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Defrag the signal fragments and defeat sparks!

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Defrag the signal fragments and defeat sparks!

Interactive map

Interactive map

Defrag the signal fragments and defeat sparks! is a level 80 dynamic event that occurs in five separate locations: Baedal Hill, Bori Ward, Lutgardis Plaza, North Lab, and Power Plant.


  • Stabilize Signal Fragments
  • Event bar empty2.jpg
  • Time until signal disintegrates: 0:20 or 5:00


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.


While interacting with Signal Fragments, to successfully stabilize them it is necessary to select the Correct skill from the skill bar three times in a row while the order is randomized each time. Failing to do so will negate the progress on that specific Fragment and will knock the player down temporarily.


# Skill Activation time Recharge time Description
Correct (event skill).png Correct ...
Purple Symbol.png Incorrect ...






Before event
Xunlai Jade Engineer: This piece of—argh, this damn teleporter! How many times have I repaired it this week?
Xunlai Jade Engineer: You'd think it was made of scrap metal and grub paste. Faulty Tech...
Xunlai Jade Engineer: Here goes nothing...
Event start
Xunlai Jade Engineer: Huh? This isn't where I...
During event
Xunlai Jade Engineer: What's happening?
Xunlai Jade Engineer: There's something corrupt in the system—it's scrambling my signal!
Xunlai Jade Engineer: I think the quantum-entanglement matrix destabilized. I...I don't understand!
Xunlai Jade Engineer: You, stranger! If you can stabilize the signal fragments, this should stop—oh, gods, I'm going to be sick.
Event success
Xunlai Jade Engineer: I' I'm free! thank you, friend—thank you. another minute stuck in that loop and... (groan)
Xunlai Jade Engineer: The teleporter. Let's see if I can run a system analysis, see what caused it to malfunction on us...
Xunlai Jade Engineer: There was some...foreign entity in the system. I can't seem to pull up a status report—everything's completely fried.
Xunlai Jade Engineer: Whatever it was, I hope that was the last of it.
Event failure
Xunlai Jade Engineer: Shut it off! Shut it off!
Xunlai Jade Engineer: Oh, no—gods, no— (screaming)


  • This event will occur at only one of its locations at a time. Each location has its own respective cooldown until the event will occur in that area again, but the event will not start if another event in the area is active.
  • Only the event in Baedal Hill runs on a 5:00 timer, with 0:20 in the other locations.
  • Event failure will deactivate the corresponding Jade Tech Teleporter, removing it as a possible entry or destination of the teleportation grid.