Defeat the largos before it kills Silent Snowfall

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Defeat the largos before it kills Silent Snowfall

Interactive map

Interactive map

Defeat the largos before it kills Silent Snowfall is a level 20 event that occurs in Song of Final Exile. It is part of the Kodan Claw meta event and only occurs if Silent Snowfall became the Claw of Koda.

The alternative to this event is:


  • Silent Snowfall
  • Event bar.jpgEvent shield (tango icon).png
  • Largos Assassin
  • Event bar.jpg Event fist (tango icon).png


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 802 Experience.png 108 Karma 25 Copper coin
Silver 681 Experience.png 92 Karma 21 Copper coin
Bronze 601 Experience.png 81 Karma 19 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 20 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





Event starts
Veteran Largos Assassin: "Champion of the kodan, perhaps you can offer me the challenge I seek! Prepare yourself!"
NPCs begin to fight
Silent Snowfall: "Calm yourselves. Fear will accomplish nothing."
Event completed
Veteran Largos Assassin: "I am impressed, kodan. You have earned your reprieve, but this fight is not over."
Silent Snowfall: "Bloodlust is no match for a spirit in symmetry."
Silent Snowfall: "Take heart. When you fall, simply get back up, like a bird learning to fly."
Event failed
Veteran Largos Assassin: "As one hunt ends, another begins."
Claw Honor Guard: "Koda, forgive our failure."
After the event has failed
Claw Honor Guard: "I come bearing news that weighs like a boulder on my back. The Claw of Koda has been killed."
The Voice of Koda: "I saw visions of a dark shadow before you approached. Tell me, did you see who did this?"
Claw Honor Guard: "I have no name for what I saw. All I can say is that it was swift and deadly."
The Voice of Koda: "We will honor the Claw that has passed and wait for a message from Koda."