Drive the Ascalonian ghosts from Spirit Hunter Camp

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Drive the Ascalonian ghosts from Spirit Hunter Camp

Interactive map

Interactive map

Drive the Ascalonian ghosts from Spirit Hunter Camp is a level 10 dynamic event that occurs in Devast District near Spirit Hunter Camp Waypoint.


  • Ghost Forces Remaining
  • Event bar.jpg Event swords (tango icon).png


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 472 Experience.png 63 Karma 14 Copper coin
Silver 402 Experience.png 54 Karma 12 Copper coin
Bronze 354 Experience.png 48 Karma 11 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 10 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





Before event
Iron Legion Marksman: Hey! Over here!
Event success
Maris Spiritbane: Shore up the defenses. First priority is to resecure this position.
Loculus Wildbane: Sir, yes sir!
Varian Ironbane: Right away!