Farzan Steelshaper

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Farzan Steelshaper


Interactive map

Farzan Steelshaper is a charr member of the Iron Legion. He is the leader of a warband responsible for single-handedly building Swordcross Outpost as a forward base against the ghost forces in the Ascalon City Ruins.



Welcome to my little encampment. Impressed that one warband could build such an important outpost alone?
Talk more option tango.png Why is this place so important?
If we intend to drive the dead Ascalonians out, we need a forward base closer to the city. This is that base.
Talk more option tango.png You aren't worried about being overwhelmed out here? (Same as "You aren't concerned about..." below)
Talk end option tango.png All right. I'm leaving.
Talk more option tango.png You aren't concerned about ghosts?
A few angry ghosts aren't going to keep me from my objective. The Iron Legion will be standing long after they have faded from the memory of this land.
Talk more option tango.png Why is this place so important anyway? (Same as "Why is this place..." above)
Talk end option tango.png Go Iron! Good-bye.
Talk end option tango.png Good-bye.