just stay sticking your target a little bit of damage on there as well. Some potentially high chill up time if you maximize that, maximize that, that spacing. Skipped over icy cloaks where we talked about that one. Next up we have crashing font, so here's some mobility. You can use this to go in. You can use this to kind of reposition go out if you need to. Ideally you're going to go in because it's going. To reward you for hitting targets. And it's going to heal per target struck. So up in there, this is a leap finisher. Fires off in the water sphere. Give you a little bit healing on top and just a pretty big heel if you do hit all 5 targets, that's also going to set up the final skill of this get cleansing typhoon. This is going to be a similar kind of PDA. The hammer swing that gives you access or it's going to cleanse the condition per target stroke. So again, maximize your targets, maximize the value of these skills. Moving into Earth, we're going to see a little bit more, a little more defense, more tankiness, more crowd control, nothing crazy on the auto attack. Still here. Stone strike just PBA damage. Second up, we have Rolling Stones. Another kind of much slower, more deliberate channel. Earth is a little bit less aggressive, so it kind of. A little bit slower in how we deal with damage, but it still has a reasonable damage fiddle from the skill, a lot of bleeding, a lot of damage. If you really maximize all those hits, Rocky loop again. That's the circular projectile of youth tenement. Next up, we have immutable stones. This is going to be a single shot. Single attack Block is a mechanic. We've seen a lot of skills across the game where you block an attack and you get a reward for blocking attack. In this case the. Reward is an aura. And that oil is actually based on your active attunement. So if we just fire off a skill here real quick, if I can type correctly.

Rubi: You're really committed to not clicking skills.

Cal: Blackouts. I have to I have to type so that the to tell the Golem. Hey, you the. Skill on me. As you say, I got magnetic Cora, but there's a little bit of a window here, especially because the blocks also channeled. I can start channeling this block, then switch to air. That's going to be shocking over instead. So depending on the situation, you might want to get a. Different or depending on I mean Mailer range talking was much better. You just want the verification frost or fire or whatever. All of those things are available with immutable stone. And then finally we have ground pound so. This is kind of that big, that big crowd, which will also the blast finisher of the Earth attunement. Instead of just doing another knock down. That's the bigger already does. So again trying to create a little bit more space between those two play styles is going to be a longer duration to mobilize and that allows us to put a little more damage, a little bit of. Bleeding on. Top of that. So again, that very long wind up and the. Really big Shockwave there applying. Immobilise and bleeding. Next step, we're going to move into the utility skills. So these are augments. That's another skill type that we kind of didn't have. Something that we wanted to something existing made-up augments. What is an augment? For the most part, these are kind of duration based buffs, and we're going to see a few different flavors of these again. And the notable kind of bonus is that if you use these in the matching element sphere, all of these are going to have a particular element that they are kind of associated with. It's going to give you a little bonus. So we start here with smoothing. This is just going to be a pretty basic pulse heal over time. Nothing too crazy if you use this while you're inside the water sphere, we'll actually see it on this usage because I have many conditions, but each of these pulses will then cleanse a condition as well, so a little bit of extra value there on top. Next, I'm going to hop over to fortified Earth, which is going to be the earth. Augment this one is kind of where we really felt the need to give le access to a good defensive utility skill. Obviously we have like this form as a hard involve and a longer cool down Earth shield, a little bit more clunky to use to get that involve longer, cool down fortified Earth. Just a pretty standard channel block that some LE doesn't really have access to. So give him access to this on a 32nd cooldown. Should kind of enable that Mali style a little bit better than some of the existing options and the slight bonus here is that used inside the Earth sphere I am going to get barrier on. Next up, we're going to move to invigorating air. So here's the thumb break another pretty reasonable defensive cooldown because it's going to increase your endurance regeneration, which is relevant if I don't have infinite endurance. Yep. So nurture generation, nothing crazy. We've seen it before. The bonus here is super speed, a little bit, not the most exciting, but some great defensive value. And then finally, we're going to have not quite finally, but Next up we have shattering ice. So the idea behind shattering ice is that it makes all of your attacks have a splash damage component. There's an ICM that's kind of similar to Wolf Pack, but instead of the single target extra hit, this is going to give you a multi target extra hit. And the idea one of the goals here is that it gives you more energy because you. Getting more targets with these bonus strikes. Cast this inside the water sphere. All those bonus stacks are. Going to do a little bit of chill there. And finally, we have we're lungless fire. So here's the fire augment and this one is very straightforward, just increased outgoing damage if you use it inside the fire sphere, it makes your attack unblockable. So really allows you to unleash kind of the maximum damage potential of. This character. And finally last up, we have the Elite skill, elemental celebrity. This is effectively cooldown reduction. While you have the this augment active. All of your outgoing strikes are going to reduce the cooldown of your weapon skills. Obviously I'm cheating. I have no cooldowns anyway, but in normal game play, there's potentially a lot of cooldown reduction, 8 second duration, one second off per hit, and the one second interval so up to 8 seconds cooldown reduction for your entire weapon kit, which is, as we see here, 20 skills. It's a lot of stuff. This one is actually a kind of a universal element. It will inherit from any jade sphere and give you a boon depending on which element you're attuned to, so might fear fear or protection. So that's all the skills. I mean, we kind of went through as kind of as quickly as we possibly could because we have a lot to cover here. Obviously you guys get your hands on this next week in the beta and you're going to get be able to experiment a lot more and really deep dive into a lot of what is going on with these kits. But Next up, we're going to cut over to something else real quick, and then we'll come back and do run through the traits for all the different elites. And I don't remember we're actually cutting over to here, so.

Rubi: That's interesting. We're getting over to you taking a drink of water. Yeah, it's it's important to people. Yeah, for his.

Cal: Good call.

Indigo: For his Health.

Rubi: Have to watch. It's OK.

Indigo: OK.

Rubi: Now I feel peer pressure to. Take an angle from her.

Indigo: Yeah, everybody needs their shot of them drinking water.

Rubi: Yes, everyone in Chad has drink water too, so that's the overview of these skills for each of the elite specializations. Like Cal said next week in the elite Specialization bid event, you can all try them for yourselves. But we wanted to kick off this show, I guess kick off the show for like, what the better part of an outfit we wanted to begin with an overview of the skills and kind of giving you a look at a high level, what everything was we're going to go back to Cal now and do a deep dive starting with. Yes, the vindicator. I had to peek real quick and make sure I wasn't lying to people. We're going to go through the traits and some more gameplay theory, so if you are super into that and you want to see more of these, stick around and let's go back to.

Cal: Alright, I'm back on the Vindicator. I wouldn't necessarily recommend this build. This one of the default loadouts for the character that we built internally, but a lot of people complained about, and rightfully so complained from the first beta live stream where these were all empty trade slots, and there was a bunch of flashing, flashing objects in the stream. Really annoying, so we're fixing it up for this one. No. We're gonna talk about traits. We're not gonna do like, a super, super deep dive and gonna be here for hours. Probably don't want to do that. Some people. Go home. That's a little later today. Like we're gonna. We're gonna run for the trades for sure. We'll talk a little bit about what the goals for these traits are. We don't want to just talk for hours and hours about individual traits too much, but we will cover everything to make sure that all that information is out there.

Rubi: I mean eventually.

Cal: So starting off with balance, let's start off the minor trades balance in discord. This says, you know, gain health and booms and swapping legends or by using alliance tactics. So that's the FT skill that we talked about earlier. So every time that I'm swapping legends, pretty standard gameplay for the revenant's going to get a little bit. Of healing. In there and a little bit of region, so it's pretty solid. Exchange rate and we're going to see. Kind of as we touched on earlier, this is very much a more hybrid hybrid opportunity for this character to be either that more aggressive or that more sustaining. So we're gonna see kind of a mix of both of those things in the trades. Next up, we have empire divided Grand Master damage trait. The power is only going to be applied if you have over 50% health. When you're below that threshold, it's going to give you increased healing power and able to to sustain back up and get back into that power. That power bonus threshold. Next, I'm actually going to the Grand Master traits because we touched on a little bit earlier where these are defining how the Dodge works for the Vindicator. Currently, I have the top one of. Crypt for owner. Of death. So there's actually a variable amount of endurance depending on how much or depending on which of these you have equipped it all kind of looks the same. We just have the one. But notably. Founder of death actually increases your endurance pools. You have 150, a little bit slower to charge because it is this kind of massive damage payoff which is more exciting to look at. If you can see an. Enemy on. My screen but this also gives you this buff here for Warner of Death which is outgoing strike damage increased. So you're going to be able to. You're going to be wanting to maximize endurance enough so that you're able to chain this kind of off cooldown. 15 second duration on this you want to make sure that. You kind of get those chained together, so you always have access to that 15 second damage bonus. I'm going to come back to the middle one. That's kind of the in between over here on the bottom, we have St. of zoo heltzer and this is going to be the more supportive kind. Of healing Dodge option and so this one actually reduces your Max endurance which is a good thing for this character cause now you only have to build a 50 endurance in order. To kind of maximize the value or to fire off these skills, again, fire up this dodge again as we see in the tool that this is going to apply barrier, apply healing and then also give you personally an outgoing healing bonus. So it's going to play well with some of the heels we saw in the victor side of things and also very well. With Centari where getting access to this this. Where this healing bonus is going to really enable? That support play style. And this one's also potentially just a very good option for competitive modes because that lower endurance CAP is a little bit more easy too and that's exciting a little bit easier to upkeep, right. Finally, we're going to move into the middle imperial impact vessels. The empire. There's kind of that more in between. We're going to see a little bit of damage here, some condition applications, some boon applications and boon extension. So this is more this character is not really intended to be a boon support, but as you're probably going to be playing with boon support in your party, this is going to give a little bit of extra value to that composition and that it's going to extend any of those boons in addition to giving protection and light. Obviously that buffs allies in range. This will also hit enemies in range and apply a couple of conditions to them, just as kind of that in between. More that mid range, very flexible play style you might choose to slot this trade for your dodge, that one's going to keep you at the baseline of 100 endurance. Now we can come back to the adapt traits, starting with Leviathan strength. This one says F2, which probably change the text so it says alliance tactics, Carl. Carl, so the line is straight F2 now impressions to cool down the lines. Utility skill. And this also increases the cooldown of a lot of Alliance tactics itself, and so the value of this skill is that in those cases where you're trying to make maybe that single sided playstyle of the alliance stance where I'm firing off all of my armor skills, all I care about is damaging just firing. Off armor skills. Firing off my armor skills, firing up more and more skills, and then I'm going to flip. Highline tactics that's going to then refresh the cooldown that's actually bugged on selfish spirit, that's cool. Didn't refresh the cooldown there, but it should refund the cooldown of all those abilities, and then obviously it's so good by energy costs, but just makes those instantly available. If you feel the need to. If not, you may choose to, you know, go for next MSD of Shinji and so a lot of these trade names actually have a lot of lower tiers that are way over my head. So that's cool. I can't talk too much about those, but I know we did a lot of research about I. Mean maybe indigo wants to talk about some. Of these things, this was. Totally not planned. So just open the script. That's doing it live. That's still not here. Maybe we'll talk a little bit about more of the kind of the narrative that maybe a little separate show or if we have time. At the end? Maybe, maybe. We can come back to it anyway. This basically says that your legendary alliance abilities gain additional boons. Cool, so every time I use an arc more skill, it's going to give right every time I use a Victor skill, it's going to give region nothing too crazy. Honestly, just very thematic for those characters. I have traits and don't need to be super high power level, but instead just keeping them pretty simple. Pretty thematic to the characters. Next up, we have Redemptoris sermon. So this is going to. Structural health threshold as mechanic we've seen in the past on a few traits. This one's going to do just a little bit of healing, a little bit of. So we really need feel the need to have those kind of increased defensive options. I guess you could slot. That trade, if you really want to. Let's move along, though, and move into reverse curse. So this says gain endurance for each target affected by your Dodge. And so as we saw in a few different flavors of the Dodge for the Vindicator, some of the affect allies, some of the affect enemies, some of them affect or. One of. Them affects both and so in case we affect both, it's going to give you endurance back per target. Affected whether it's empowering an ally or hitting an enemy. So there's potentially a lot of endurance. A lot of endurance gain if you are hitting the maximum number of targets and the common theme we're going to see here in the master tier trace laws. These are going to be endurance gain. You talked about again about this earlier endurance is very important for this character. So moving on to something I can't pronounce. Indigo can help.

Indigo: Me out here. Which one? Oh my goodness.

Cal: This trade right?


Indigo: We just went over this. The other day.

Cal: We're lucky in the pronunciation here. This is.

Indigo: We're walking and pronunciations on the shot.

Rubi:Wait, what is? I can't see what?

Indigo: Life. Life story breaking.

Rubi: Spell it I can't see.

Cal: It ANGSIYAN apostrophe S.

Rubi: Yeah, I'm done.

Cal: Someone's trust is the theme. Of that's just a. Here's disaster.

Rubi: Are we planning?

Rubi:Cal for this too. Cal.

Cal: It's probably my fault here. That I am not. Well versed enough in the Lord, you know this character. But anyway, if you have the trust of this individual, or hopefully it's an individual, you know there's. To grant you in there in that area. When you swap legends or when you fire off a liance tactics, so this one's a little bit more of a reliable endurance gain. This one is reliant on being around enemies, being around allies. This one is just going to be value regardless of these are always going to be swapping legends. You're always going to.

Rubi: Just like change it to Jeff or something.

Cal: Be activating lions tactics. Finally, we have song. Because this one is going to be increased greater effectiveness also going to give you bigger. So we're actually rush over here into invocation real quick spirit boon is going to get you bigger when entering akoris and sunk into this proc for arcane. Morris is going to give you endurance per hit, some more endurance, more vigor and that's going to play really nicely with song over Boolean which says increased. Effectiveness. So this is another different source of endurance generation for this.

Rubi: OK.

Cal: That's actually all of them, because I already went to the grass. So that's exciting. So that wraps up the. Vindicator, that's everything there is to know about the Vindicator. Obviously, there's a lot more ones you guys jump in and dive into it in game and get your hands on. It I'm going to. Switch back over to the blade sworn. Real quick and someone's going to. Fill the dead air. OK, well, you know.

Rubi: I just want to point. Out that that's not necessarily. True, that's not everything to know about the Vindicator, because none of us know how to pronounce that.

Indigo: Guy's name? No, actually, I even have some.

Rubi: Reading to do so it Miguel was just telling me on the side that this just came up in a meeting the other day and everybody. Was just like, we're like that's.

Indigo: A really unique, beautiful name I.

Rubi: What if? What if we just make it Canon that it is someone?

Indigo: Yeah, I mean.

Rubi: Who gets the person?

Indigo: It is somebody's trust that but we do. Know that, yeah.

Rubi: We just we'll forget. It just took me by surprise. I.

Indigo: You pick the person.

Rubi: Got like I got. Like 7 letters and I was like you. Know what that's I need to see it. I'm done there.

Cal: I I would rather.

Indigo: Better not then embarrass. Myself trying and I'll. Take the point and it's Carl's fault. You get. He's not here to defend himself. We're.

Rubi: Gonna find out the hard way. In the building.

Indigo: The girls gonna bust down the door.

Rubi: We're saying, Carl, we love you.

Indigo: We're so sorry.

Rubi: Alright, So what have we got now? Blades form. Yeah.

Cal: I'm back on the blades worn so thanks.

Rubi: Please God, let us know.

Indigo: That's one gun Saber.

Cal: Again, I don't want to. I would not recommend this build. Anybody just default load out. We're getting in the trades here. So let's again start off with the minor. Dragon scale defense. This says when you struck while you're in Dragon trigger, quick refresher drag and trigger is the burst stance of the gun Saber. So while I'm in this stance, if I get struck, I'm going to get a little. Bit of. Protection there. It's just another case of very immobile, very susceptible. So give a little bit. Of prop. To the to the character there. Then moving into grandmaster damage trait guns and glory, this is a stacking velocity bonus every time you have an explosion. So we saw a lot of explosions kill facts across all the skills when we were going over. This is going to each time you hit with one of those, it's going to stack it. Stack this duration up longer. And longer and longer maintain that that frosty just for the damage bonus. So nothing too crazy. As usual. Minor traits, nothing. Nothing too crazy. It's good to see you anytime. There's a crazy minor trait. I just probably do like a double take and be like, why? Why is this so? Complicated as. A minor trait, but nothing. Nothing to see here. So let's then move into the add up trade slot. And so we're going to see, we're going to see some common themes in kind of these vertical trade lines. So in the ADAPT slot, there's going to be a theme and master salt is going to be a theme grandmaster that's going to have a theme. The theme of the add up trade slot is increased flow rate. We talked a little bit about flow earlier. We saw one of the utility skills. This is the natural flow or adrenaline gain. For this character, so we really need to have. Some options available in the trade slots to increase that gain because you're no longer gain drilling from hitting enemies. So starting with slow incoming healing increase and also whenever you heal yourself increases flow rate. So this is similar trigger to like incoming heels, traits that care about healing yourself where it won't trigger off like region ticks because it would just blow out way too hard. But anytime you like, use a heal skill, stuff like that, that's going to trigger this and give you that positive flow buff. So if I have this. Fire off STEM state gives. Me a positive flow. There you go. Next up, we have SWIFT as the wind, so this is movement skills grant and grant swiftness, and then also flow rate increase. So this is going to play really well with just warrior. Warrior has a lot of movement skills. We already see value of stuff like warrior springers movement skills. And so again, just having more, more and more movement skills is going to give you. More and more. Flow. So we see something, we see a little bit there on break Step 2 over there, hop out and we do like savagely get some more. Flow and so on and so on. Finally, we're going to have unseen sword and so this one is going to grant you positive flow every time you swap weapons. It's also going to do. Kind of a short. Short small radius. That's the word I was looking for. Small radius kind of. AOE damage attack around you. And also the positive flow rates. Nothing too crazy, just another another flavor of flow generation. Moving into the master tiers that we're going. The rewards for using ammunition, skills, and specifically the final ammunition skill of a skills when you're down to 1 pressing ability is going to give you bonus in this case unshakable mountain barrier. Nothing too crazy. Defense. If I want defense, I'm going to get a lot of defense because I'm gonna be firing off many, many skills. With some amount. Of ammo and each time I run out of ammo, which is not possible when. I have. No cooldowns. It was demonstrate real real quickly. There you go. A little bit of barrier there. Similarly, Next up we have fiercest fire instead of barrier. This is going to give you kind of an AOE strike that's going to do burning and a little bit of damage and more specifically more importantly, it's going to burning and then a little bit of damage on top of that. So just another another way to kind of get more burst potential because I think kind of the most potentially the most powerful, the highest. Upside, I think of any of these is going to be lush forest here in the. Which says using the final round of an MMO skill recharges the cooldown of all of your equipped skills. So this is also just super powerful, because I mean, I'm not going to spend so much time pressing all these things and get them see the maximum value of the skill you guys will. Get your hands. On it you'll see just how how strong this can be. Because once again, recharge per ammo skill that you use the last ammo slot of. So you can have a full bar of ammo skills, a lot of shouts, a lot of rifle and potentially get a lot of cool down reduction from that trade. And then finally, we're going to see in the Grand Master trade slot some Dragon slash augments, I suppose automated bad word, because we just use the skill type for the catalyst, but modifiers to the dragon slash. So starting up the top immortal dragon, this is going to say heal yourself or percent of percentage of outgoing damage from Dragon Slash. As we saw earlier, if you're hitting something for say 400,000 damage, 8% looks like a lot more of a a powerful heel than it may. It may seem on its face. Just a little bit more of a stain option. Take a lot of incoming pressure while you're charging up dragon slash, get a lot of that back because you have a moral dragon slotted. Alternatively, if you just want to be super aggressive, go kind of. I guess we'll see a bit more often at the bottom, so this is maybe not the most aggressive. This is the most guaranteed version of Dragon. Slash ignores blind little sun, and they're also unblockable. This is just going to allow you to kind of unleash. The most threatening version of Dragon Slash and then finally here in the bottom. Is daring Dragon and so the interesting thing here is that. You see it immediately adjusted our UI. We can only charge five times. We can still have 100 flow, but we can only build up to five charges. And So what that's going to mean is we get up to 100, charge it up. Maxed out, we're going to fire that off and if we still have flow leftover, I'm a big cheater, so I always have full leftover. You're going to reenter dragon Slash or Dragon trigger rather, and then being charged again, use the rest of the flow so you can actually go back-to-back with the dragon slashes. There's going to be a little more valuable in PDP potentially because of the kind of different scaling of the. The Dragon slash build up, we talked a little bit earlier about how it scales, very steep exponentially. It's a little bit faster and then falls off a little bit harder in PvP and world just because it's a little bit harder to justify staying. In place for. 5 seconds, so a little bit more upfront and a little bit more follow up at the end, but it. Will continually give increased damage as you charge that up. So that's all of the blade. Sworn all of the blade sworn traits. And we just have one more class to do here, one more fresh review here. It's the catalyst. So I'm going to throw it back over to Ruby and to go.

Rubi: Again, while I switch characters alright while you switch over, alright, so we're looking at the catalyst. One thing real quick before we get back to Cal. I want to outline a few details about the elite. Specialization beta event next week. I've seen some questions here and there about how does this work? How do I get in? It's open to everyone with a givers to account in good standing. All you need to do is log into the game after the beta event starts, you will see some beta character slots available to you. Will your Vindicator or your catalyst or your blade sworn in those slots, your character will be level 80. Character will be geared up. You'll have a workable build and all waypoints unlocked so you can go explore interior. Try out some different game modes, try some different game play. We've made it as easy as we possible. Mark, that was me. It's mark. Alright. So we're now blaming Mark for things. Yeah, alright. So that is how the bid is going to work. It starts next Tuesday, the 21st back. To you, Cal. Thanks.

Cal: Right here with the catalyst rates, something I want to mention indicator. We'll also here on the catalyst, this is not final art for the trait line or you know it's maybe catalyst just a little bit more abstract and concepts. So it's really not. Just not going to be the final art. We didn't quite get those in for the debated event, but we got some some nice colors in. There. So that's.

Rubi: Turns out we're still working on this game. It's.

Cal: Not done. That's one of the values of running, running beta events, right? Like everything doesn't quite need to be fully ready to go because we still have. A lot of time until launch. And so let's just dive into the trades real quick. Couple things we're going to see. Let's just start out. With the minor trade like we've been doing. This trait, called Elemental Empowerment and also gives you a book called Elemental Empowerment. So that's a pretty sensible, I think good naming conventions and the idea here is that as long as you're in combat, this is going to be giving you. One moment, here's a broken things with all of my cheating. Break everything. Oh, no. OK. Broken armor. Outrageous. Anyway, let's get back in here and get in combat. And there we go. We have elemental empowerment. So what is this buff? This buff says. Let's move this on the screen. There's actually elemental empowerment this gives you. A fractal. Oh, no. OK, fine. Percentage bonus to all of your stats, so this is not any sort of flat value is going to look at what are my stats and then give you a percentage bonus on top of that, we're going to see more ways to get access to this buff and some additional pay offs in some later trade. But so this is like if I build Berserker, I'm going to get more power, more precision, more ferocity. If I build, say, soldiers. No build soldiers, you know, please don't build soldiers, but you'll get more power, toughness, vitality and this. Is you? Know it's going to scale off of your stats. So Next up, elemental epitome. This is kind of the first touch into rewarding combos, and this is something we wanted to do for this character because we knew that the jade sphere is going to create these combo fields. We're gonna put a lot of covers on the hammer kit. Lee already has a lot of combos as well, whether it's through arcane skills or their other weapons or evasive arcana. All these things, so getting in a combo payoff is kind of a cool mechanic thematic to this character, and the payoff here is that you get an aura. Stuff your current. So this is potentially super powerful because it's a per attunement cooldown. I can get magnetic or an earth hopping into air combo again gets shocking or hop into water, so on and so forth. And also every time I gain an aura, I'm going to get a stack of elemental empowerment. So this is notable that it's when I gain an aura and not when I apply an aura because. Is going to play really well with Tempest, with nice little flavor combo between elements. Sweet specs. If someone else grants me an order, I still got the elemental empowerment here. We're gonna see that interaction a little bit more on some of the other aura traits. Once we dive into the. So let's just start off with one of them, hardened oras. We're going to see a lot of oral related traits on across the top, the top of the trade line here. We'll see a lot of elemental empowerment traits across the middle and we're going to see some more moon focus, not quite boom support, but more sphere jades here, focused traces along the bottom. And so starting with hard hours every time I gain an aura, it's going to give me a stacking bonus or a stacking buff for called hardened aura. So we'll just demo this super quick, don't need to go too far in there, but see, I get hardened oils and every time you combo it's going to then refresh. That is the mechanic we saw with lethal tempo back on the wheel Bender where every time you get this trigger it's going to refresh iteration. So as long as you continue getting oras, whether it's from the trait that we just talked about a little epitome. Or from the rest of your kit or from your allies. This is going to allow you to kind of maximize that damage reduction up to 10%. Pretty, pretty decent for the adept trade slot. I'm going to explore the oral traits first, switching my plan a little bit here. Empowering Aura is going to be the OR trait of the master tier, which is similar mechanic. Every time I get an oil I get a stack of this buff. This gives me outgoing damage, power damage and condition damage, so potentially up to 10% per. 10% overall for each of those damage types. If I'm maintaining my aura stacks. Finally, the Grand Master is going to be a bit more exciting. This is gain stability when you get an aura, so probably not super valuable for PV players, but in competitive modes because they have access to a lot of oras. So this is a potentially a lot of stability. Obviously, every time you combo, if you're off the elemental epitome and get some stability on top and that's going to give you a little bit more that boozer. Malate play style that will be enabled by having more stability. So Next up, we're going to go into the elemental empowerment traits, so there's going to be a few different ways to stack up elemental empowerments we saw here Max stacks of 10 * 10% all stats pretty powerful as long as you get up there. Vicious empowerment. The first one here every time you disable a foe or mobilize a foe, it's going to give you a little bit of light and a little bit of empowerment. So this one is going to play pretty nicely. This actually arcane power is an interesting, potentially interesting trade slot. If you take arcane power and you take the arcane trade because you can share elemental surge and then apply all of those things are actually sourced from the Elementalist that immobile is going to give you a bunch of stacks. That's really cap you out in a very short burst window. So potentially an option, maybe arcane power gets a little more use. Moving into master tier, we have the base of empowerment, so this is every time you evade an attack, you will get some amount of this empowerment buff and you will get bigger. So that was kind of keep the train going. Dodge attacks, well, get bigger, get elemental empowerment, get more stats, everyone's happy. And finally, in the grand result, we're going to see the kind of payoff for hitting all of these empowerment stacks. If you are at Max stacks, you will have double effectiveness. So instead of 1% per stack, you're going to get 2% per stack. At 10 stacks, you get 20% to all of your stats, which is actually a pretty exorbitant. And it's going to so to kind of kind of that's going to be a little hard to maintain at those high values for a long amount of time, it's going to create kind of that burst window where either super tanky or super offensive and really kind of unleash the maximum. Potential of the character. Finally, we're gonna get into kind of the jade sphere boonie type traits in the bottom line here with. Starting with energized elements. So every time you swap attunements while you're in combat, you'll get a little bit of energy. It's also going to give you fury, so this actually fills an old gap that when you finally, when we changed arcane fury over arcane prowess, you no longer got fury on. Attunement swap, but now the catalyst also has access to that if you so choose, while also giving some energy on top. Moving on, we have spectacular spheres, so this is whenever you deploy your jade sphere, it's going to just do a point blank AOE an application in that in the area the boots are going to be a little bit less powerful than the pulsing boon of the fuel itself we see might very bigger or resistance depending on what room you're in. You're going to give a little bit of initial impact to the deploy of the Jade view. And finally, we'd have sphere specialists in the Grand Master slots. This, if you really want to lean into potentially especially quickness, I think is the most valuable thing that you can do with the jade sphere. Sphere specialist bounds applied by your sphere of increased duration 50%. Very significant number there. I see some of the durations here are built on the lower side, but this look at this principles has become 2 1/2 seconds. Per tick so you can be able to stack that up. Pretty, pretty, pretty high over the course of the jade sphere deploy. So this is going to trade off some of the damage from the middle trade here with empowered empowerment. Just you get more of that boom support. If you really want it, doesn't really have the tools to be a pure boon support. But a lot of quickness potential with sphere specialists. That's also going to. Empower the boots. From spectacular sphere as well, it's a little bit more of a boom game play style option for the catalyst. There. So a few different things you can do more of that potentially range glassy build or that more melee bruiser or maybe a little bit more the boom boom side of things, a lot of opportunity Elementalist as a whole always a pretty flexible class. SoCal is doing a lot more of the same and that's all the traits we kind of speed ran through all of them. I know if anyone has the splits, we'll come back to those, look at those. And we'll run this again next week and try to be all the times, but definitely not. Let's not do that. But that's so that's the gist of the the catalyst and that actually covers all the specs. So we'll throw it back to Ruby and indigo for the.

Indigo: The peanut gallery.

Rubi: Gallery. Right. Cal. Thank you for doing so much heavy lifting on this particular stream. That was awesome. You did good work. Thank you all for hanging out with us and for hearing about the. Next 3 elite. Specializations. I have a few things for you before we go first, thank you both. For joining. Join us next week. I'm going to be visiting the prime Gamings crown channels. Fight Night live stream. I'll be spending some time with their host, Chelsea Bites and Action Jackson. We're going to play through the Elite specialization beta event for a little while and we're going to. We're going to take. The little Tour of Guild Wars two and you are welcome to come hang out, meet their community, and spend some time. With us, we also have a couple of giveaways to share with you. This is the last day we have a we are giving away this laptop. We have partnered with Dell to get this way. This is the last day to enter that giveaway. There should be a link in chat right now on where you can join. We're also giving away a copy of Path of Fire. And a DX racer Pro Racer gaming chair that giveaway started today. There's the chair. You can go to the link also in chat and see how. Or join there during the beta event next Tuesday on the 21st. It starts on Tuesday. We'll have those beta character slots in there for you as soon as the event starts. We're going to make it as easy as possible for all of you to get in there and try out everything that Cal showed off today. And finally pre purchase of end of Dragons is ongoing. If you pre purchase, you get the game. You also get some pretty cool things that you can use on your account now, including the flame serpent weapon chest, the Campton Raptor Mount Skin, the camp and Cape, and you also get the Shinji Dragon boat skiff skin that you can use in the game once and if Dragons launches. So thank you all for joining us. We will see you hopefully Wednesday afternoon on the prime gaming Fight Night Live stream and we'll see you in the beta event next week.

Cal: Don't forget to hydrate.

Indigo: And pronounce.

Rubi: Yes, we got a pronunciation.

Indigo: We got a pronunciation. It had never been pronounced in. In Guild Wars, one to our knowledge before. So we just had. A big round. OK, So what is it? It's ang siang.

Rubi: Alright. And that's his trust.

Indigo: We want to trust. We want. OK. Yeah, alright.