Engineer Larain

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Engineer Larain


Interactive map

Engineer Larain is a human in charge of maintaining the bridge near Snowdrift Haven.


Shiverpeak Mountains

Event involvement[edit]

Event swords (tango icon).png Defeat the dredge loggers (21)


After Stop the Sons of Svanir from planting bombs on the bridge failed
There isn't a bridge in Tyria I can't fix.
Talk more option tango.png Have you fixed many bridges before?
Not even one. But I'm a darn good engineer, and I'll keep this bridge standing.
Talk end option tango.png I'll take your word for it.
Talk end option tango.png Good to know! Take care.
During Defeat the dredge loggers
The woodcutters I sent to gather lumber have not returned, yet. What if they're in trouble?
Tick green.png I'll check on them. Where are they?
They probably went to the grove of fir trees in Hrothgar's Pass. Travel east, and you should find them.
Talk end option tango.png I'll head out now.
Talk more option tango.png What happened here?
Sons of Svanir collapsed the bridge. As a Lionguard engineer, I'm here to make sure it gets fixed.
Tick green.png I'd like to help. Where are the woodcutters? (same as "I'll check on them. Where are they?")
Talk end option tango.png That would be great. Good luck.
Talk end option tango.png They're probably fine. Good-bye.