Defeat the rampaging crab

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Defeat the rampaging crab

Interactive map

Interactive map

Defeat the rampaging crab is a level 54 event that occurs in Naui Waters.


  • Veteran Giant Crab / Champion Giant Crab
  • Event bar.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 4,756 Experience.png 261 Karma 61 Copper coin
Silver 4,043 Experience.png 222 Karma 52 Copper coin
Bronze 3,567 Experience.png 196 Karma 46 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 54 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





Event start
Cualli: That was too much! Our crab harvest is ruined!
Sloolap: There should be enough, quaggan hopes.
Cualli: I hope so, too, or else this was all just a waste. Let's see what we can do!
Cualli: I have a plan! Since we don't have enough crabs to sell, we should just make the ones we have really large, so they sell for more.
Sloolap: What do you mean?
Cualli: I've got an experimental potion we can try on this little guy right here. It should make him gigantic!
Sloolap: Boo! that's a bad idea.
Cualli: Oh, he wasn't supposed to drink the entire thing! That could-oh, no!
Sloolap: Nooo! Noo! Run! Run!.
Event success
Sloolap: Boo! Your plans are bad.
Cualli: Well, I thought they were good plans. They just didn't work out as I'd intended.
Sloolap: Now what?
Cualli: Don't worry. We can still make some money. I have a plan.
Sloolap: Boo.