Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure content

Gather essence of anxiety around Devastated Garenhoff

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Gather essence of anxiety around Devastated Garenhoff is a level 80 group event in Skywatch Archipelago.


  • Invoke the emotion of anxiety and complete activities around Devastated Garenhoff to obtain essence for Lyhr.
  • Essence of Anxiety Collected
  • Event bar empty2.jpg
  • Bonus: Essence-Rich Kryptis Invader Event boss (tango icon).png
  • Event bar.jpg



Pick up Raw Essence of Anxiety to fill up the bar. Besides the orbs that initially spawn when the event starts, the following actions will generate more:

  • Free a trapped villager by rummaging the rubble, and guide back up to 3 Lethal Coalescence (Cold War).png Followers to the safety provided by the Rift Hunter Warrior.
  • Use a water bucket to put out a fire.
  • Bring Donated Food, Fresh Water or Medical Supplies to Garenhoff Refugees in need.
  • Defeat enemies marked with the icon Invasion (map icon).png.
  • Defeat the Essence-Rich Kryptis Invader.







Event start
Arlais: You're a welcome sight. That essence they're looking for is popping up all over the area.
Arlais: I won't lie, things are bad here. But if you can help these villagers, it'd go a long way.
During the event
Arlais: Every little bit counts, but we're going to need more before we're done.
Arlais: You're making a real difference, you know. I know not everyone trusts you, but I'm glad you're here.
Arlais: I tried to get them to stop these experiments. I really did. But... (sigh) I should have done more.
Arlais: One last push and we should have enough essence.
Approaching Rubble, one of the following
Trapped Villager: Please, can someone get this off me? I can't move!
Trapped Villager: Can anyone hear me? This... this stuff fell on me...
Trapped Villager: Someone help, I can barely breathe!
Freeing the villager, one of the following
Villager: Thank you, stranger. I'll... I'll try to be more careful.
Villager: Garenhoff just isn't safe anymore. I've gotta get out of here...
Villager: Thank the Six you got here. I really thought that was the end.
Villager: I can't keep going like this, always wondering what terrible thing will happen next...
Bringing a villager to safety, one of the following
Rift Hunter Warrior: These poor people. Keep at it; we'll protect those you can find.
Rift Hunter Warrior: More of them? What a mess we've made here.
Rift Hunter Warrior: There's reports that more are being attacked around the town. Bring anyone you find back here and we'll look after them.
Bringing Donated Food or Medical Supplies to a thirsty refugee
Garenhoff Refugee: Oh. Thank you, but do you have any water?
Bringing Fresh Water or Medical Supplies to a hungry refugee
Garenhoff Refugee: Thank you, but I really need something to eat.
Bringing Fresh Water or Donated Food to an injured refugee
Garenhoff Refugee: I'm sorry, but what I really need right now is medicine.
Talking to the Rift Hunter Warrior
Rift Hunter Warrior: Keep an eye out for survivors among the rubble around Garenhoff. If you find any, bring them back here, or take them to any of the other safe zones we've got set up!
Talk end option tango.png I'll keep an eye out.
Event success
Arlais: That should cover this area. For now, at least. I'll rest a little easier tonight.
Arlais: I'm sure Mabon and Lyhr will need you elsewhere. Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on everything here.