Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure content

Collect essence to maintain Droknar's Forge

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Collect essence to maintain Droknar's Forge is a level 80 group event in Skywatch Archipelago.


  • Essence of Aggression Fortitude
  • Event bar empty2.jpg
  • Essence of Awe Fortitude
  • Event bar empty2.jpg
  • Essence of Anxiety Fortitude
  • Event bar empty salmon.jpg
  • Essence of Despair Fortitude
  • Event bar empty blue.jpg
  • Essence of Joy Fortitude
  • Event bar empty lime.jpg
  • Essence of Judgement Fortitude
  • Event bar empty magenta.jpg
  • Lyhr finishes forging the key in: 4:00







Event start
Lyhr: Watch out now, everybody, because there's really no telling what might come flying off this thing.
Mabon: Just focus on the forge and we'll deal with the consequences.
Lyhr: this? A caravan in the snow, fire, and...blood.
Mabon: Stay with us, Lyhr. Being exposed to this much raw essence may cause troubling memories rise to the surface.
Lyhr: Are those my...?
Lyhr: That face... The shadows under his eyes, the curve of his nose... Why do I know this face?
Lyhr: Why did I need to forget his face, Mabon?
Mabon: Focus! We need you here, in this moment! Tyria needs you!
Lyhr: Rand... Could it be...?
Lyhr: Mabon, showing up at my door uninvited offer. Wait...what do you mean?
Lyhr: A deception? But why would he... I see it now. An empty promise. The illusion of choice.
Mabon: It was your choice! You did it because you believed in it. And you still believe in it!
Mabon: Push them out and you can do this! We can do this, together!
After event success
Mabon: That's it! The key is as strong as we can make it.
Mabon: Quickly, we need to open the tower now. There's no telling what the Kryptis will do if they gain full control of it.
Mabon: You did well, old friend. Now, lets get back home.
Lyhr: This place was my home before you fooled me into leaving it. What other tricks have you played on me? On everyone?
Mabon: Lyhr, I—
Lyhr: No more of your lies! I will fix this on my own!
Mabon: I...I have to go after him. He...he didn't mean what he...
Mabon: Let me handle this. We can still get him back.
Event failure
Mabon: We've lost too much essence. The key isn't nearly strong enough to open the tower.
Mabon: We were close this time, but we'll need to rest before we try again.